(2 KB) Pobierz
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Here we are.
Well, the plugin system is as simple as powerful as you could imagine.
All you have to do is to put whatever you want to transfer to the iPhone in a zip file !
The zip file will be extracted to / (the iPhone root) so if you want for example add an application,
all you have to do is to create a zip file relative to / so it will contain:


Remember to zip the file on a unix system (even the iphone, a mac, linux, cygwin under windows, etc) with the command:
zip -yr9 /Applications/YOURAPP.APP

Then put in the main directory where ziphone.exe,zibri.dat,Inga.dat,dfu.dat are.
That file will be automatically installed during all jailbreak operations.
If you just want to install that file without jailbreaking again, just run ziphone -P
For the plugin system to work you have to jailbreak at least ONCE using ZiPhone 3.0.

And what if you need to run a shell script after installation or INSTEAD of installation?!
It's very simple:
Just add to /tmp/ containing your script.
So your zip file structure will be:


Now it's just a matter of fantasy.
You could use the plugin system even to backup and restore part or ALL the filesystem.
You could use it even just to display and image or ring a bell or do any nasty things..
That's why if you use the plugin system a big red WARNING will appear on your iPhone during installation.
ZiPhone will not be responsible for any 3rd party PLUGINS but I enourage it's use.

If you think your app or your plugin is so good it should be OFFICIALLY put in the SUPPORTED ziphone plugins, drop
me an email at and we can discuss it.
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