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Game: SPACE HULK (2nd Edition)
Pub: Games Workshop (1989)
Dec 2008
Page 1: Rules summary front
Page 2: Rules summary back
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Decide on a mission, set up the board and position
The Genestealer player takes the blip counters, shufles
them and places them in a face-down stack.
Each squad of Space Marines has 12 Flamer markers
with a Flamer Reload marker at the bottom of each pile.
Blips are brought onto the board via Mission-designated
entry areas. Entry areas cannot be shot at by Marines.
Placing Blips
A maximum of 3 blips are placed on the table
just outside the entry area before any Genestealer
Once on the board blips or Genestealers cannot move
off again unless stated in the Mission.
Blips can lurk safely off-board in an entry area for as
long as desired.
Marines can also force blips or Genestealers to stay
lurking, for one turn only, by being 6 or less squares
away from the entry point square at the start of the
Genestealer phase.
Converting Blips
Blips may be converted at any time during the
Genestealer phase before they move.
Replace the blip by the indicated number of
Genestealers. The irst is placed on the blip square;
other models must be placed in squares adjacent to the
irst, but none may be placed where Marines can see
them or in closed door squares. Those that cannot be
placed are lost.
If a Marine moves to see a blip, or a blip is revealed
by the destruction of a model or door, it is converted
immediately. The Marine player can choose which
squares to place the Genestealers in, and their facing,
as above. The models may be in his line of sight.
If a blip is converted by the destruction of an
intervening model, a model placed in an adjacent
square to the destroyed model may be killed by overkill
ire . Genestealers cannot be revealed in lamed squares.
Blips may be converted off-board by the Genestealer
player, but must be moved onto the board that phase or
be lost. Decoy blips are discarded if revealed.
Space Marines can ire at targets if they are in line of
sight, within ire arc and weapon range, and the model
can pay the action point cost.
Roll the 2 Shooting dice; if either shows a ‘hit’ the target
is destroyed.
Line of Sight
Marines can see to the front or side for an unlimited
distance if nothing is blocking their view.
When approaching a room, squares in the corner and
sides cannot be seen until the model is at least in the
Fire Arcs
Space Marines can only ire at targets within a 90˚ ire
arc (ie. three squares in front, then ive, then seven etc).
Sustained Fire
A stationery Space Marine that misses with his irst
shot has a better chance of hitting with his second and
subsequent shots — he may count the hit symbol and
the sustained ire symbol as a hit.
Once he changes target or moves the bonus is lost.
Overkill Fire
If both dice hit (including sustained ire hits), any target
adjacent to the original target (which could have be shot
at once the original target had been removed) is also
killed .
Overkill ire can be used to destroy doors, and never
affects Space Marines.
Overwatch Fire
A Space Marine with a storm bolter may be placed on
overwatch for 2 APs. Place an overwatch counter next to
the model.
All marines on overwatch must shoot at a Genestealer
that performs any action in his ire arc within 12
squares, even if it is the Genestealer’s turn.
It costs no action points to ire. A Genestealer that
disappears from view cannot be ired at however.
There is no sustained ire bonus for overwatch ire.
Any other action, close combat, and the end of the
Genestealer phase all take the Marine out of overwatch.
Jammed Storm Bolters
When making overwatch ire rolls the Jam dice is also
rolled ; if the dice shows a Jam the ire is resolved and
the weapon then becomes jammed.
Overwatch is lost and the model cannot ire again in the
Genestealer phase.
Unjamming a storm bolter costs 1 AP.
Turn Sequence
Note any special rules for the mission.
1. Space Marine Phase
Roll d6 for command points
Move and ight
Record keeping
2. Genestealer Phase
Determine reinforcements (blip counters)
Move and ight
Record keeping
3. End Phase
Move Turn counter on one square
Command Points
Space Marine player rolls a dice for Command Points
for the turn, keeping track of these on the Command
Point track of the Control Panel. Any points not used in
a turn are lost.
Command points may be used to give models extra
action points and can be used on any Marine at any
time during the phase, even if that Marine has inished
his move.
Genestealer Reinforcements
Genestealers get reinforcement blips from the top of the
stack placed on Genestealer entry areas each turn as
indicated by the Mission.
Models may open and close doors within one of the
three squares of the model’s front facing. A door cannot
be closed if there is a model in its square.
Doors can be destroyed by storm bolter ire but not
lamer ire. The rules for sustained ire and overkill
Doors can be attacked and destroyed by rolling a 6 on
the usual amount of close combat dice.
Bulkheads are always placed as open doors at the start
of a mission; once closed they cannot be re-opened,
and they can never be destroyed.
Actions & Movement
Space Marines get 4 AP and Genestealers/Blips get 6
AP to use for movement and ighting. All actions must
be completed with a model before moving on to the
next, with the exception of using command points.
A model cannot move into an occupied square. Check
facing, as turning a model costs APs. Models cannot
face diagonally. Blips have no facing and do not have
to pay to turn. Models and blips can move diagonally
unless both adjacent squares are blocked.
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Heavy Flamers
Marines cannot move and ire with the lamer, and they
cannot be used on overwatch.
Maximum range is 12 squares. The lamer has 12 shots
and may be reloaded at any time for 4 APs, depending
on the number of reloads allowed by the mission.
Place a Flamer marker on the square where you want
the shot to hit (subject to the usual target rules). If the
square contains a Genestealer place the model on top
of the template. The Genestealer model only survives
on a 6 on a d6. Surviving models must move out of the
square in its next phase or be hit again.
One shot can consist of as many lamer markers as the
Marine wishes and has left. Subsequent lamer markers
must be placed in a square adjacent to the last, and
within range and ire arc. Markers can also be stacked,
ensuring the blaze lasts longer (2 max).
Flamer markers cannot be placed in a square with a
closed door in it, nor can a door be closed on a marker.
A marine may discard remaining markers and reload 12
(if he has them to hand) at no AP cost.
Once a shot is inished, the lamer markers block
movement and lines of sight for bolter or lamer shots.
Action Points
Move or Action
Space Marine Genestealer
4 AP
6 AP
6 AP
Move forwards 1 square
Move backwards 1 square
Move sideways 1 square
Turn 90 degrees
Turn 180 degress
Fire storm bolter
Set overwatch
Clear jam
Move forwards and ire
Close Combat
A model may attack a target in its front middle square
(1 AP). Blips must be converted to Genestealers to
Space Marines roll the red d6 and Genestealers roll
the 3 blue d6s and can choose the highest score. The
lowest scorer loses and is removed from play. A draw
means neither model is harmed.
Side or Rear Attacks
If a model is attacked from the side or rear and wins,
the attacker is not killed but the defender may now turn
and face the attacker at no action point cost.
Space Marine Sergeants
A sergeant receives a +1 to his combat roll and may
also parry an attack to his front only. After rolling dice
the player may choose one of the Genestealer player’s
dice and force him to re-roll it.
Record Keeping
At the end of the Marine phase one lamer marker is
removed from each square lamed. At the end of the
Genestealer phase any lamer markers still on the board
are removed and all overwatch markers are removed
(apart from those turned over to indicate a jammed
At the end of a full turn the Turn counter is moved one
square along the track.
Move backwards and ire
Turn 90 degrees and iire
Turn 180 degrees and ire
Fire heavy lamer
Reload heavy lamer
Close combat
Open or close door
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