XXXV etap okręgowy - test.pdf

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15 PKT
Zakre Ļ l wyra Ņ nie kółkiem liter ħ , przy której znajduje si ħ najlepsze rozwi Ģ zanie.
1. Their study is focused mainly on what makes women more vulnerable than men
________ some adverse effects of alcohol use.
A/ for
B/ on
C/ to
D/ about
2. Many of those truly creative minds naturally prefer to keep a low profile just waiting
__________ some encouragement that might generate an influx of good ideas.
A/ for giving them
B/ to give
C/ to be giving
D/ to be given
3. All through the trip the road __________ , making faster progress virtually impossible. The
result was a delay of two hours.
A/ has been
B/ had steepen
C/ steepen
D/ steepened
4. Our young champion decided it would have been rather impolite _________ with her fans.
A/ to refuse to have
taken a photo
B/ to refuse to have a
photo taken
C/ refusing to have
taken a photo
D/ to refuse having a
photo taken
5. In a thriving economy, with ____________ businesses emerging and disappearing each
year, competition is a major factor.
over ten thousands of
literally thousands
tens of hundreds
literally thousands of
6. Of course there’s no way of predicting how different materials ________ to rapid
temperature changes.
A/ will react when
B/ will react when are
C/ react when they will
be exposed
D/ will react when will
be exposed
7. The majority of those who ____________ the revolution found it extremely difficult to start
a new life in exile.
A/ have flown
B/ flowed
C/ flew
D/ fled
8. As usual, the march will begin at the impressive Belfort ____________ General McCann
gave his famous farewell speech.
A/ Memorial at which
B/ Memorial, where
C/ Memorial, beside
D/ Memorial, beside
9. The wish to protect young people usually results in regulations that ____________
A/ make it next to
impossible for
adolescents to get
B/ make hardly
possible employing
C/ make it barely
possible getting
employed by
D/ make getting
employed for
adolescents almost
10. The list of names was read _______ twice through loudspeakers so as to make sure all
those in the hall would take notice.
A/ up
B/ over
C/ out
D/ off
11. A better lawyer would have known when to use __________ and when to appeal to the
jurors’ emotions.
A/ such a strong
B/ such strong
C/ so strong an
D/ much strong
12. As regards the daily chores, I can think of no effective way ___________ the flowerbeds.
A/ to have my sons
remember watering
B/ of having my sons
remember to water
C/ to have my sons to
remember water
D/ of having my sons
to remember and water
13. If the padlock __________ in place, the killer must have been waiting inside. He or she
may even have left some traces.
A/ was
B/ were
C/ had been
D/ has been
14. I wondered how the sticks could be delivered as they were _____ and couldn’t be folded.
A/ of the length of the
B/ in the length of the
C/ the length of the car D/ more than car’s
15. I wonder if he __________ the code or if there was something more behind it; for
instance, he didn’t want any strangers inside.
A/ could mistake
B/ wouldn’t mistake
C/ has mistaken
D/ could have mistaken
15 PKT
Przetłumacz na angielski. Nie nale Ň y niczego zmienia ę we fragmentach ju Ň przetłumaczonych. Podpowiedzi w
nawiasach nie podaj Ģ dokładnej formy, w jakiej dane słowo ma wyst Ģ pi ę w tłumaczeniu.
1. Dziħki moŇliwoĻci znoszenia{=TOLERATE} odwodnienia, wielbłĢd moŇe wytrwaę bez wody tydzieı
lub nawet dłuŇej.
________________________________________________________________ dehydration,
______________________ ____________________________________________________
2. Miała absolutnĢ racjħ nalegajĢc {=INSIST} na pokazanie jej wszystkich dokumentów.
She __________________________________________________________________________
3. Proszħ, powiedz mi, czemu tylu ludzi siħ z nas Ļmieje i jak moglibyĻmy to powstrzymaę.
_________________ please, _______________________________________________________
4. Wiem, o czym pan mówi, bo co roku mam ponad 200 studentów, z których prawie nikt nie ma
podstawowej znajomoĻci statystyki.
____________________________________________________________knowledge of statistics.
5. Czy ciħ nie obchodzi, co powiedzĢ ludzie, kiedy usłyszĢ, Ňe od poczĢtku ich okłamujemy?
Don’t you care
__________________________________________ lies __________________________________
6. Dwumetrowe drzewko wydaje siħ najlepsze. WyŇsze mogłoby zaburzyę {=UPSET} proporcje
________________________________________________________ the proportion of the whole.
7. W dyskusji na temat Afganistanu gen. Parker reprezentuje poglĢd, Ňe tħ wojnħ da siħ wygraę oraz,
Ňe powinno siħ jĢ wygraę dawno temu.
In the debate
___________________________________________________________________a long time ago.
8. Pracowałem w jednym z budynków obok, kiedy budowano oba wieŇowce {=TOWER}. To było
fascynujĢce widowisko.
___________________________________________ neighbouring _________________________
__________________________________________________________________________ show.
9. Inaczej niŇ wiħkszoĻę dorosłych, którzy sĢ przyzwyczajeni do tego, Ňe muszĢ połykaę
{=SWALLOW} duŇe tabletki, dzieci mogĢ to odbieraę {=FIND} jako coĻ bardzo stresujĢcego.
Unlike _________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________ stressful.
10. Nikt by dziĻ nie głosował, gdyby ludzie mieli lepszĢ pamiħę i gdyby wziħli na powaŇnie to, co im
obiecywano cztery lata temu.
Nobody _________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________ four years ago.
11. Najbardziej, jak dotĢd, rozrzutna {=EXTRAVAGANT} podróŇ Prezydenta Obamy – ta do Republiki
Indii – była przedmiotem krytyki w gazetach i mediach elektronicznych.
___________________________________________________ trip so far –___________________
_____________________ subject of criticism in _______________________________________
12. Po pierwsze, chcħ podziħkowaę moim współpracownikom, dziħki których wsparciu i zachħcie
praca rozpoczħta kilka lat temu została właĻnie szczħĻliwie {=SUCCESSFULLY} ukoıczona.
In the first place, _________________________________________________________________
and encouragement the work _______________________________________________________
13. Moim zdaniem, najmniej, co powinno siħ zrobię, to dodaę kilka wywieszek. Bħdzie wtedy znacznie
mniej telefonów.
In my opinion, ____________________________________________________________________
signs. ______________________________________________________________________ then.
14. Bez ustalenia czyj to był głos i jakie były ostatnie słowa nagrania, nie bħdzie moŇliwe zamkniħcie
tej sprawy.
_________________ finding ________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ the case.
15. Jeszcze nie rozmawiałem z siostrĢ, ale ona od ostatnich wakacji chyba ma problemy z synami.
____________________________________________________________________ she appears
_______________________________________________________________________ vacation.
30 PKT
W ka Ň d Ģ z luk wpisz po jednym wyrazie. Liczba kresek odpowiada liczbie liter brakuj Ģ cego słowa. Nie wolno
zmieni ę litery ju Ň podanej.
1. The question about boyfriends visibly _ _ b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the girl. She stopped talking and
2. Mr Dery’s _ _ c _ _ _ _ of the incident differed in many important details from that of Tim’s.
3. As far as I know there’s going to be a _ _ c _ _ _ _ at Paul’s company as of June. Why don’t you
4. This time the opinion polls turned out to be very _ _ c _ _ _ _ _ – the actual results almost mirrored
the predictions.
5.He was of _ _ _ i _ _ height, neither tall nor short.
6. Among 19th century _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Dickens holds a prominent place.
7. The accident was a sad _ _ m _ _ _ _ _ that bad luck can hit anyone.
8. Tyres and waterproof boots are made of _ _ b _ _ _.
9. By a strange _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ my wife and I were born on the same day.
10. Dave’s _ _ l _ _ _ _ was whether to remain loyal to his wife or to his parents.
11. The plaster cast on both arms made me completely _ _ l _ _ _ _ _ . I couldn’t perform the simplest
daily activities.
12. Her relatives’ disloyalty has left her _ _ t _ _ _ and disillusioned about the world.
13. The town of Wadowice is Karol Wojtyła’s _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
14. In criminal cases the _ _ r _ _ _ of proof rests on the prosecution.
15. As a former gymnast she is still exceptionally _ _ _ x _ _ _ _ . She can easily touch the floor with
her fingers while doing a backward bend.
16. With the advent of steamboats the interest in sailing boats naturally _ _ c _ _ _ _ _ _, but they
were still built for many years.
17. Many people ask me how to deal with such _ _ w _ _ _ _ _ _ visitors to their gardens as rabbits
or moles.
18. The body of the classical guitar is _ _ l _ _ _ inside, which makes it a perfect resonator.
19. Some fans voiced their disapproval by chanting _ _ s _ _ _ _ at the referee.
20. The disease is so dangerous because it develops with no _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ _ symptoms at all.
21. Cats need their sharp, _ _ i _ _ _ _ claws to keep them surefooted in climbing trees and to grasp
22. In most cultures, marriage is _ _ g _ _ _ _ _ as a cornerstone of the society.
23. When it came to voting, the jurors were evenly _ _ l _ _ six to six.
24. If he follows this _ _ r _ _ _ of thinking, it will lead him nowhere.
25. As most women today have jobs, the proportion of _ _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ _ with two cars is rapidly
26. The report was criticised as very _ _ _ e _ _ _ _ _ _ _. It only touched the most visible elements of
the problem with no in depth analysis.
27. _ _ w _ _ _ _ _ milk is useful when real milk would be hard to get, e.g. in trekking. You just mix it
with water and it’s ready.
28. It was really _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of him to say that. A moment’s reflection would have been
enough to stop him.
29. The reaction to our appeal for help was sadly disappointing – we received some _ _ g _ _
declarations of sympathy, but nothing specific.
30. He almost died after _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ heroin. But I’m sure it was not a suicide attempt.
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