Animals Around the World_1.1.6 Science.pdf

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Scott Foresman Reading Street
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Life Science
the World
Skills and Strategy
Text Feature
by Linda B. Ross
non ction
• Cause and Effect
• Main Idea
• Monitor and Fix Up
• Captions
Scott Foresman Reading Street 1.1.6
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ISBN 0-328-13159-8
Animals Around
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the World
by Linda B. Ross
Editorial Offices: Glenview, Illinois Parsippany, New Jersey New York, New York
Sales Offices: Needham, Massachusetts Duluth, Georgia Glenview, Illinois
Coppell, Texas Ontario, California Mesa, Arizona
Animals Around
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Many kinds of animals live around
the world. Each animal lives in its own
place. Keep reading to learn about some
of these animals. You will find out about
the places where they live.
ISBN: 0-328-13159-8
Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc.
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Some animals live where it is cold.
The North Pole is a very cold place.
There is ice and snow all year long. The
animals that live there need ways to live
in the cold. Polar bears live near the
North Pole. Polar bears have thick fur.
Their fur helps them stay warm.
Walruses live near the North Pole
too. Walruses use their tusks to make
holes in the sea ice. They swim to the
hole to take a breath of air. They also
use their tusks to grab the ice. This helps
them crawl out of the water.
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Desert animals find
ways to store food.
Deserts are very dry. These places
get very little rain. Animals that live in
the desert need to be able to live with
only a little water and food.
Camels live in the desert.
Camels have humps that help
them store food. They do not
need to find food all the time.
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