Waste heaps - the biologist's laboratory.pdf

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Tom 51, 2002
Numer 2 (255)
Strony 125–126
Zak³ad Morfogenezy Roœlin
Instytut Biologii Eksperymentalnej Roœlin
Wydzia³ Biologii
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Miecznikowa 1, 02-096 Warszawa
e-mail: wierzbicka@biol.uw.edu.pl
Once upon a time...
Prof. Krystyna Grodziñska and Dr. Gra¿yna
Szarek-£ukaszewska begin their article like a fa-
iry-tale. The first text in this issue of “KOSMOS”
leads the Reader into theworld of oldwaste he-
aps, antiquated mines, artifacts worthy of mu-
seums, and surprisingly interesting research in
the field of natural sciences.
A waste heap?! What in the world can be in-
teresting about a waste heap? a Reader might
ask. We usually think of a waste heap as a
dump, a dusty pile of dirt contaminating every-
thing around it, a place where the local ho-
odlums gather, in other words, a generally
unsavory place.
Reality, however, can be completely diffe-
rent. Waste heaps (more precisely, post-indu-
strial and post-mining deposits) can be the site
of fascinating studies of nature. All one has to
do is find areas exploited by the mining and
smelting industries over 100 years ago and vo-
ila! A research laboratory is waiting!
Like a detective, here one can deduce ans-
wers to questions about the way Nature has co-
ped with waste heaps over the last 100 years.
Postindustrial waste heaps are usually charac-
terized by extremely difficult conditions. It is
possible to see if, after dozens of years, any spe-
cies have begun to establish themselves in such
uninviting places. Are these organisms capable
of reproducing? Have they adapted in any way?
Are these adaptations only physiological or
have geneticmodifications taken place leading
to the development of new ecotypes or varie-
ties? How fast are these processes occurring?
All of these questions can be answered by
studies conducted on waste heaps. These
exceptional places make it possible to observe
the adaptation of various organisms (through
microevolution) to conditions of extreme pol-
lution. They enable the identification of chemi-
cal compounds that are particularly toxic (this
is how thallium contamination of the Olkusz
area was discovered). And, finally, they permit
conclusions to be drawn about how to reclaim
waste heaps and other polluted sites most
In the longer time-scale, studies like these
will open the doors to reflection. What will
happen to our planet if we cover it with waste
heaps? How much can Nature stand? Is it true
that cockroaches will be the last to die out? And
on and on...
The number of newwaste heaps is unfortu-
nately growing fast. If we are able to identify
the direction in which natural processes are
going, wemay be able to intensify and accelera-
te them. This is the best way to reclaimnewwa-
ste heaps.
Up to nowwe have posed many fascinating
questions, but answers to them still require
more study.
This issue of “KOSMOS” presents the re-
sults of the work of specialists from various
fields. Waste heaps are their main object of in-
terest, but there is also an article about the
“concrete jungle” — where life is difficult (as
every one of its inhabitants knows). We pre-
sent the results of studies conducted (and con-
tinued) by specialists fromvarious areas: zoolo-
gists, botanists, ecologists, physiologists, myco-
logists, specialists dealing with algae and with
An interdisciplinary meeting of specialists
(the so-called waste-heap group) in fact did
take place. We met for the first time on June 2,
2001 at the University of Warsaw’s Faculty of
Biology. Amonth later the sessionwas continu-
ed in the field. We went on a “tour” of zinc-lead
waste heaps, which are particularly toxic. They
can be found in Upper and Lower Silesia. For a
whole day we looked at various types of “biolo-
gical deserts”. This was no doubt a tour of the
ugliest places in Poland. But this trip also sho-
wed us how much there is still to be done in
this field in Poland. The tour was ironically
dubbed “Under the Smokestacks”.
The initiators and organizers of both of the-
se meetings were the Warsaw and Silesian
Branches of the Polish Botanical Society. The
pictures of the waste heaps in the Katowice
area shown in this issue were taken during the
field session.
This year the waste-heap group is planning
to meet again. We want to close ranks to bring
together all of the research being done in this
field in Poland with the aim of uncovering and
understanding the laws of nature even better
and using them more effectively in practice to
save the increasingly polluted environment.
Activities like these are very important at the
local level since they are closely connected
with the flora and fauna of a given country and
region and its prevailing climatic conditions.
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