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158503097X - ANSYS Tutorial (Rel. 6.1)
Release 6.1
Kent L. Lawrence
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of Texas at Arlington
Schroff Development Corporation
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Lesson 2
Plane Stress
Plane Strain
Plane stress and plane strain problems are an important subclass of general three-
dimensional problems. The tutorials in this lesson demonstrate:
Solving planar stress concentration problems.
Evaluating potential errors in the solutions.
Using the various ANSYS 2D element formulations.
It is possible for an object with arbitrary shape to have six components of stress when
subjected to three-dimensional loadings. When referenced to a Cartesian coordinate
system these components of stress are:
Normal Stresses
x , y , z
Shear Stresses
xy , yz , zx
Figure 2-1 Stresses in 3 dimensions.
In general, the analysis of such objects requires three-dimensional modeling as discussed
later in Lesson 4. However, two-dimensional models are often easier to develop, easier to
solve and can be employed in many situations if they can accurately represent the
behavior of the object under loading.
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ANSYS Tutorial
x , y , and
xy lie in the X-Y plane and do not vary in the Z direction. Further, the stresses z , yz ,
zx are all zero for this kind of geometry and loading. A thin beam loaded in it plane
and a spur gear tooth are good examples of plane stress problems.
ANSYS provides a 6-node planar triangular element along with 4- and 8-node
quadrilateral elements for use in the development of plane stress models. We will use
both triangles and quads in solution of the example problems that follow.
To start off, let’s solve a problem with a known solution so that we can check our
understanding of the FEM process. The problem is that of a tensile-loaded thin plate with
a central hole as shown in Figure 2-2.
Figure 2-2 Plate with central hole.
= 2.07 x 10 11 N/m 2 and
Poisson’s ratio, = 0.29. We apply a horizontal tensile loading in the form of a pressure
p = 1.0 N/m 2 along the vertical edges of the plate.
Because holes are necessary for fasteners such as bolts, rivets, etc, the need to know
stresses and deformations near them occurs very often and has received a great deal of
study. The results of these studies are widely published, and we can look up the stress
concentration factor for the case shown above. Before the advent of suitable computation
methods, the effect of stress concentration geometries had to be evaluated
experimentally, and many available charts were developed from experimental results.
A state of Plane Stress exists in a thin object loaded in the plane of its largest
dimensions. Let the X-Y plane be the plane of analysis. The non-zero stresses
The 1.0 m x 0.4 m plate has a thickness of 0.01 m, and a central hole 0.2 m in diameter.
It is made of steel with material properties; elastic modulus,
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Plane Stress / Plane Strain
The uniform, homogeneous plate above is symmetric about horizontal axes in both
geometry and loading. This means that the state of stress and deformation below a
horizontal centerline is a mirror image of that above the centerline, and likewise for a
vertical centerline. We can take advantage of the symmetry and, by applying the correct
boundary conditions, use only a quarter of the plate for the finite element model. For
small problems using symmetry may not be too important; for large problems it can save
modeling and solution efforts by eliminating one-half or a quarter or more of the work.
Place the origin of X-Y coordinates at the center of the hole. If we pull on both ends of the
plate, points on the centerlines will move along the centerlines but not perpendicular to
them. This indicates the appropriate displacement conditions to use as shown below.
Figure 2-3 Quadrant used for analysis.
In Tutorial 2A we will use ANSYS to determine the maximum stress in the plate and
compare the computed results with the maximum value that can be calculated using
tabulated values for stress concentration factors. Interactive commands will be used to
formulate and solve the problem.
Follow the steps below to analyze the plate model. The tutorial is divided into separate
Preprocessing, Solution, and Postprocessing steps.
1. Start ANSYS and select 'Interactive'; select the Working Directory where you will
store the files associated with this problem. Also set the Jobname to Tutorial2A or
something memorable. Then select Run.
Select the six node triangular element to use for the solution of this problem.
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ANSYS Tutorial
Figure 2-4 Six-node triangle.
2. Main Menu > Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete > Add >Solid >
Triangle 6 node 2 > OK .
Figure 2-5 Element selection.
Select the option where you define the plate thickness.
3. Options (Element behavior K3) > Plane strs w/thk > OK > Close
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