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Siemens Gas Turbine Package
SGT5-PAC 4000F
Application Overview
Answers for energy.
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Siemens Gas Turbine Packages –
Serving Your Project Needs
Siemens supplies standardized and pre-
engineered gas turbine packages custom-
ized to match specific project needs in
the form of simple cycle gas turbine power
plants and combined cycle power plants.
The standard Siemens Gas Turbine Package
(SGT-PAC) combines the essential mechan-
ical, electrical, and control equipment to
serve a variety of project scopes effectively.
The SGT5-PAC 4000F is a key package
for 50 Hz markets. The vital component
is our advanced Siemens gas turbine
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A Siemens Gas Turbine Package is:
A cost-effective power generating
system with pre-engineered and stan-
dardized design and base scope of
supply, with interconnecting piping
and wiring pre-assembled to a large
Flexible in design and scope thanks
to pre-engineered options to meet
project- and site-specific conditions,
capable of increasing the operating
flexibility and performance of an
existing power generating system.
These options can replace or add
systems to the base scope.
Focused on the core equipment of a
self-contained power generating system
for power plants with gas turbines, it
consists of gas turbine and electrical
generator as well as all the systems
required for the safe and reliable oper-
ation of these components: air intake
system, exhaust gas system, electrical
systems, instrumentation and control,
generator excitation system, start-up
system, and such major auxiliaries
as the fuel system and lube oil system.
The SGT5-PAC 4000F is used for
Generation of electrical power
Combined heat and power
Simple cycle gas turbine power plants
Multi-shaft combined cycle power
operated in
The development of this package stems
from the requirements of the utility
industry for low initial cost and a rapid
and reliable on-line generation system.
It is equally well-suited to meet the
requirements of industrial users. Heat
recovery applications include combined
cycle, repowering, and cogeneration
in a wide range of environments and
Base load service
Intermediate load service
Peak load service
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SGT5-PAC 4000F design
with the filter-house in
top position
Design Features and Arrangement
The design of the Siemens Gas Turbine
Package represents over 50 years of
experience in gas turbine technology
and power plant design, resulting in a
reliable self-contained electric power
generating system.
The SGT5-PAC 4000F scope of supply
represents the core equipment for a
power plant equipped with gas turbines:
Gas turbine
Electrical generator
Air intake system
Exhaust gas system
Start-up system
Major auxiliary system
Instrumentation and control
Electrical systems
Power control center
Fire protection
Generator systems
To minimize field assembly and the need
for piping fabrication during construction,
Siemens utilizes a packaging and piping
concept whenever possible. Moreover,
subsystems have been grouped and in-
stalled in auxiliary packages.
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Performance Data
Siemens SGT5–PAC 4000F Gas Turbine
Package and Combined Cycle Plant
SGT5-PAC 4000F
SCC5-4000F 2x1
Net power output (MW)
The performance data chart illustrates
the application range of the Siemens
SGT5-PAC 4000F Gas Turbine Package
and the multi-shaft combined cycle plant
as a typical application of the package.
Net efficiency (%)
Net heat rate (kJ/kWh)
Net heat rate (Btu/kWh)
Exhaust temperature (°C/°F)
Exhaust mass flow (kg/s)
Exhaust mass flow (lb/s)
Generator type
Data at ISO ambient conditions
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