historia miłosna - en kärlekshistoria - a swedish love story reż. roy andersson 1970 cd2.txt

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00:00:01:/SubEdit b.3875 (http://alfa.icis.pcz.czest.pl/~subedit)/
00:00:08:He doesn't give a shit about me...
00:02:11:P�r! Wait!
00:04:28:Are you coming?
00:04:33:You'd better get ready.
00:04:41:Don't you see how silly you are?|Idiot!
00:07:34:- Annika, who is it?|- P�r.
00:07:36:Go in and sit in the living room.|There's pop in the fridge.
00:07:49:- Hello.|- Hi.
00:07:59:- Hello.|- Hi.
00:08:06:Aren't you going to get the pop?
00:08:10:- What are you going to be?|- I don't know.
00:08:15:- You haven't made up your mind?|- No.
00:08:30:- I see you're a musician.|- Yeah, guitar.
00:08:37:- Then you must know "Guitar Boogie."|- No...
00:08:44:- Do you know anything Spanish?|- No...
00:08:53:- "Come prima"?|- No...
00:09:00:That... um...
00:09:13:And you don't know|what you want to be?
00:09:27:- Did you take a bath?|- No, I just did my hair.
00:09:37:Don't let him stay too long.
00:10:04:- Would you like a sandwich?|- Sure.
00:10:23:- Cheese or sausage?|- <i>Sausage. </i>
00:11:01:- Is this a good look for me?|- Uh-huh.
00:11:07:- How 'bout this?|- Uh-huh.
00:11:12:- How 'bout this?|- Did you make these yourself?
00:11:28:They're good.
00:12:36:- Go.|- One, two, three...
00:12:39:That's the only chord I know.
00:13:25:I can't do it.
00:13:43:Want some sherry?
00:17:01:- Peddling shoelaces?|- Go to hell, you bastard!
00:19:02:- Hi.|- Hi.
00:19:18:It's only Eva.
00:19:22:- Hello.|- Hi.
00:20:03:- Did it scare you when I came?|- Yeah.
00:20:06:- Why?|- I don't know.
00:20:10:- Have you had fun?|- Yeah.
00:20:14:And they're coming tonight.
00:20:20:- How old are you again?|- Almost fourteen.
00:20:26:I came up because...
00:20:30:I don't know why I came up.|I'm so lonely!
00:20:53:On this path I choose to roam
00:20:59:free and high, it leads me home
00:21:07:touched by the sun's eternal hand
00:21:15:Like a sea of mighty pines
00:21:22:endless ancient mountain climes
00:21:30:stretch before you in endless glory
00:21:46:My fatherland
00:22:27:If only I had money!
00:22:32:- I'd travel somewhere.|- We couldn't afford to go to Spain.
00:23:28:Most of you know me,|but just in case:
00:23:32:I'm Lennart Engkvist and I'm to talk|about our new marketing programme.
00:23:39:You see before you a product in our|new "Future Line" series: the RV 77.
00:23:46:Future Line:|The product range of the future.
00:23:55:When Elsa met John,|she was dating a hairdresser Sven.
00:24:02:He was from Dalarna.
00:24:08:This is Erik.
00:24:13:- I dated him for two years.|- He's pretty cute.
00:24:19:He's at sea now.
00:24:26:Dad doesn't like us|talking about the past.
00:24:30:...one of the old hands|in this company, John Hellberg.
00:24:45:Dad thinks we're not interested|if we don't come. He gets all hurt.
00:24:52:Bertil Edberg.
00:25:02:Nisse Nilsson.
00:25:12:And Sven Johansson.
00:25:19:- And the winner is ticket number 71.|- Oh, that's me!
00:25:50:- Where have you been?|- Making a phone call.
00:25:54:- What train is she coming on?|- The 7.30.
00:25:59:- What does her father do?|- He's a salesman.
00:28:31:- Hi. How are you?|- Fine.
00:28:35:- What are you looking at?|- You've got new glasses.
00:28:43:Let me take your bag.|It's big.
00:28:47:I have to phone home.
00:28:58:Mum wondered if you were|a nice boy, whatever that means!
00:29:25:Is that a busy signal?|Toot-toot-toot-toot?
00:29:30:That's an air raid signal!
00:29:33:The busy signal is|toot... toot... toot... toot.
00:29:43:Hi, it's Annika.|The trip was great.
00:29:57:- No. - Mum wants to talk to you.|- To me?
00:30:06:Hello. Uh-huh.
00:30:18:No, she won't.|Good bye.
00:31:28:A little to the right.
00:32:28:Here they come.
00:33:05:- Hello.|- Hi.
00:33:10:- How was your trip? Was it crowded?|- Yes.
00:33:14:- Coffee?|- Sure.
00:33:17:- Shall we go fishing later?|- Nah, I don't feel like it.
00:33:23:Park your moped|and I'll take in the bag.
00:34:38:- Will it be a big party?|- Pretty big.
00:34:46:This is my Dad's fishing spot.
00:34:49:Once he caught 18 pike here.
00:34:55:I'll bet he'll ask your Dad|to come fish here.
00:35:00:- My Dad doesn't like fishing.|- He doesn't?
00:35:04:- What does he like doing?|- Hunting.
00:36:41:Good night.
00:36:44:Let's go to bed.
00:36:58:Are you sure you want|the bottom bunk? Okay, then.
00:37:08:We'll get up around 7.30.
00:37:27:- Honey? Have you ordered crayfish?|- <i>What was that? </i>
00:37:34:- Have you ordered crayfish?|- <i>Yes. </i>
00:37:39:- Enough for everyone?|- Yes.
00:38:01:- <i>Honey? </i>|- Yes?
00:38:03:- Did you buy party hats?|- Yes.
00:38:11:- Enough for everyone?|- Yes.
00:38:15:- <i>Honey? </i>|- Yes?
00:38:17:<i>It's too bad I didn't finish</i>|<i>the chair before they came. </i>
00:39:14:- You're Annika's mother? Welcome.|- My husband will be here at 10.00.
00:39:23:- Is he tired? Let's take him inside.|- That would be nice.
00:39:30:Hi, love.|Dad will be here at ten.
00:39:42:- Bertil.|- Eva.
00:40:04:- I just gave them a ride.|- You will stay for some crayfish?
00:40:09:Yes, do!
00:40:35:Have you heard this one?|It was the first day of school-
00:40:39:- And the teacher was writing down|the kids' names as they came.
00:40:46:- "What's your name?"|- "Nisse Karlsson."
00:40:49:- "And you?"|- "Olle Karlsson."
00:40:52:- "And you?"|- "Sven Karlsson."
00:40:56:- "Goodness, are you triplets?"|- "Yes."
00:41:02:"Why is your voice so deep?"
00:41:06:"Mum only had two breasts,|so I had to suck dad's."
00:41:19:Have you heard this one? A farmer|and a farm hand sat in the kitchen-
00:41:24:- Getting ready to eat breakfast,|porridge and milk.
00:41:31:Then... Let me see...|Yeah, the farmer...
00:41:36:...opened the window|and threw out the porridge.
00:41:43:The farm hand saw that and|took the milk and threw it out too.
00:41:50:"What on earth are you doing?"|says the farmer.
00:41:54:"I thought we were going|to have a picnic."
00:41:59:This is very good.|Did you make this salad yourself?
00:42:58:- Look, here comes John!|- Hi!
00:43:15:Hello! Have a seat|and I'll heat up the food.
00:43:20:Yes, there's food.
00:43:22:- John Hellberg.|- Hello.
00:43:27:John Hellberg.
00:43:32:- John Hellberg.|- Verner.
00:43:36:Hi there, Iceman!
00:43:44:John Hellberg.
00:43:48:- Here you are.|- A little hat.
00:43:57:And a bib.
00:44:47:- Gunhild, come toast with John.|- Cheers!
00:45:00:- I see you have electricity.|- Yes.
00:45:06:- I brought up a mini fridge...|- I have an ice-cold basement.
00:45:16:- Cheers...|- Lasse. Cheers, John!
00:45:27:Let's try the fridge anyway.|You have electricity out here.
00:45:32:Arne! Come drink a toast|with the refrigerator salesman.
00:45:38:- Cheers!|- John is his name.
00:45:41:Cheers, you car shyster!
00:45:48:He's being rude,|this refrigerator shyster.
00:45:55:Cheers, John.
00:46:05:We'll go catch a fish later-fresh|from the lake. Who needs a fridge?
00:46:11:Cheers, John!
00:46:18:Bring your old car round|and I'll paint it for you.
00:47:03:They're supposed to be cold.
00:47:07:- Even in the country.|- Lf you have a basement...
00:47:19:Who's sleeping in the tent?|The ones with the jumpers?
00:47:43:- Wine... It's not my strong side.|- It's a question of temperature.
00:47:49:Watch out!
00:48:04:As I said, there's nothing wrong|with the basement. Ice cold!
00:48:09:But we can always give it a try.
00:48:23:- Is it plugged in?|- Yes. Didn't it light up?
00:48:26:I'll turn the plug around.
00:48:31:- Did it light up now?|- No.
00:48:57:- Do you want coffee?|- I was going to shoot some fireworks.
00:49:27:- Should I do it now?|- Go ahead.
00:49:32:- John, did you bring a fishing reel?|- Shut up!
00:49:39:Have you seen this before?
00:50:38:Bertil, cheers!
00:50:44:- Things are about to liven up.|- Bertil, light up.
00:50:50:Be patient. You have to be careful.|It might be damp.
00:50:56:- I've saved it since New Year.|- Light it.
00:51:08:- Oh, I didn't see anything.|- One more!
00:51:13:No, I only had one.|You can't stand in there and watch!
00:51:27:John, did you see it?
00:51:51:- Elsa?|- Yes.
00:51:56:I want to make a speech.
00:52:00:And if I got to make that speech-
00:52:05:- It would be to everyone on earth.|All of humanity!
00:52:17:I'd say that the world consists|of a whole bunch of bastards.
00:52:23:Do you hear me?! Bastards!
00:52:34:Elsa, I've wasted|45 years of my life.
00:53:08:- Are you cold?|- No, it's nice.
00:53:22:And my daughter...|I want her out of here-now!
00:53:29:You won't turn her|into a country bumpkin!
00:53:36:She's going to be rich!|Rich! Rich! Rich!
00:53:43:You hear me?! She's going to be rich!
00:53:51:She won't have to kiss other people's|arses like I've had to do...
00:53:58:Wasting her life|on a bunch of crap!
00:54:11:She's going to have money!|Money! Money! Money!
00:54:17:That's all that matters|in this goddamned world!
00:54:25:I know it! I know it! I know it!
00:54:36:Or else they'll walk all over you!
00:54:41:Crush them! Stomp on them, Annika!
00:54:53:Stomp on them, Annika!
00:55:08:Bertil! Here we are.
00:55:14:- Is everyone coming?|- Yes.
00:55:19:- Hello!|- Yes!
00:55:28:- Is everyone coming?|- Yes!
00:55:32:Lasse! Wait!
00:55:36:This way.
00:55:52:- There's a hat floating here.|- It's not mine.
00:55:57:Does everyone have their hats?|Who the hell's is this, then?
00:56:04:That John, he's such a loudmouth.|A real shyster.
00:56:10:I think...
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