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Wpisz odpowiednio: must, mustn’t, (don’t) have to, need, needn’t, shouldn’t.

1. a. You ………… smoke in here. It’s strictly prohibited.

    b. If you really …… do it, smoke outside.

    c. You ……….. smoke, it makes you cough.

2. a. Plants ………. have water.

    b. People ……. cars to move around the city.They can use public transport.

    c. Children ………… watch too much TV.

3. a. Children …………. drive.

    b. If you want to be on time, you …………. drive faster.

    c. You ………… have a driving licence in order to drive.

4. a. I ………. go to school. It’s Sunday today.

    b. I think you …………. go to arts college if you can’t draw.

    c. You ……….. go to the wedding reception in jeans. Official clothes are required.


Podkreśl poprawną formę.

1.       The plane was two hours late. You (didn’t need to come, needn’t have come) to the airport so early.

2.       2. When the mother got back from the office, all the washing had been done. She (didn’t have to do, needn’t have done) it herself.

3.       I (needn’t have taken, didn’t have to take) a coat. It turned out to be over 20’C.

4.       We (didn’t have to apply, needn’t have applied) for a visa when we went to Sweden. We knew they didn’t required a visa.

5.       I (needn’t have taken, didn’t have to take) so much money. The food was good, I (didn’t have to buy, needn’t have bought) any on my own and I saved a lot.

6.       Jeremy (didn’t have to take, needn’t have taken) the entrance exam. He had won the maths contest.

7.       You (didn’t have to worry, needn’t have worried). Your passport was in my suitcase.

8.       I (needn’t have paid, didn’t have to pay) the bill. My friend insisted on paying it.


Przekształć zdania, używając wyrażenia to be.

1. You must stop listening to music and start working.

2. Last night I had to stay on duty.

3. The children are not allowed to stay up very late.

4. She can’t go out after 9 pm.

5. The maid had to clean all the rooms and serve breakfast.


Uzupełnij zdania, używając must lub can’t z czasownikiem w odpowiedniej formie.

Eg. She had a Polish passport. She must have been Polish.


1. He ………. (play) the guitar. It’ still on his desk

2. You’ve just had a big dinner. You ………… (be) hungry.

3. Look, there’s a photo of Jake and Vivian taken in 1966. They ………… (know) each other at that time.

4. Bob’s grandmother had died before he was born. Bob ………….. (know) her.

5. I’ve just won a million dollars! You ………….. (joke) !

6. The style of this picture is typical of Rubens. It …………… (be) painted by Rubens.

7. Look, the tea is still hot but he’s left. He …………. (be) here a minute ago.



1. czy nie powinieneś więcej ćwiczyć?

2. Nikt mi nigdy tego nie obiecał.

3. Niepotrzebnie na mnie czekałeś. Miałem swój klucz.

4. Myślę, że nie wolno kłamać w tak ważnej sprawie.

5. Czy ten pokój wymaga malowania?

6. Na pewno zrobił na gościach dobre wrażenie tamtego wieczoru.

7. Niemożliwe, żeby Tony już wrócił. Jego płaszcza nie ma w hallu.

8. Litery były tak duże, że babcia nie musiała wkładać okularów.

9. Dziś może padać śnieg.

10. czy skończą ten pomnik przed końcem września?

11. Musiał zdarzyć się wypadek. (There)

12. Po tym jak stracili swój namiot, musieli sypiać pod gołym niebem.




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