The Battleships.pdf
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Before the nuclear bomb , no weapon on earth
had evoked so much fear, veneration and
passion as th e battleship. In de structive power
it had no equal. Accompanying a four-part
Cha nne l 4 series of the sa me na me ,
unve ils the ep ic saga of power,
inte rn ati ona l politics , 'a nd one-upmanship that
led to the tita nic wars of th e twent ieth century,
It is a story involving rule rs, war lords and
admirals who all became intoxica te d by the
• grandeur, majesty and sheer power of these
floating fortresses.
Enr iched with eye-witness accounts and
contributions from naval experts around the
globe ,
The Battleships
explores t he rap id
evolution of firepower and battleship desig n
from canvas to s team, tim be r to s teel, muzzle-
load ing ca nnon to l8-inch guns, a nd beyond , to
rocket lau nchers and missil es . As t he
spearhead of colon ial expansion and in defence
of the great empires the battleship re igned
supreme, and in the wake of World War I
Germany, France, Italy, Japan and the US
competed in an arms race wh ich focused on
building maritime muscle.
was a re ign, however, that could not offset
the technological advancements tak ing place in
the way wa rs were foug ht. In the face of
submar ines and a ir wa rfa re , t he ba ttleship
wou ld have to fight to prove its e lf an effect ive
weapon. Crippling defeats du ring World War II ,
such as the loss of the famous British ship
Hood and all but three of its crew by the guns
of the German ship
and the
destruction wrought by a Japanese air attack
on the US fleet in Pearl Harbor, were turning
points for the battleship. With the major
powers rethinking their arsenals, only the four
US Iowa Class battleships would survive to play
a s ignif icant role in the wars of the latt e r part
of th e twent iet h century.
Prob ing th e evolution, deployment and
effectiveness of one of the most controve rs ial
weapons ever created,
The Battleships
explores the momentous role they played in
shaping the modern world .
Batt es
Ian Johnston and Rob McAuley
A companion to the television series 'Th e Battleships',
pr oduced
w ith the financial assistance of the Australian Film Finance
Co rporatio n
and the New So uth Wales Film a nd Television O ffice.
Dedicate d to
Ad m ira l o f the Fleet Th e Lord Lewin KG GC B
(b 1920 d 1999)
and to the sa ilors o f all nati ons w ho served on b att les h ip s
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