COM - Joomla Casino v1.0 (Oddish).rtf

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Joomla Casino


This component we have developed for Joomla allows you to place play for fun casino games on your Joomla site simply by installing this module.  The module can be downloaded by clicking on this link HERE. Please make sure that you read the FAQ section below.  It might answer any technical question you might encounter. 

 We are very interested in any feedback you may have regarding this module.  Please contact us at joomla@oddishtechnologies.comThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it if you wish to offer feedback or have questions.


Q:  I downloaded the and when I install it it gave me an error of no xml file is found?

A:  The file contains all of the separate component zip files inside.  You need to first unzip the, install the casinobase component first and then install the rest of the game components afterward.   We are planning to add the separate component download links on the site as well so that people who already installed the casinobase can just download new games or game updates.

Q:  After I installed your components why I don't see any games available?
A:  Administrator need to click on the game name under "Components" once after per game installation.  We are looking forward to fully automate this process in the future. 

UPDATE (2007-04-17): in version 0.2.0 casinobase will search for all available components and automatically update the list.

Q:  How do I update if I already installed before? 
A:  Right now you need to uninstall each component and install with the latest release.  We are working on making a simplier update package right now. 

Q:  After I updated the casinobase component all the games are gone from the casinobase page?
A:  We are aware of this issue  If the administrator click on the game's configuration under "Components" in the administrator menu you will see the game show up again. 

 UPDATE (2007-04-17): in version 0.2.0 casinobase will search for all available components and automatically update the list.

Q:  Do I need to uninstall the component to update to a new release?
A:  For now yes.  We are working on a better way to do an update without any uninstall.  Most of the time updates only requires replacing a few php files only.

Q:  How do I link to each game?
A:  Links are created after administrator click on the game's configuration under "Components" in the administrator menu.  All you ever need to link to is the casinobase's page which is under <site url>/index.php?option=com_casinobase. 

Q:  Does it involve with real money? 
A:  No.  All these components are play for fun only.

Q:  Are these all free?  Are you planning to charge anything on these in future?
A:  These is no plan to charge anything on these.  We intend to make all these components free.

Q:  There is not enough documentation on how to install, operate these games.
A:  We are still working on documentation, user guide and etc.  The reactions and downloads were a bit more than we expected. 

Q:  Do I need people to register on my website in order to play?
A:  If you are still using the first release then yes; otherwise, no.  After the second release we allow visitors to play without any login.

Q:  I am the gaming expert.  Some of your games don't play like the real thing.  I need more excitment!  I have seen better graphics!
A:  We are not targeting against the real life gaming simulation right now.  We will improve game play and graphics in the future releases.  It will only get better.

Q:  I see a message about Version Error. What is that?
A:  We intend to keep things as backward compatible as possible but sometimes we require an update for the casinobase component.  Newer casinobase component should be able to handle older games but if the newer games requires a newer casinobase update will report that.

Q:  I see a php warning message about something not working with "foreach". Is it a bug?
A:  It was a bug we found in the second release.  It is not an error but just a warning message.   It should be fixed in our 0.2.0 release and so on.

Q:  When will I see *insert your favorite game here* release?  Do you have a release schedule?
A:  You are welcome to give us feedback on what game you would like to see next.  

Q:  Are all the games singleplayer only?
A:  Yes for now.  We can do multiplayer games easily.  It is just that it will interact with the hosting websites more. If there are enough people requesting them we will consider making them.

Q:  So far all these games are casino based only.  I just want some fun skill games like chess.  Will you guys make them?
A:  Yes, we are not limiting to just casino games.  There will be other type of games released in the future.


Sample screenshot: 



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