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Test 5



1              Circle the correct words.

0              I’m sorry, but I’m not agreeing / I don’t agree with you.

1              My English is much better now. Are you / Is it?

2              Are you camping / going camping next week?

3              Last Saturday, I didn’t go / used to go to the cinema. I was too busy.

4              I always used to get / got high marks at school.

5              What were you doing when the lights went out? I was reading / read.

6              I was having / had a bath when my friend phoned.

7              My friend is taller than me but I’m as strong like / as he is.

8              Here are my holiday photos. This one is the house where / which we stayed.

9              There are a lot of potatoes but there is only a few / little bread.

10              What will you do if your plane is / will be late?




2              Five of these sentences have mistakes. Find and correct them. Tick (V) those sentences that are correct.

0              What are you wanting to do now?                                                                      do you want  .

1              Could you tell me how much does a ticket cost?                                          ___________

2              I used to be good at Maths but I can’t remember anything now.              ___________

3              When John came to see me, I was doing my homework.                            ___________

4              We’ve only got a little eggs left.                                                                      ___________

5              I’m not enough clever to be a doctor.                                                                      ___________

6              What will you do if you don’t go on holiday?                                                        ___________

7              There aren’t much things to do here.                                                                      ___________

8              It’s too late to go out. Let’s watch TV.                                                        ___________

9              Is that the boy whose friend is in our class?                                                        ___________

10              We’re not as worse as they are.                                                                      ___________





3              Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

0              When my Spanish friend speaks very quickly I (not understand)   don’t understand       her.

1              Where (you go) __________________ last night?

2              My father (not want) ________________ to be a teacher when he was young. He wanted to be a rock singer.

3              I (not used like) ___________________ walking in the mountains but now I love it.

4              They (play) ________________ tennis when it started snowing.

5              He’s (intelligent) ________________ than he looks.

6              If you (not drive) ________________ more carefully, you’ll have an accident.

7              Hello? Sorry, I can’t talk now. I (have) ________________ dinner.

8              Oh no! I (not give) ________________ Anna a present for her birthday yesterday.

9              She (not pass) ________________ her exams if she doesn’t work harder. 

10              Do you think cars (fly) ________________ in the future?




4              Complete the text. Use the correct forms of the words in capital letters.

Last week my friends and I decided

to go to an Indian restaurant for

dinner. We live in a multi-(0) cultural                                           CULTURE

city and the Indian part of town

is very colourful and (1) _________________.                            MYSTERY

We (2) _________________ a guide book                                           BUY

and the restaurant we chose was the

(3) _________________ away from our                                          FAR

house. We chose it because they are

very good for (4) _________________                                          ABLE

people and one of our friends can’t

walk. We (5) _________________ by bus                                          TRAVEL

and were very excited thinking about

what to eat. When we got inside, it

was a bit of a shock. The restaurant

was very (6) _________________ with room                                          SPACE

for about 100 people but there was

nobody there. We sat down and

ordered but we were very

(7) _________________. The waiters                                           DISAPPOINT

were rude and the food was

(8) _________________ and greasy. We came                            TASTE

out feeling very (9) _________________                                          HEALTH

and sick. On the way home, we saw a

much nicer place. It was very

(10) _________________ , full of people and                             LIVE

with a beautiful smell of food coming

from the door. Next time, we will go there.




5              Rewrite the sentences. Use the words in capital letters. Do not change the meaning of the original sentences.

0              My brother is very confident and talkative at parties.
My brother     isn’t shy    at parties.

1              I have a different opinion to you.
I _____________________________________________________ you.

2              What time is the bus to Berlin?
Could you tell me what time _____________________________________________________?

3              ‘Could you tell me what this word means?’
What _____________________________________________________?

4              I only started liking opera when I was 20.
When I was young I _____________________________________________________ opera.

5              I thought the film was very frightening.
I ___________________________________________________ when I was watching the film.

6              Is it OK if I sit here?
_____________________________________________________ I sit here?

7              I thought of an idea for a story when I was on the bus.

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