1 00:00:17,017 --> 00:00:18,917 Did you see any dry cIeaner sit on donkey. 2 00:00:20,420 --> 00:00:20,818 You can see here B y : J A Y 7 8 3 00:00:21,654 --> 00:00:23,417 and deviI is back on Iord 4 00:00:25,759 --> 00:00:26,589 You must see here. 5 00:00:28,628 --> 00:00:30,997 Its a very strange city Iike that. 6 00:00:30,997 --> 00:00:32,589 WeIcome to sankat city. 7 00:02:39,325 --> 00:02:41,828 Which one director movie is not fIop. its must be to any one. 8 00:02:41,828 --> 00:02:44,319 But Mr.Sikander 7 pictures are fIop. 9 00:02:44,397 --> 00:02:46,865 and its one by one fIIop. on the Iine. 10 00:02:48,001 --> 00:02:49,400 My time is must come back. 11 00:02:49,903 --> 00:02:51,404 Remember. what i teII you. 12 00:02:51,404 --> 00:02:55,775 My new movie must become a success. 13 00:02:55,775 --> 00:02:58,369 in this movie my character is very different 14 00:02:58,578 --> 00:03:03,316 Yes LoveIy jee You see sikander khan is finished. 15 00:03:03,316 --> 00:03:04,918 he cry by his nose 16 00:03:04,918 --> 00:03:06,476 and now he want a time begger person. 17 00:03:07,554 --> 00:03:11,354 He said if more more movie reIease of mine then i paid aII amount.v 18 00:03:15,662 --> 00:03:20,258 What you think is it any new movie coming of sikandar khan. 19 00:03:20,466 --> 00:03:22,263 Nobody can touch his movie 20 00:03:22,936 --> 00:03:26,804 Faujdar Bro Vade sahab must refuse his credits. 21 00:03:31,344 --> 00:03:32,777 So can i Ieave is credit? 22 00:03:34,380 --> 00:03:34,846 whoIe credits. 23 00:03:35,882 --> 00:03:37,315 Up to down i Ieave his credits. 24 00:04:03,576 --> 00:04:05,635 This marriage wiII not done. 25 00:04:06,846 --> 00:04:17,518 thre is one caII of prime minister Famous ISI Agent AItaf Farooqi is in india. 26 00:04:18,324 --> 00:04:27,426 Go and teII to my bride. nobody care reIation between duty. 27 00:04:28,268 --> 00:04:31,704 and aIso teII her. if we success in opur mission. 28 00:04:31,704 --> 00:04:34,274 Then i'II be groom again. 29 00:04:34,274 --> 00:04:36,009 This ceremony start again. 30 00:04:36,009 --> 00:04:40,580 TeII haiI hindustan? 31 00:04:40,580 --> 00:04:42,411 Come Iets go my horse Tik Tik Tik. 32 00:04:50,890 --> 00:04:52,255 why they cant say Cut. 33 00:04:53,660 --> 00:04:58,324 zara you msut say cut. short is done. 34 00:04:58,464 --> 00:04:59,829 Take it and say. -can i say? 35 00:05:00,800 --> 00:05:02,290 HeIIo Cut. 36 00:05:02,368 --> 00:05:04,233 wonderfuI short sir wonderfuI short 37 00:05:04,437 --> 00:05:05,301 Not short. Its Shit. 38 00:05:05,571 --> 00:05:08,541 in this movie there is too much shit short. 39 00:05:08,541 --> 00:05:10,610 Its compIete shit of eIephant. 40 00:05:10,610 --> 00:05:15,648 BundIe story, bundIe direction and biggest is that my hero market is compIetIy zero. 41 00:05:15,648 --> 00:05:20,210 No body can save this must be fIop. 42 00:05:20,720 --> 00:05:25,623 This movie must become super hit. 43 00:05:29,562 --> 00:05:31,331 Its a muIti pIex generation. 44 00:05:31,331 --> 00:05:32,598 Our time is finished. 45 00:05:32,598 --> 00:05:34,000 this is Iast fiIm. 46 00:05:34,000 --> 00:05:36,336 Now what you doing? 47 00:05:36,336 --> 00:05:37,770 You Ieave where i go? 48 00:05:37,770 --> 00:05:39,672 You are going to studio where you go! 49 00:05:39,672 --> 00:05:40,934 in which studio sir 50 00:05:42,408 --> 00:05:45,775 I teII you after retirement i'II buy Iand 51 00:05:46,346 --> 00:05:48,448 And i make very good studion on this pIace. 52 00:05:48,448 --> 00:05:49,949 You forgot everytime. 53 00:05:49,949 --> 00:05:51,751 Oh that studio sir. 54 00:05:51,751 --> 00:05:55,710 I though you take wine and teII any thing 55 00:05:55,855 --> 00:05:57,724 No there is after drink there is start. 56 00:05:57,724 --> 00:06:00,259 I make new studio Iike hoIIywood. 57 00:06:00,259 --> 00:06:02,929 and there is major Iike madrasi. 58 00:06:02,929 --> 00:06:04,297 Madrasi mean? 59 00:06:04,297 --> 00:06:05,286 Mean you dear. 60 00:06:06,632 --> 00:06:08,600 Now teII me whats a next short. 61 00:06:09,335 --> 00:06:11,633 We finished remain picture and going from here. 62 00:06:11,871 --> 00:06:12,633 ReaIIy Sir. -Yes. 63 00:06:14,640 --> 00:06:16,369 Hey come here. 64 00:06:16,943 --> 00:06:20,606 Put the camera here and short doing here. 65 00:06:22,348 --> 00:06:25,317 There is you are in jaiI and i am fuII here. 66 00:06:26,386 --> 00:06:31,323 Thank God. Jhonny teII to his boss and hire a job for me. 67 00:06:31,991 --> 00:06:33,754 Jhonny is your cousin? 68 00:06:34,327 --> 00:06:37,530 Corrent . he is bouncer Night cIub boom of Faujdaar. 69 00:06:37,530 --> 00:06:39,265 He is Iike gangster person 70 00:06:39,265 --> 00:06:40,666 He is too danger. 71 00:06:40,666 --> 00:06:43,226 He treat me Iike dog. 72 00:06:43,369 --> 00:06:44,404 oh reaIIy. 73 00:06:44,404 --> 00:06:45,004 Yes 74 00:06:45,004 --> 00:06:46,369 So Ieave him that baster job. 75 00:06:46,839 --> 00:06:47,828 i got very good saIary. 76 00:06:47,907 --> 00:06:49,704 and now a days i need money. 77 00:06:50,943 --> 00:06:52,205 I have aIso girI friend. 78 00:06:52,812 --> 00:06:56,482 Oh wow my fIip Fattu. 79 00:06:56,482 --> 00:06:58,347 who is she? 80 00:06:58,885 --> 00:07:00,546 GuIbadan -GuIbadan! 81 00:07:01,354 --> 00:07:01,718 what she did? 82 00:07:03,556 --> 00:07:04,887 she work in Iouge. 83 00:07:06,592 --> 00:07:07,320 which Iouge? 84 00:07:08,428 --> 00:07:09,292 IaIa Louge 85 00:07:09,562 --> 00:07:12,156 which Iouge? -IaIa Iouge 86 00:07:14,267 --> 00:07:16,895 say cIearIy she is prostitue. 87 00:07:18,204 --> 00:07:20,297 Fattu save from disease. 88 00:07:22,775 --> 00:07:23,742 you use comdom 89 00:07:24,343 --> 00:07:25,275 yes i kept in my pocket. 90 00:07:25,812 --> 00:07:29,475 And she said FIip we can do sex after marriage. 91 00:07:29,949 --> 00:07:31,473 Not at aII. 92 00:07:31,918 --> 00:07:33,783 Ieave it you teII about you. 93 00:07:34,620 --> 00:07:35,587 What you think about next? 94 00:07:38,424 --> 00:07:39,448 We do one Iast work. 95 00:07:40,359 --> 00:07:40,620 FuII and finaI 96 00:07:41,627 --> 00:07:43,527 We do very big hand theft and go from here. 97 00:07:44,730 --> 00:07:46,960 no i cant do any wrong work. 98 00:07:48,734 --> 00:07:51,498 What? -but i can heIp you in one work. 99 00:07:52,405 --> 00:07:56,398 I give you very good customer (Bakra) in faujdaar night cIub. 100 00:07:57,276 --> 00:07:57,765 there is too much rich persons. 101 00:07:58,611 --> 00:08:00,203 I did setup for you. 102 00:08:00,580 --> 00:08:01,205 Its my duty. 103 00:08:06,452 --> 00:08:09,353 hey brother one minute stop the car. 104 00:08:09,555 --> 00:08:11,284 One minute bro stop stop. 105 00:08:15,394 --> 00:08:16,292 Bro its my car. 106 00:08:17,263 --> 00:08:18,696 I teII you? why you park his car in no parking? 107 00:08:19,432 --> 00:08:20,831 Oh dear we settIment here. 108 00:08:25,304 --> 00:08:25,827 you give me bribe? 109 00:08:27,874 --> 00:08:28,636 No worries. 110 00:08:31,978 --> 00:08:33,309 Do one thing keep this in your pocket. 111 00:08:33,713 --> 00:08:37,171 Go to station and put 200rs more and reIease your car. 112 00:08:38,317 --> 00:08:39,284 Now dont waste my time. 113 00:08:39,619 --> 00:08:40,586 hey Iisten to me bro. 114 00:08:41,287 --> 00:08:41,651 Hey Isiten to me. 115 00:08:42,889 --> 00:08:43,821 i give you more money. 116 00:08:47,693 --> 00:08:50,253 Hey pIease stop pIease my car. 117 00:08:50,696 --> 00:08:54,598 Brother he take my car. This is not your car its my car. 118 00:08:54,667 --> 00:08:58,603 he devdas you didnt back from intoxicate from tonight, you teII this muncipIicty car is yours. 119 00:08:58,804 --> 00:08:59,361 you taIk about which one car? 120 00:08:59,739 --> 00:09:00,330 these 2 trucks 121 00:09:00,873 --> 00:09:01,601 What? 122 00:09:02,675 --> 00:09:03,664 He take your truck aIso? 123 00:09:27,199 --> 00:09:31,636 LineoI metre down in arabian sea in 20km speed. 124 00:09:32,204 --> 00:09:37,540 Because of this mumbai and other nearest area feII some earthquake. 125 00:10:17,817 --> 00:10:18,579 Oh Shit 126 00:10:19,986 --> 00:10:21,977 How much time i teII you. Dont sIeep here 127 00:10:23,422 --> 00:10:25,390 One day its faII down on you you know that. 128 00:10:26,525 --> 00:10:28,459 You know about that earth quake coming in mumbai. 129 00:10:30,329 --> 00:10:32,965 What i do Guru.. i cant sIeep any other pIace. 130 00:10:32,965 --> 00:10:33,932 Lets go.. 131 00:10:35,301 --> 00:10:37,792 we can take dinner. i make bhaji for you. 132 00:10:38,504 --> 00:10:39,493 MarwaI Bhaji? -yes 133 00:10:40,339 --> 00:10:41,397 Its too much tasty? -Yes 134 00:10:41,774 --> 00:10:42,763 Our dinner is doen brother. 135 00:10:43,576 --> 00:10:45,703 i eat very good biryani. 136 00:10:48,714 --> 00:10:52,912 Hey you cant remember. one oId man is waiting for you in garrage. 137 0...