Model kartonowy - Digital Card Model 2001 - Lewisgun.pdf

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C ooling Jack et P late
F or the ammo dr um and c ooling
jack et pla te par ts. S tack the disks
until you ma tch the thick ness of the
strip. T han wr ap with same .
T his is a pa ttern for the r ear
sigh t. Out er r ing of thin wir e
cross hairs ar e thread .
Ammo D rum P ar ts
Muzzle F lash R oll to desir ed thick ness
T he f our "U" shap ed P iec es OR
the black str ip ar e used t o mak e
the rear handle br ack et.
T he br own str ip is r olled to a tub e
as the handle .
C ooling Jack et
R oll into a tub e
Use dr awings t o determine pr oper
tube thick ness .
T he t wo blocks ab ove, c ontain the main fr ame piec es
Direc tly ab ove ar e the inner fr ame piec es , and the pla te which supp orts the ammo dr um
above tha t ar e the out er fr ame piec es .
C ooling Jack et P late
F or the ammo dr um and c ooling
jack et pla te par ts. S tack the disks
until you ma tch the thick ness of the
strip. T han wr ap with same .
T his is a pa ttern for the r ear
sigh t. Out er r ing of thin wir e
cross hairs ar e thread .
Ammo D rum P ar ts
Muzzle F lash R oll to desir ed thick ness
T he f our "U" shap ed P iec es OR
the black str ip ar e used t o mak e
the rear handle br ack et.
T he br own str ip is r olled to a tub e
as the handle .
C ooling Jack et
R oll into a tub e
Use dr awings t o determine pr oper
tube thick ness .
T he t wo blocks ab ove, c ontain the main fr ame piec es
Direc tly ab ove ar e the inner fr ame piec es , and the pla te which supp orts the ammo dr um
above tha t ar e the out er fr ame piec es .
T he fr ont sigh t, rear sigh t, and r ear sigh t supp ort ar e made fr om thin wire. while the cr osshairs in the r ear sigh t ar e
made with thr ead .
T he small sec tion of gun bar rel in the fr ont is made fr om a pin. T he muzzle flash guar d is a r olled pap er tube, glued t o the pin
af ter which a p encil tip or lik e objec t is used t o flair the fr ont.
T he view s b elow ar e sho wn in two sc ales , the lar ge one f or r eferenc e and the small one f or sizing y our par ts.
Muzzle flash
paper tube flair ed
with pencil tip
Ammo drum
par ts
F rame P iec es
S ight and r ear sigh t s upp ort
use thin wir e
Handle and handle br ack et piec es
G un bar rel use a pin
C ooling Jack et pla te
C ooling Jack et pla tcover
Ammo supp ort plate in the fr ame piec es b ox
C opyright@2001 digital C ar d M odels / S teve B ucher
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