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Test 5



1              Complete the text with one word in each gap. You can see the first letter of each word.


Vote Green

We are the only party who will (0) protect  the environment and (1) l__________ pollution if we win the election. How will we do this? Our policies are to (2) r__________ waste and to
(3) r__________ the forests that we are killing by acid rain. We also want to (4) s__________ the plants and animals that are dying because of this government. The other parties are only interested in making money and they will (5) c__________ d__________ the forests and
(6) d__________ the environment.




2              Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

0              I want to be an accountant. I’m very good     at    Maths.

1              I want more money. I’m going to ask for a pay ___________.

2              I’ve got a good ___________. I’m a computer programmer.

3              I’m bored ___________ my job. I want to find something new.

4              I like being a teacher but it’s hard ___________ sometimes.

5              If you are keen ___________ fashion, why don’t you become a designer?

6              I got the sack. I was useless ___________ my job.




3              Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

Dear Sean,

Hi. How are you? I’m OK here in Germany but I miss (0) __________ with my friends.
I managed (1) __________ a job as a translator – I should (2) __________ working now but I’m having a break. I decided (3) __________ here for another 2 weeks. I promised (4) __________ the boss because he’s very friendly to me and it’s busy here. Really, I prefer (5) __________ outside in the summer so I’m going to look for work on a campsite after this.Right, I must
(6) __________.

See you sometime.



0              a) be                                          b) to be                                          c) being

1              a) get                            b) to get                            c) getting

2               a) be                                          b) to be                                          c) being

3              a) stay                            b) to stay                            c) staying

4              a) help                            b) to help                            c) helping

5              a) work                            b) to work                            c) working

6              a) go                            b) to go                                          c) going




4              Complete the questions for the answers given. The lines show how many words you need to use.

0              A Are       you       going       to       be    alright?
B Yes, I am. Don’t worry. Everything’s fine now.

1              A __________    __________    __________ be rich?
B I don’t know. Maybe I will be rich in 20 years!

2              A __________    __________    __________    __________ in ten years?
B I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll be in Canada or the USA.

3              A Is __________     __________    __________    __________ late?
B No, he isn’t. He telephoned to say that his  train is on time.

4              A Who __________    __________    __________  win?
B John is. Look, he’s much better than the others.




5              Complete the story with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

If Chris (0) (pass)     passes    his exams, his parents (0) (give)     will give    him £100. Chris
(1) (buy) ___________ a tent if his parents (2) (give) ___________ him £100. If Chris
(3) (buy) ___________ a tent, he (4) (go) ___________ camping. Chris (5) (have) ___________ a good time camping if it (6) (not rain) ______________. If it (7) (rain) _____________, Chris
(8) (not be) _____________ happy. Chris will go home early if he isn’t happy.





CD Track 5

1              Listen to six people taking part in a competition. Match the speakers (1-6) to the headings (A-G). There is one extra heading.

A              I just want to be happy.                            ________

B              I want to get married.                            ________

C              I want to relax.                                          `________

D              I want to see the world.                            ________

E              I did something to help.                            ________

F              I might need to do this again.                            ________

G              I want to get a good job.                            ________






1              Read the interview with a politician. Tick true and cross false.


The truth about Truth and Freedom

The elections are getting closer and a lot of people are thinking of voting for a new party, Truth and Freedom. They won’t win the election but they might win a lot of votes. Most people don’t know much about it, or its leader, Sir Jeffrey Collins, so last week

I went to their party offices to ask a few questions. Sir Jeffrey was friendly at first but, as you can see from the interview below, he brought the interview to a sudden end when I asked him about his past.

MARK DAVIES: Sir Jeffrey, thank you for letting me talk to you. This is your first election since you set up the Truth and Freedom party two years ago. Why did you do that and how exactly is it different to the more traditional parties?

SIR JEFFREY: Well, the name should tell you that. Our country isn’t free and our leaders don’t tell the truth. I feel that we need both.

A lot of people may be surprised to find out that they aren’t free. Can you explain?

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