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Recording script
1. Yes, itÓs actually not the kind of film I usually like, but I have to say it was done rather well. I guess
because it wasnÓt all special effects Î there was actually some plot and characterization too. And
the robots were really very funny and sweet. And they did provide some comic relief from the big
planetary battle scenes. No, could have been a lot worse.
2. Oh, it was adorable. I think we enjoyed it more than the kids did! It was about this little toy cowboy
who feels threatened when his owner, you know, a little boy, gets a new robot-thing for Christmas.
The animation was fantastic! It really did look real. Still, donÓt think they draw them by hand these
days, do they? ItÓs all done by computer.
3. Yeah, it was some kind of sentimental rubbish about a policeman who falls in love with a bank clerk
who he meets after a robbery. Typical stuff Î they move in together, split up, get back together. Bit
boring, really, to tell you the truth.
4. Well, it was BarryÓs choice and I thought, ÒOh no, whatÓs he gone and got this time?Ó, but it was
actually really rather fun. Loads of car chases and people doing impossible things like jumping from
one building to the next. And the scene in the cable car at the end wasÈ well, I was literally on the
edge of my seat. No, very good.
5. ÒReturn of the VampireÓ it was called, or something like that. Made in 1964, but still quite scary.
About an aristocrat, whoÓs actually the grandson of Count Dracula, living in London. Loads of blood,
and of course they get him in the end, but not bad at all really.
[Source: Skills for First Certificate Î Listening and Speaking, Lesson 1, Activity I]
± Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2004
Taken from the TEFL Skills section in
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