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Temari Pattern 99PG05 instructions
Temari Pattern 99PG05
Advanced Beginner to Intermediate, contributed by Paula George
Download PDF file of this pattern
Spirograph 4 Pointed Star
Paula arrived with a bucketfull of gorgeous temari for
the 2004 Temari NY Stitchin; this one quickly became a
requested favorite among the attendees. This pattern
can be as simple or as dressed up as you want it to be
and is a great outcome on a simple division. You'll see
this pattern in several of the Japanese Temari books.
Paula gives us the English interpretation and notes that:
The Japanese temari book “Fun with Temari" has a 5
pointed star pictured on page 9 with diagrams on page
69. It is worked with the same “spirograph” type of
For the 4 pointed star ball, mark a simple 8
division with equator. Put support lines in place
as follows: On every other division line place a
pin one fourth of the distance down from the
north pole. On the remaining division lines place
a pin 3/5ths of the distance down from the north
pole. Use marking thread to connect these 8
pins (these support lines shown in red in the
diagram below). Now all rounds are done by
following the order marked on the attached
diagram. Note that stitches at points 1,4, 7, and
10 are around division lines. At all other points
the stitch is taken around the support line.
Work rounds in colors of your choice
points 1 thru 12 in order and then back
to 1. Continue with rounds until points 1,
4, 7, and 10 reach the equator. Repeat
for the southern hemisphere.Try
changing the values of one fourth and
one half markings for the support lines
to get different effects. Embellishments
can be done in the negative space
squares left after completing both
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Paula notes that the size of the mari affects the point placement for the extra
guidelines: "The key is to try to maximize the distance up from the equator while at the
same time making the length of each support line as close to that distance as possible...For
the smaller balls (2.5 inches and smaller) 1/4 and 1/2 down works well, for the larger balls
(3 inchers and larger), 1/4 and 3/5ths works better. The number of rounds is restricted by
the shorter of the two lengths, although if one is willing to offset the north and south
hemisphere stars it is only limited by the lenth of the support line."
Note from Ginny- I had some questions come in about where to stitch - here's a quick photo
to show a stitch on the marking line and a stitch on the extra guideline
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Last updated 7/04 © From 1998 inclusive G.Thompson and Paula George
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