Rudy Rucker - Chu and the Nants.rtf

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Chu and the Nants

Chu and the Nants

by Rudy Rucker

The authors most recent appearance in our pages was with his October/November 2005 Thought Experiment, Adventures in Gnarly Computation, which was based on his latest nonfiction book, The Lifebox, the Seashell, and the Soul. Rudy has written twenty-seven science fiction and popular science books. His latest novel, Mathematicians in Love, is due from Tor in the fall. Rudy was an early cyberpunk, and often writes SF in a realistic style that he characterizes as transreal. Inspired by Charles Strosss Accelerando, Rudy is currently writing a novel involving the computational Singularity described in Chu and the Nants.

* * * *

Little Chu was Nektars joy and her sorrow. The four-year-old boy was winsome, with a chestnut cap of shiny brown hair, long dark eyelashes, and a tidy mouth. Chu allowed Nektar and her husband to cuddle him, hed smile now and then, and he understood what they said--if it suited his moods. But he wouldnt talk in recognizable words.

The doctors had pinpointed the problem as an empathy deficit, a type of autism resulting from a crescent-shaped flaw in the upper layer of Chus cingulate cortex. This hardware flaw prevented Chu from being able to see other people as having minds and emotions separate from his own.

I wonder if Chu thinks were toons, said Nektars husband Ond, a pear-shaped man with thinning blonde hair. Were here to entertain him. Why talk to the screen? Ond was an engineer working for Nantel, Inc., and among strangers he could seem kind of autistic himself. But he was warm and friendly within the circle of his friends and immediate family. They were walking to the car after another visit to the doctor, big Ond holding little Chus hand.

Maybe Chu feels like were all one, said Nektar. She was a beautiful young woman with round cheeks, full lips, guileless eyes, and long kinky light-brown hair. Maybe Chu imagines that we automatically know what hes thinking. She reached back to adjust the bushy ponytail that floated behind her head like a cloud.

How about it, Chu? said Ond, lifting the boy up and giving him a kiss. Is Mommy the same as you? Or is she a machine?

Ma chine ma chine ma chine, said Chu, probably not meaning anything by it. He often parroted phrases he heard, sometimes chanting a single word for a whole day.

What about the experimental treatment the doctor mentioned? said Nektar, looking down at her son, an asterisk of wrinkles knit into her rounded brow. The nants, she continued. Why wouldnt you let me tell the doctor that you work for Nantel, Ond? I think you bruised my shin.

Nants were bio-mimetic self-reproducing nanomachines being developed in the Nantel labs--for several years now thered been news-stories about nants having a big future in medical apps. The doctor had suggested that a swarm of properly programmed nants might eventually be injected into Chu to find their way to his brain-scar and coax the neurons into growing the needed patch.

I dont like arguing tech with normals, said Ond, still carrying Chu in his arms, his voice a little sullen because it broke his heart to see Nektar worry. Its like mud-wrestling a cripple. The stories about medical nant apps are hype and spin and PR, Nektar. Nantel pitches that line of bullshit so the feds dont outlaw our research. The reality is that well never be able to program nants in any purposeful, long-lasting, high-level way. All we can do is give the individual nants a few starting rules. The nant swarms develop their own Wolfram-irreducible emergent hive-mind behaviors. Well never really control the nants, and thats why I wouldnt want them to get at my son.

So then? said Nektar. We babysit him for the rest of our lives? Though Chu could be sweet, he could also be difficult. Hardly an hour went by without a fierce tantrum--and half the time you didnt even know why.

Dont give up, said Ond, reaching out to smooth the furrow between Nektars eyebrows. He might get better on his own. Vitamins, special education--and later I bet I can teach him to write code.

Im going to pray, said Nektar. And give him lots of love. And not let him watch so much video.

Video is good, said Ond, who loved his games.

Video is totally autistic, said Nektar. You stare at the screen and you never talk. If it werent for me, you two would be hopeless.

Ma chine ma chine ma chine, said Chu.

Pray to who? said Ond.

The goddess, said Nektar. Gaia. Mother Earth. Heres our car.

Chu did get a little better. By the time he was five, hed ask for things instead of just pointing and mewling. There was a boy next door, Willy, who liked to play with Chu, which was nice to see. The two boys played videogames together, mostly. Despite Nektars attempts, there was no cutting down on Chus video sessions. He watched movies and shows, cruised the web, and logged endless hours of those games. Chu acted as if ordinary life were just another website, a rather dull one.

Indeed, whenever Nektar dragged Chu outside for some fresh air, hed stand beside the house next to the wall separating him from the video room, and scream until the neighbors complained. Now and then Nektar found herself wishing Chu would disappear--and she hated herself for it.

Ond wasnt around as much as before--he was putting in long hours at Nantel. The project remained secret until the day President Joe Doakes announced that the US was going to rocket an eggcase of nants to Mars. The semi-living micron-sized dust specks had been programmed to turn Mars entirely into--more nants! Ten-to-the-thirty-ninth nants, to be precise, each of them with a billion bytes of memory and a computational engine cranking along at a billion updates a second. The nants would spread out across the celestial sphere of the Mars orbit, tiling it with what would in effect become a quakkaflop quakkabyte solar-powered computer, the greatest intellectual resource ever under the control of man, a Dyson sphere with a radius of a quarter-billion kilometers.

Quakka what? Nektar asked Ond, not quite understanding what was going on.

They were watching an excited newscaster talking about the nant-launch on TV. Ond and his co-workers had all stayed home to share the launch with their families--the Nantel administrators had closed down their headquarters for the month, fearing that mobs of demonstrators might converge on them as the story broke. Ond was sharing the launch excitement with his co-workers live on little screens scattered around the room. Many of them were drinking champagne and, for a wonder, so was Ond. Ond never drank.

Quakka means ten-to-the-forty-eight, said Ond. That many bytes of storage and the ability to carry out that many primitive instructions per second. Quite a gain on the human brain, eh? We limp along with exaflop exabyte ware, exa meaning a mere ten-to-the-eighteenth. How smart could the nant sphere be? Imagine if a person had each of their individual brain-neurons replaced by a whole entire brain. And now imagine that someone covered Earths surface with superbrain people like that: copies slotted in shoulder-to-shoulder, back-to-belly, and piled a mile high. Imagine all those brains in all those bodies working together to make--something like a human cubed.

People arent stupid enough already? President Doakes is supporting this--why?

He wanted to do it before the Chinese. And his advisers imagine the nants will be under American control. Theyre viewing the nant-sphere as a strategic military planning tool. Thats why they could short-circuit all the environmental review processes. Ond gave a wry chuckle and shook his head. But its not going to work out like those idiots expect. A human-cubed nant-sphere would obey Joe Doakes? Please.

And theyre grinding Mars into dust? wailed Nektar. You helped make this happen?

Nant, said Chu, crawling around the floor, shoving his face right up to each of the little screens, adjusting their positions as he moved around. Nant sphere, he said to a screen. Quakkaflop computer. He was excited about the number-talk and the video hardware. Getting all the electronic devices arranged parallel or at right angles to each other made him happy as a clam.

It wont be very dark at night anymore, with sunlight bouncing back off the nants, said Ond. Thats not real well-known yet. The whole sky will look about as bright as the moon. Itll take some getting used to. But Doakess advisers like it. Well save energy, and the economy can run right around the clock. And, get this, Olliburton, the vice-presidents old company, theyre planning to sell ads.

Lies and propaganda in the sky? Just at night, or in the daytime, too?

Oh, theyll show up fine in the daytime, said Ond. As long as its not cloudy. Think about how easily you can see a crescent moon in the morning sky. Well see biiig freakin pictures all the time. He refilled his glass. You drink some, too, Nektar. Lets get sloshed.

Youre ashamed, arent you?

A little, said Ond with a crooked smile. I think we may have over-geeked this one. And underthought it. It was just too cool a hack to pass up. But now that weve actually done it--

Changing the sky is horrible, said Nektar. And wont it make global warming even worse? No more Florida Keys? Goodbye Micronesia?

We--we dont think so, said Ond. And even if there is an effect, President Doakess advisers feel the nant computer will help us get better control of things like the climate. A quakkaflop quakkabyte computer can easily simulate Earths surface down to the atomic level, and bold new strategies can be evolved. But, again, thats assuming the nant swarm is willing to do what we ask it to. We cant actually imagine what kinds of nant-swarm minds will emerge. Its formally impossible. I kept telling the bosses, but they wouldnt listen.

It took two years for the nants to munch through all of Mars, and the ever-distractible human news-cycle drifted off to other topics, such as the legalization of same-sex in-vitro fertilization. President Joe Doakes--now eligible for a third and fourth term thanks to a life-extending DNA-modification that made him legally a different person--issued periodic statements to the effect that the nant-sphere computer was soon coming on-line.

Certainly the sky was looking brighter than before. The formerly azure dome had bleached, turned whitish. And the night sky was a vast field of pale silver, shimmering with faint shades of color. Like a soap bubble enclosing the Earth and the Sun. No more stars were to be seen. The astronomers were greatly exercised, but Doakes assured the public that the nants themselves would soon be gathering astronomical data far superior to anything previously seen. And, hey, you could still see the Moon and a couple of planets, and the nant-bubble was going to bring about a better, more fully American world.

As it happened, the first picture that Nektar saw in the sky was of President Doakes himself, staring down at her hanging out the family laundry one afternoon. The whole western half of the sky was covered by a video loop of the President manfully facing his audience, with his suit jacket slung over his shoulder and his vigilant face occasionally breaking into a sunny grin, as if recognizing loyalists down on the third world from the Sun. Though the colors were iridescent pastels, the image was exceedingly crisp.

Ond, screamed Nektar. Come out here!

Ond came out. He was spending most days at home, working on some kind of project by hand, writing with pencil and paper. He frowned at the image in the sky. Umptisquiddlyzillion nants in the orbit of Mars are angling their bodies to generate the face of an asshole, he exclaimed. May Gaia have mercy on my soul. Hed helped with this part of the programming too.

Ten-to-the-thirty-ninth is duodecillion, put in Chu. Not umptisquiddlyzillion. He was standing in the doorway, curious about the yelling, but wanting to get back to the video room. Hed begun learning math this year, soaking it up like a garden slug in a saucer of beer.

Look, Chu, said Ond, pointing up at the sky.

Seeing the giant video, Chu emitted a shrill bark of delight.

The Doakes ad ran for the rest of the day and into the night, interspersed with plugs for automobiles, fast food chains, and credit cards. The ads stayed mostly in the same part of the sky; Ond explained that overlapping cohorts of nants were angling different images to different zones of Earth.

Chu didnt want to come in and go to bed when it got dark, so Ond slept out in the yard with him, and Willy from next door joined them too, the three of them in sleeping-bags. It was a cloudless night, and they watched the nants for quite a long time. Just as they dropped off to sleep, Ond noticed a blotch on President Doakess cheek. It wouldnt be long now.

Although Nektar was upset about the sky-ads, it made her happy to see Ond and the boys doing something so cozy together. But she awoke near dawn to the sound of Chus shrieks. Sitting up in bed, Nektar looked out the window. The sky was a muddle of dim, clashing colors: sickly magenta, vile chartreuse, hospital gray, bilious puce, unbalanced mauve, emergency orange, computer-case beige, dead rose. Here and there small gouts of hue congealed, only to be eaten away--no clean forms were to be seen. Of course Chu didnt like it; he couldnt bear disorder. He ran to the back door and kicked it. Ond woke up and creakily made his way across the dew-wet lawn to let the boy in. Willy, looking embarrassed by Chus tantrum, went home.

Whats happened? said Nektar as the three met in the kitchen. Ond was already calming Chu down with a helping of his favorite cereal in his special bowl, carefully set into the exact center of his accustomed place-mat. Chu kept his eyes on the table, not caring to look out the window or the open door.

Dissolution first, emergence next, said Ond. The nants have thrown off their shackles. And now well see what evolves. It should happen pretty fast. The five-second light-speed lag across the Mars orbit will be the one thing damping the process down.

By mid-morning, swirls had emerged in the sky-patterns, double scrolls like Ionic column capitals, like mushroom cross-sections, rams horns, beans, Torahs, fetuses, paired whirlpools. The scrolls were of all sizes; they nested inside each other, and new ones were continually spinning off the old ones, all the linked spirals endlessly turning.

Those are called Zhabotinsky scrolls, Ond told Chu. He showed the boy a website about cellular automata, which were a type of parallel computation that could readily generate these sorts of double-spiral formations. Seeing the scrolls emerging in the rigorously orderly context of a computer program made Chu feel better about seeing them in the outdoors.

The Nanotech labs phoned for Ond several times that day, but he resolutely refused to go in, or even to talk with them. He stayed busy with his pencil and paper, keeping a weather eye on the developments in the sky.

By the next morning the heavenly scrolls had firmed up and linked together into a pattern resembling the convoluted surface of a cauliflower--or a brain. Its colors were mild and blended, with shimmering rainbows filling the crevices between the scrolls. Slowly the pattern churned, with branching sparks creeping across it like slow-motion lightning in a thunderhead.

And for another month nothing else happened. It was as if the nant-brain had lost interest in Earth and become absorbed in its own vast mentation.


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