2004.02_Projects-Free Software and Its Makers.pdf

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Free Software Projects
Projects on the Move
Free software covers such a diverse
players should be able to control their
cars quite accurately. And if you want to
monitor your prowess on video, you can
record a race using Racer’s recording
facilities. By default, videos are placed in
temporary storage, but there is a menu
item that allows you to store them on
disk. To do so, simply press the [F2] key
while playing.
Admittedly, Racer does have one
or two weak points. The controls are
slightly frantic at high speeds. The crash
scenes are poor: If a player runs into a
wall, the car flips onto its roof, and dis-
appears from the screen, freezing the
game in the process. You need to restart
to get the game going again.
Having said that, Racer is a neat racing
simulator that has helped me while away
many a boring afternoon. The bugs are
rarely intrusive, and many hours of
untroubled gaming are guaranteed.
range of utilities, applications and
other assorted projects, that it can be
hard to find the perfect tool from all
that programming effort. As the
range increases so rapidly, you occa-
sionally need a little help to make
your choice. We pick the best of the
bunch for you.
focusing on Racer, a racing game for
automobile fans, and then move on to
using Linux as a Wireless Access Point.
We continue with a look at OpenBSD
3.4; also Debian, teamwork and a
change in the Constitution.
The homepage provides a number of
binary downloads, although only SuSE
Linux 7.3 and nVidia cards are sup-
ported. In most cases, you will need to
compile the game from the sources. And
this is no trivial matter, as is evidenced
by the unofficial FAQ at [2] and the trou-
bleshooting page [3]. Racer requires a
video adaptor with hardware accele-
ration support.
After launching the program, players
can choose between timed laps in single-
player mode, and a networked team
game. In team mode, players can opt to
join an existing team, or start up their
On of Racer’s special features is the
fact that it is extensible by adding
themes. The Racer Xtreme group’s web-
site at [4] provides a number of new
racing cars and tracks. After download-
ing a theme, players can select their
favorites using the Select Track and Select
Car menu items. The Ferrari Enzo and
the Opel/Vauxhall Speedster are just
some of the highlights. There are also
one or two Formula 1 tracks, such as
Monaco and Silverstone.
The game is mouse controlled. This is
unusual and takes some getting used to,
but after a short learning curve, most
Host AP
Wireless LAN is a convenient way of
linking up two computers. All you need
are two cards that can communicate in
ad hoc mode. But to link up multiple
computers to a WLAN, it is preferable to
use an access point (AP).
There are any number of access points
on the market at present, but most of
them have fixed antennas that cannot be
replaced if damaged. Some are plagued
by unstable firmware, one notable excep-
tion being Linksys, who run Linux on
their APs. Enter the Host AP driver for
Linux [5] that allows you to run a PC as
an access point. The only requirement is
a WLAN card with a Prism 2, Prism 2.5,
or Prism 3 chipset.
Host AP comprises multiple com-
ponents: the device drivers for PCMCIA
and PCI cards ( hostap_cs and hostap_
pci ) basically perform the same tasks as
the drivers in the PCMCIA CS [6] or
Linux WLAN NG packets [7], but they
have been optimized for Host AP. The
second component is the hostap driver.
The optional hostap _wep module pro-
vides WEP encryption for the system.
The racing simulation game, Racer [1], is
something special. There are two rea-
sons for this. For one thing, the game
runs both on Windows and on Linux.
For another, Racer is the first free simula-
tion of this type for Linux. Sadly, the
author has not adopted free licensing for
the application; although the source
code can be downloaded from the
author’s website, there is an explicit note
to the effect that Racer is not an Open
Source project. The wording of the
license is unclear; anyone interested in
modifying the source code would do well
to contact the author beforehand.
Martin Loschwitz is from a small Ger-
man town called Niederkrüchten and
a developer for Debian GNU/Linux.
Martin’s leisure time is mainly pre-
occupied with activities in the Debian
or GNU community.
February 2004
An Up-to-date Overview of Free Software and its Makers
I n this month’s issue we begin by
Free Software Projects
After loading the modules, you
simply enable the hostap trans-
fer mode.
The Host AP driver works
with both the PCMCIA CS suite
and the internal kernel-based
PCMCIA structure. The latter
method has the advantage of
allowing you to patch Host AP
into the kernel; the patches for
the current version are available
in the CVS branch of the pro-
ject, along with the drivers.
Leitner had published [10].
Felix had tested OpenBSD,
FreeBSD, NetBSD and Linux
with regard to the scalability of
typical server operations, such
as socket() , bind() , and fork() .
OpenBSD underperformed in
nearly every discipline.
OpenBSD developer, Ted
Unangst, attempted to explain
the poor results by emphasizing
the fact that the OpenBSD
developers are more interested
in the security of the system
than its scalability. Despite this,
several patches have been intro-
duced to the tree to remedy
performance deficits.
Shortly after the release of version 3.4,
a message from a French user caused a
stir. He stated that a bookshop where he
had been able to purchase OpenBSD 3.3,
had told him that they were not permit-
ted to sell version 3.4. The reason for
this is a new French law that outlaws the
selling of software without French docu-
mentation in France.
Despite OpenBSD’s extremely poor
benchmark performance, the system is
favored by many users and program-
mers, and it does provide protection for
security critical applications.
New OpenBSD Release
The latest version of the
OpenBSD operating system
(version 3.5) was published on
the FTP Servers at [9] on November 1
[8]. The OpenBSD project aims to pro-
vide as secure an operating system as
possible. The new version now uses the
ELF binary format by default on x86
machines. ELF thus replaces a.out ,
which is now considered obsolete and
This critical enhancement also brings
W^X functionality to x86 PCs (Writable
xor eXecute support), and should help
prevent buffer overflows at kernel level.
It ensures that memory addresses tagged
as writeable, cannot be executed at the
same time. This protects the system,
even if it is running programs that are
susceptible to buffer overflow attacks.
OpenBSD’s standard compiler also has
routines that check for typical program-
ming errors in memory handling
OpenBSD 3.4 can read NTFS
partitions, although it does not
currently support write access.
The developers face the same
problem as the Linux commu-
nity: Microsoft simply refuses to
release the specifications for the
NTFS file system. Although
write support is available for
Linux, it is still officially classi-
fied as DANGEROUS . In a worst
case scenario, a write operation
could actually destroy your
whole file system.
There have been a number of
enhancements that include sup-
port for privilege separation in
syslogd and the X server. The
GNU tools, such as diff , grep
Figure 1: The Ferrari Enzo is one of many racing cars available with
Racer, the first free racing simulation for Linux. You can add cars and
tracks to enhance the game. A large selection is available from [4]
and gzip , have been replaced by equi-
valent BSD tools, and there have been
major enhancements to the pf packet
filter. Growfs is a newcomer to OpenBSD
and allows users to expand hard disk par-
titions. Additionally, the developers have
put a lot of work into updating man-
There have also been notable
advances in hardware support. These
include ATA 100 support for Apple
Powerbooks, experimental support for
serial ATA, and the USB system has been
brought in line with NetBSD. In addition,
OpenBSD can now handle more SCSI
controllers and NICs.
A few weeks before OpenBSD 3.4 was
released, the project’s misc mailing list
was hit by a flamewar that arose con-
cerning a benchmark that Felix von
Debian Constitution Changed
For quite a few years now, Debian devel-
opers have continually requested that
the non-free part of Debian GNU/Linux
be removed from the distribution.
The Debian Social Contract [11]
has prevented this so far, as it
stipulates non-free as a manda-
tory component of the project.
Removing non-free would thus
mean changing the Social Con-
tract. And according to nu-
merous developers, the Debian
Constitution [12] did not allow
that, until recently.
Paragraph 4.1.5 of the Debian
Constitution states that “non-
technical” documentation can
be changed. The developers
were unable to agree on
whether the section concerning
the non-free branch in the
Social Contract was “technical”
or “non-technical”. This ambi-
guity has now been removed
Figure 3: OpenBSD developers released version 3.4 on November 1.
Unfortunately, they do not provide ISO image downloads. If you need
OpenBSD on CD, you will have to contact your local dealer
February 2004
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Free Software Projects
from the offending paragraph. The
Debian developers voted to re-phrase the
paragraph to allow modifications both to
the Social Contract and the Debian Free
Software Guidelines (DFSG [13]) with a
three-quarters majority. The whole
process of changing the Constitution
took only one month.
On September 30, the Project Secre-
tary, Manoj Srivastava, published three
new drafts of the paragraphs for review
in the debian-devel-announce mailing list
[14]. The first draft was by Srivastava
himself, and introduced a document
class called “Foundation Documents”
that included both the Social Contract
and the Constitution. Developers would
need a three-quarters majority to change
Foundation Documents.
The second draft was from Branden
Robinson. He proposed clarifying the
ambiguous definition of non-technical
documents in the Constitution, thus
allowing modification of the Social Con-
tract. The third draft was again from
Branden Robinson. It was the same as
Srivastava’s, except for the fact that he
proposed to shift only the Social Contract
to the Foundation Documents class, and
not the DFSG.
The developer community was asked
to vote between October 15 and 29. It
turned out that more than 75 percent of
all voters were in favor of the first draft.
Thus, the foundations have now been
laid for removing the non-free branch
from the project.
Many Debian developers only main-
tain one or two packages. Provided these
packages are small enough, this does not
mean too much effort on their parts.
Unfortunately, there some developers
who have to maintain whole program
suites, such as Gnome or KDE, which in
turn comprise some 25 or 30 different
packages, as Debian developers tend to
split larger suites up into as many small
packages as possible.
[1] Racer, race simulator website:
[2] Unofficial Racer FAQ: http://www.
[3] Racer Troubleshooting:
[4] Cars and tracks for Racer:
[5] Using Linux as a Wireless AP with Host
AP: http://hostap.epitest.fi/
[6] PCMCIA CS website:
[7] Linux WLAN NG website:
[8] Posting by Ted Unangst:
?l=openbsd-misc&m= 106755679117371
[9] OpenBSD 3.4:
[10] Felix von Leitners Benchmark:
[11] Debian Social Contract:
[12] Debian Project Constitution: http://www.
[13] Debian Free Software Guidelines:
[14] Posting by Manoj Srivastava: http://lists.
[15] Tips and suggestions:
Debian Teamwork
A single developer would be hard-
pressed to cope with the work involved;
just maintaining the “Bug Tracking Sys-
tem” entries would take up most of their
time. Also, developers are expected to
watch out for bugs on various hardware
architectures – after all, Debian does
support eleven hardware platforms. The
work involved in creating packages is
itself non-trivial. And a new release
means updating every single package.
Although Debian specific changes can
sometimes be gleaned from previous ver-
sions, this is typically impossible for
larger program packages. The solution is
simple: major program packages should
not be maintained by a single person,
but by a group of developers.
This approach was adopted by several
major Debian projects quite a while
back. When Ben Collins quit as the
maintainer of the GNU Glibc package,
his mantle was taken up by a developer
group. The GCC is maintained by the
Debian GCC Maintainer group, and now
the KDE and Gnome packages have also
been adopted by maintainer groups.
Chris Cheney, who had been responsible
for maintaining all
the KDE base pack-
ages thus far, passed
the maintainership to
the Debian QT/KDE
maintainer group.
The Debian Gnome
maintainer group has
taken over at least
some Gnome pack-
The Debian project
provides its devel-
oper groups with the
necessary infrastruc-
ture at alioth.debian.
org , the Debian equi-
valent of Sourceforge.
Groups can leverage
the CVS source code management, Sub-
version, and access control mechanisms,
mailing lists, and project homepage
facilities the site provides. Group main-
tainership of major program packages is
extremely important for the Debian pro-
ject as it is the only real solution to
resolving issues and managing bug
It is to be hoped that more maintainers
of major packages will agree to group
maintainership in future, if they note
that the workload is over their heads.
Figure 4: The Debian Social Contract is one of the Debian project’s most
important documents. Developers recently laid down the foundations for
modifying the Contract
That’s all folks…
… for this issue, but we do have one
request before we go: If you can recom-
mend a program that you would like to
see featured in Projects on the Move , why
not mail me with your suggestion [15]? I
look forward to your comments!
February 2004
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