Ratcatcher (1999).txt

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{2719}{2782}For God's sake,|look at the state of my curtain.
{2880}{2923}Look at you.
{3221}{3285}If I've told you once,|I've told you umpteen times.
{3287}{3366}Keep your trousers|tucked in your boots.
{3436}{3482}Ryan Quinn!
{3520}{3585}Are you listening to me?
{3588}{3631}Come here.
{3687}{3759}- Ma, can I go out and play?|- You can go out after.
{3779}{3828}Ma, leave it. I'll do it.
{3854}{3910}I look like a spaz|with them tucked in.
{3912}{3990}You won't say that when you trip|and fall on your backside.
{3992}{4036}I look stupid.
{4039}{4087}You keep 'em tucked in.
{4120}{4176}Is your foot in?|- Yes.
{4219}{4281}I'll do it myself.
{4401}{4469}Ma, can I go out and play?
{4472}{4537}- No, you can't.|- Ma, where are you going?
{4551}{4609}Ma, can I go out and play, please?
{4619}{4703}You're going to see your dad.|Don't you want to see your dad?
{5863}{5914}James, what are you up to?
{6108}{6156}What are you doing?
{6192}{6253}You fucking bastard!
{6255}{6318}Did you shit yourself?
{6392}{6461}I got you one there, huh?
{6507}{6569}I think this is what I'm looking for.
{7809}{7872}- Hi, how you doing?|- Fine. How are you?
{7888}{7944}- Just going to Susan's.|- Say hello for me.
{7947}{7995}See you later.
{10135}{10188}I thought it was you.
{10990}{11046}To the little man.
{11139}{11192}Get the fuck away from there!
{11194}{11249}Hey, beat it!
{15454}{15498}/This is me.
{15500}{15589}/You're not going to let me|/walk up here by myself.
{15645}{15713}/Look, why don't you come up|/to my place for a little coffee?
{15757}{15834}/George, what you need|/is a good woman to look after you.
{17410}{17460}Where have you been?
{17522}{17568}Go back to sleep.
{18257}{18308}Watch where you're going!
{18459}{18503}A little mouse!
{18522}{18582}Don't be touching it, darling.
{18591}{18664}No, no, no. Give me your hand.|Don't, please.
{18674}{18761}You can't touch it. It's vermin.|- It's just a little mouse.
{18769}{18865}/Well, these conditions|/speak for themselves.
{18869}{18915}/You can't possibly deny
{18918}{19043}/that there is a very considerable|/health risk under which
{19046}{19116}/many of the good people|/of Glasgow are at present living.
{19118}{19225}/There's a risk in the form|/of decomposition of this material,
{19228}{19277}/a risk of fire,
{19279}{19348}/a risk of it being spread by rats,
{19357}{19411}/which are notorious vectors|/of disease.
{19434}{19529}Remember Pete Connelly? He waited|months before he heard anything.
{19531}{19576}You've told me already.
{19579}{19649}Well, they ended up|with a great house, didn't they?
{19730}{19781}They were going to throw|this stuff out at work.
{19790}{19832}What's that for?
{19835}{19887}It's brand-new.|Hasn't even been opened.
{19890}{19937}What color is it?
{19950}{20016}It's a kind of pastel shade.
{20115}{20148}You've got to be joking.
{20150}{20197}It's gray!
{20213}{20275}- It's pale blue.|- Your ass it is.
{20278}{20332}Look at it in the light.
{20354}{20399}It's pale blue.
{20419}{20492}Definitely.|- You're not putting that up in here.
{20495}{20561}- Why not? It's good-quality paint.|- It's bloody horrible!
{20577}{20624}Look, give this place|a couple of coats,
{20626}{20680}cheer it up a little bit,|it's going to look beautiful.
{20682}{20763}What's the point?|We're moving.
{20780}{20819}Yeah, maybe.
{21106}{21168}There's tea in the pot|if you want some.
{21307}{21354}All right, I'm off.
{21360}{21408}It's good-quality paint.
{21467}{21557}James, don't you go near that canal.|Do you hear me?
{22983}{23029}What are you staring at,|you little pervert?
{23031}{23111}- That's my ma's.|- So? What's it got to do with you?
{23241}{23299}Do you want a photo?|- Of you?
{23453}{23505}Stop making a mess of that table.
{23545}{23584}Shut up.
{23906}{23942}Hey, gorgeous!
{23945}{23993}Where are you going?
{25308}{25369}Don't you have a pal or something?
{25485}{25524}Where are you going?
{25565}{25656}Make yourself useful.|Get me a can of beer from the fridge.
{25691}{25758}What?|Go on, do what I tell you.
{26263}{26338}/Yes! You beauty! |/Go on, son!
{26516}{26580}/Beautiful, Celtic, beautiful!
{26647}{26701}I'm telling my dad on you.
{26803}{26893}My head!|- Big girls don't cry.
{26923}{26972}Go away.
{27019}{27099}- You gonna tell my da?|- Yes, I'm telling.
{27102}{27166}And I'll tell him|you drank his beer as well.
{27200}{27253}Anne Marie, shut up!
{27387}{27459}Okay, I won't tell.
{27462}{27563}- So you're not gonna tell my da?|- No, I won't tell.
{27566}{27613}/Where's my beer?
{27828}{27866}Where were you?
{27896}{27942}You gonna watch football?|It's an old firm game.
{27945}{28050}- I don't like football.|- I like football, Dad. Can I watch it?
{28054}{28104}You come over here|and watch it with me.
{28167}{28231}I've got it. Over here!
{28366}{28406}Where's the little mouse?
{28409}{28480}Remember that little mouse|you put down the toilet?
{28511}{28577}The little mouse.
{28580}{28640}It's gone out to sea, darling.
{28651}{28708}The seaside?
{28718}{28775}Yes. It went for a swim.
{28787}{28852}Da, James hurt me.
{28896}{28954}He drank your beer as well.
{28956}{29027}Did he now?|I'll see to that later.
{29092}{29135}Now let me watch.
{29140}{29236}Go on, son. Jump for it!|- You killed my mouse, Dad.
{29238}{29305}Yes, yes!
{29311}{29366}Goal! Attack!
{29967}{30014}Give them back, you bastard.
{30027}{30078}- Say pretty please.|- Pretty please.
{30081}{30161}- Pretty please with a cherry on top.|- Pretty please with a cherry on top.
{30163}{30203}What will you give me|if I give you them?
{30207}{30277}- Anything.|- No. Fuck off.
{30279}{30371}- The stupid cow can't see a thing.|- Have you lost your panties as well?
{30374}{30423}Just give me them back.
{30455}{30522}See you later, darling.
{30723}{30769}You bastard!
{30828}{30886}Fucking cow.
{30902}{30957}- Asshole!|- Fuckin' bitch!
{31190}{31247}Can you see my glasses in there?
{31289}{31325}Can you?
{31399}{31474}- No.|- Are you sure?
{31534}{31603}- Yes.|- Come and sit over here.
{31611}{31671}- What?|- Sit here.
{31899}{31954}- What's your name?|- James.
{32006}{32068}- You want a drag?|- No.
{32128}{32185}I'll kill that bastard Matt Monroe.
{32333}{32392}That canal gives me the creeps.
{32512}{32562}Did you know that boy|who drowned down here?
{32598}{32642}Ryan Quinn?
{32975}{33025}You wanna touch it?
{33823}{33884}See you later, James.
{34420}{34498}- It's heavy.|- Help me get it on.
{34501}{34556}Don't tilt it too much.
{34688}{34741}Have you got it?|- Yes. Hurry up.
{34793}{34835}Hold on a minute.
{34838}{34908}Okay, push it in. Lift it up.
{34952}{35012}What did you let go for?|- It's your fault.
{35014}{35097}- What are you talking about?|- It's all your fault!
{35099}{35148}You want to calm down?|What's the matter with you?
{35151}{35191}You killed my boy.
{35193}{35282}What are you fucking talking about?|That was my boy as well.
{35288}{35342}I loved him just as much as you,|and you know it.
{35344}{35402}You killed him.|You weren't there!
{35405}{35472}Come on, get a grip on yourself.|Please.
{35475}{35554}Get away from me, you bastard.|I hate you!
{35556}{35610}Get away!
{35613}{35696}I can't deal with you anymore.|Every time I come near you, we argue.
{36105}{36153}He left us.
{36159}{36250}He left my boy.|I couldn't watch him myself.
{36264}{36328}I hate him.
{36350}{36405}He killed my boy.
{36511}{36561}Where is James going?
{36620}{36684}James, get my packages.
{36689}{36760}Leaving them lying|in the middle of the street. Hurry up.
{37187}{37256}- James, come here, son.|- Where are you going?
{37259}{37352}- I was gonna take the packages up.|- Just do what you're told.
{37390}{37458}Would you give me a little hug?
{37683}{37762}He's the double of my Ryan, isn't he?|The same eyes.
{37837}{37893}Maybe a little.
{37944}{37996}Will you do me a little favor?
{38011}{38075}Will you go up|to Ryan's room for me
{38078}{38137}and get the little box|on Ryan's bed?
{38140}{38197}Will you do that for me?
{38200}{38262}Go on, James. It's all right.
{38727}{38772}Oh, fuck.
{40370}{40417}They look great.
{40420}{40487}- They're hurting me.|- Shut up, you.
{40490}{40545}What do you say?
{40581}{40673}Say thanks to Mrs. Quinn.|- They're too small.
{42030}{42080}James, look what I've got.
{42214}{42274}Ah, it's lovely.|What's its name?
{42276}{42367}- Suzy. She's a she.|- It's nice.
{42371}{42439}I've got budgies and gerbils|in the house.
{42442}{42538}On my birthday I'm getting|rats, tigers, bears,
{42555}{42600}and mouse-eating snakes.
{42603}{42636}That's good.
{42638}{42710}When I'm older, I'm going to have|the biggest zoo in the world.
{42713}{42774}Look. I'm a member of the RSPCA.
{42776}{42825}That's good, man.
{43064}{43139}- What are you looking for?|- Nothing.
{43141}{43214}Wow, look at all|the little tadpoles in there.
{43276}{43339}- Have you ever seen a perch?|- A peach?
{43342}{43389}A perch.
{43397}{43452}It's about that size,
{43455}{43518}with spiky, jagged fins.
{43538}{43609}I saw a guy catch one the other day.|- Was it big?
{43612}{43661}About that size.
{43664}{43755}- You want to catch one?|- It's not that easy, Kenny.
{43770}{43829}I've got a net in the house.
{43838}{43896}It would pull you under.
{43912}{44018}- I'm a great swimmer.|- Another time, Kenny. See you later.
{44072}{44135}James, what am I?
{44154}{44204}Are you a bird?
{44269}{44352}No, I'm an ostrich.|An ostrich can't fly.
{44414}{44466}See you later, Kenny.
{44481}{44575}James, are you coming|to my zoo tomorrow?
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