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Very Small Snowflake on Ring - © Jane Eborall
Materials: - No. 20 thread – two colours if required, 6 small beads, 1 cabone (curtain ring) in
plastic or brass and measuring 5/8” and two shuttles. Finished item measures 1 ½” in
Wsh1 Working shuttle 1 (shuttle in right hand) Wsh2 Working shuttle 2 (shuttle in right hand)
CR Centre ring (plastic or brass)
Very small picot
SR Split Ring
Move bead into position
T & C Tie and cut
Skills required – knowledge of split rings.
Place 6 beads on Wsh2 before starting.
Using Wsh1
SR1: 2 +(CR) 2 / Leave a long end before starting second half to
make final SR 1 vsp 3
*SR2: 2 +(CR) 2 / 3 vsp 1 Change to Wsh2
R3: 1 +(vsp on last SR) 7 B 7 vsp 1 Change to Wsh1
SR4: 2 +(CR) 2 / 1 +(vsp on last R) 3
Repeat from * 4 times
SR17: 2 +(CR) 2 +(SR1) drop Wsh1, cut and either sew in end or work
into SR18 / 3 vsp 1
Using long end from SR1 finger tat
SR18: 1 +(vsp on SR1) 7 / 1 +(vsp on SR17) 7 Close SR and take long thread through
remaining bead on Wsh2.
T & C leaving ends to tie into a hanging loop.
If you work this in one colour then replace SR1 with
R1: 2 +(CR) 2 vsp 1 vsp 3
and SR18 with
SR18: 1 +(vsp SR17) 7 / 1 +(SR1) 7
Finish off as before.
If you need any help please email me
www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~nickeb/index.htm 1
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