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Plane Stress Bracket

Verification Example

The first step is to simplify the problem. Whenever you are trying out a new analysis type, you need something (ie analytical

solution or experimental data) to compare the results to. This way you can be sure that you've gotten the correct analysis type,

units, scale factors, etc.

The simplified version that will be used for this problem is that of a flat rectangular plate with a hole shown in the following




ANSYS Command Listing

! Command File mode of 2D Plane Stress Verification

/title, 2D Plane Stress Verification

/PREP7 ! Preprocessor

BLC4,0,0,200,100 ! rectangle, bottom left corner coords, width, height

CYL4,100,50,20 ! circle,center coords, radius

ASBA,1,2 ! substract area 2 from area 1

ET,1,PLANE42 !element Type = plane 42

KEYOPT,1,3,3 ! This is the changed option to give the plate a


R,1,20 ! Real Constant, Material 1, Plate Thickness

MP,EX,1,200000 ! Material Properties, Young's Modulus, Material 1,

200000 MPa

MP,PRXY,1,0.3 ! Material Properties, Major Poisson's Ratio, Material

1, 0.3

AESIZE,ALL,5 ! Element sizes, all of the lines, 5 mm

AMESH,ALL ! Mesh the lines

FINISH ! Exit preprocessor

/SOLU ! Solution

ANTYPE,0 ! The type of analysis (static)

DL,4, ,ALL,0 ! Apply a Displacement to Line 4 to all DOF

SFL,2,PRES,-1 ! Apply a Distributed load to Line 2

SOLVE ! Solve the problem




Plane Stress Bracket

Verification Example

The first step is to simplify the problem. Whenever you are trying out a new analysis type, you need something

(ie analytical solution or experimental data) to compare the results to. This way you can be sure that you've

gotten the correct analysis type, units, scale factors, etc.

The simplified version that will be used for this problem is that of a flat rectangular plate with a hole shown in

the following figure:


ANSYS Command Listing


! Command File mode of 2D Plane Stress Verification

/title, 2D Plane Stress Verification

/PREP7 ! Preprocessor

BLC4,0,0,200,100 ! rectangle, bottom left corner coords, width, height

CYL4,100,50,20 ! circle,center coords, radius

ASBA,1,2 ! substract area 2 from area 1

ET,1,PLANE42 !element Type = plane 42

KEYOPT,1,3,3 ! This is the changed option to give the plate a thickness

R,1,20 ! Real Constant, Material 1, Plate Thickness

MP,EX,1,200000 ! Material Properties, Young's Modulus, Material 1, 200000

MP,PRXY,1,0.3 ! Material Properties, Major Poisson's Ratio, Material 1,

AESIZE,ALL,5 ! Element sizes, all of the lines, 5 mm

AMESH,ALL ! Mesh the lines

FINISH ! Exit preprocessor

/SOLU ! Solution

ANTYPE,0 ! The type of analysis (static)

DL,4, ,ALL,0 ! Apply a Displacement to Line 4 to all DOF

SFL,2,PRES,-1 ! Apply a Distributed load to Line 2

SOLVE ! Solve the problem




Plane Stress Bracket


This tutorial is the second of three basic tutorials created to illustrate commom features in ANSYS. The plane stress bracket

tutorial builds upon techniques covered in the first tutorial (3D Bicycle Space Frame), it is therefore essential that you have

completed that tutorial prior to beginning this one.

The 2D Plane Stress Bracket will introduce boolean operations, plane stress, and uniform pressure loading.

Problem Description

The problem to be modeled in this example is a simple bracket shown in the following figure. This bracket is to be built from a

20 mm thick steel plate. A figure of the plate is shown below.

This plate will be fixed at the two small holes on the left and have a load applied to the larger hole on the right.

ANSYS Command Listing

! Command File mode of 2D Plane Stress Bracket

/title, 2D Plane Stress Bracket

/prep7 ! Enter the pre-processor

! Create Geometry






AADD,ALL ! Boolean Addition - add all of the areas together

CYL4,80,50,30 ! Create Bolt Holes



ASBA,6,ALL ! Boolean Subtraction - subtracts all areas (other than 6)

from base area 6

! Define Element Type


KEYOPT,1,3,3 ! Plane stress element with thickness

! Define Real Constants

! (Note: the inside diameter must be positive)

R,1,20 ! r,real set number, plate thickness

! Define Material Properties

MP,EX,1,200000 ! mp,Young's modulus,material number,value

MP,PRXY,1,0.3 ! mp,Poisson's ratio,material number,value

! Define the number of elements each line is to be divided into

AESIZE,ALL,5 ! lesize,all areas,size of element

! Area Meshing

AMESH,ALL ! amesh, all areas

FINISH ! Finish pre-processing

/SOLU ! Enter the solution processor

ANTYPE,0 ! Analysis type,static

! Define Displacement Constraints on Lines (dl command)

DL, 7, ,ALL,0 ! There is probably a way to do these all at once...

DL, 8, ,ALL,0

DL, 9, ,ALL,0

DL,10, ,ALL,0

DL,11, ,ALL,0

DL,12, ,ALL,0

DL,13, ,ALL,0

DL,14, ,ALL,0

! Define Forces on Keypoints (fk command)

FK,9,FY,-1000 !fk,keypoint,direction,force

SOLVE ! Solve the problem

FINISH ! Finish the solution processor

SAVE ! Save your work to the database

/post1 ! Enter the general post processor







/GCMD,1, PLDISP,2 ! Plot the deformed and undeformed edge

/GCMD,2, PLNSOL,U,SUM,0,1 ! Plot the deflection USUM

/GCMD,3, PLNSOL,S,EQV,0,1 ! Plot the equivalent stress

/GCMD,4, PLNSOL,EPTO,EQV,0,1 ! Plot the equivalent strain

/CONT,2,10,0,,0.0036 ! Set contour ranges



/FOC,ALL,-0.340000,,,1 ! Focus point


PRNSOL,DOF, ! Prints the nodal solutions

Plane Stress Bracket


This tutorial is the second of three basic tutorials created to illustrate commom features in ANSYS. The plane

stress bracket tutorial builds upon techniques covered in the first tutorial (3D Bicycle Space Frame), it is

therefore essential that you have completed that tutorial prior to beginning this one.

The 2D Plane Stress Bracket will introduce boolean operations, plane stress, and uniform pressure loading.

Problem Description

The problem to be modeled in this example is a simple bracket shown in the following figure. This bracket is to

be built from a 20 mm thick steel plate. A figure of the plate is shown below.

This plate will be fixed at the two small holes on the left and have a load applied to the larger hole on the right.

ANSYS Command Listing

! Command File mode of 2D Plane Stress Bracket

/title, 2D Plane Stress Bracket

/prep7 ! Enter the pre-processor

! Create Geometry


University of Alberta ANSYS Tutorials - www.mece.ualberta.ca/tutorials/ansys/CL/CBT/Bracket/Print.html

Copyright © 2001 University of Alberta





AADD,ALL ! Boolean Addition - add all of the areas together

CYL4,80,50,30 ! Create Bolt Holes



ASBA,6,ALL ! Boolean Subtraction - subtracts all areas (other than 6) from ba

! Define Element Type


KEYOPT,1,3,3 ! Plane stress element with thickness

! Define Real Constants

! (Note: the inside diameter must be positive)

R,1,20 ! r,real set number, plate thickness

! Define Material Properties

MP,EX,1,200000 ! mp,Young's modulus,material number,value

MP,PRXY,1,0.3 ! mp,Poisson's ratio,material number,value

! Define the number of elements each line is to be divided into

AESIZE,ALL,5 ! lesize,all areas,size of element

! Area Meshing

AMESH,ALL ! amesh, all areas

FINISH ! Finish pre-processing

/SOLU ! Enter the solution processor

ANTYPE,0 ! Analysis type,static

! Define Displacement Constraints on Lines (dl command)

DL, 7, ,ALL,0 ! There is probably a way to do these all at once...

DL, 8, ,ALL,0

DL, 9, ,ALL,0

DL,10, ,ALL,0

DL,11, ,ALL,0

DL,12, ,ALL,0

DL,13, ,ALL,0

DL,14, ,ALL,0

! Define Forces on Keypoints (fk command)

FK,9,FY,-1000 !fk,keypoint,direction,force

University of Alberta ANSYS Tutorials - www.mece.ualberta.ca/tutorials/ansys/CL/CBT/Bracket/Print.html

Copyright © 2001 University of Alberta

SOLVE ! Solve the problem

FINISH ! Finish the solution processor


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