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Progress test   Unit 5

Unit 5


1   Complete the sentences with the correct comparative form of the adjectives in the box.

bad     far     cold     important     exciting     dangerous     hot

1        Football is _______ than chess!

2              It’s _______ in the north of England than in the south. 

3              Which is _______? A shark or a giraffe?

4              It’s _______ to do your homework than to watch TV.

5              Is your house _______ from the school than Pete’s?

6              I’m not very happy. My exam results are _______ than my sister’s!

7              Let’s go to Italy. The weather’s _______ there than in England.

Mark __ /7

2   Complete the sentences with the correct superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

1        Who is the _______ student in the class? (intelligent)

2        Open the window please. I think it’s the _______ (hot) day of the year!

3        That’s the _______ (expensive) hotel in the city!

4        Mike’s the _______ (fast) runner in the school.

5        Jerry is the _______ (bad) dancer I know!

6        This is the _______ (dry) summer people can remember.

7        Which is the _______ (tall) building in the world?

Mark: __ /7

3   Complete the sentences with the correct form of like or would like.

1        I really _______ your new dress. It’s a lovely colour.

2        The teacher ______ to see you in the classroom now.

3        _______ me to help you?

4        My parents _______ old films from the 1980s.

5        He _______ to come with us. Is that OK?

6        _______ rap music? I love it.

Mark: __ /6


4  Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1        I have to walk up two big _______ when I go to school.

              A  hills   B mountains 

2        Our hotel is near a beautiful white _______.

              A  waterfall   B  beach

3        You can easily swim across the _______ in ten minutes.

              A  sea  B  river

4              Asia is a very large _______.

              A country   B  continent

5              He is sailing round the _______ in a small boat!

              A  country  B  island

Mark: __ /5

5   Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

elephants     snakes     eagles     sharks     mosquitoes 

1        _______ sometimes attack people when they are swimming.

2        _______ can give people malaria.

3        _______ have very big ears.

4        _______ can see small animals from high in the sky.

5        Some _______ are dangerous but some aren’t.

Mark: __ /5


6   [²1.05] Listen to the radio interview. Complete the sentences with the correct information.

1   In the Parkland Safari Park there are animals from every _______.

2   Gina Cliff says that she loves the _______.

3   There’s a _______ in the centre of the park.

4   Children love the snake and _______ house.

5   Children can play with small animals in the children’s _______.

Mark: __ /10


7   Read the text.

Is it a dream?

Are you sitting at home at the moment? Is it raining? Are you bored? Perhaps you would like to be somewhere different, somewhere warmer, more peaceful, more relaxing. Imagine a house on the most beautiful white beach in the world. The sun is shining and it is always hot. It never rains. The sea and sky are always blue and you can swim every day in clear, warm water. When you swim, brightly coloured fish swim with you. From your bedroom window you can see green hills and forests. In the forests there are rivers and beautiful waterfalls. Look carefully and you can see an eagle in the sky. Listen and you can hear the sound of insects. You can’t hear the sound of cars and you can’t see any supermarkets or busy shops. It’s perfect.

Is this a dream? No. It’s real. A holiday on the tropical island of Carunda is the prize in our new competition. You can win a holiday in a dream house on this dream island every year for ten years! Visitors to Carunda say it has the best beaches, the most beautiful scenery and the nicest people in the world! You can see if they are right! Write 250 words starting with ‘Choose me for Carunda because …..’. Don’t wait! Do it today! Enter now!

8   Are the sentences true or false?

1   The weather on the island is hot and dry.  ___

2   The island is quite flat.  ___

3   There is interesting wildlife on the island.  ___

4   In the competition you can win a house.  ___

5   For the competition you have to answer some questions.  ___

Mark: __ /10


9   Imagine you are staying with a friend in another country. Write a postcard to your parents. Include the following information:

·         what the place and the weather are like

·         what the house and the family are like

·         what you do every day

·         what is different from your country

Mark: __ /10               Total: __ /60

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