Radiation Oncology A Physicist’s-Eye View - Michael Goitein.pdf

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Introduction ............................................................................................1
Types of Radiation Used in the Treatment of Cancer.............................2
Why Does Radiation Work?....................................................................3
A Single Treatment Beam .......................................................................4
Multiple Treatment Beams......................................................................6
The Volume Effect...................................................................................7
Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)...................................8
Treatment Design and Delivery..............................................................9
Summary ...............................................................................................11
The prognosis for someone diagnosed with cancer is not as dire as is
commonly believed. Many cancers, such as early stage cancer of
the larynx, childhood leukemia, and Hodgkin’s disease, are highly
curable. Unfortunately, others, such as pancreatic cancer, have a poor
prognosis. The curability of most cancers lies somewhere between
these extremes. *
Early in its development, a malignant tumor is generally well
localized. As most cancers develop, they tend to spread to neigh-
boring lymph nodes and, as metastases, to noncontiguous organs.
When the disease is localized, a local treatment such as surgical
excision or radiation therapy is indicated. When the tumor is in-
accessible or is intimately entwined with a vital anatomic structure,
* Much of the material in this chapter is adapted with permission of the
American Institute of Physics from the article of the same title which
appeared in the September 2002 issue of Physics Today (pp. 34 to 36) by
Boyer AL, Goitein M, Lomax AJ and Pedroni ES.
Tumor and normal tissue delineation .......................................................9
Dose prescription ......................................................................................9
Treatment planning and evaluation.........................................................10
Dose delivery...........................................................................................10
1. Radiation in the Treatment of Cancer
or when regional spread has occurred, surgery may not be a viable
option, and radiation therapy will then be the preferred approach.
Distant metastases can, for the most part, only be treated through the
use of systemic approaches such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy,
or, more futuristically, molecular targeting. Combination therapy –
the use of two, or even three, of the approaches just described – is
commonly undertaken to manage optimally the local and proven or
likely systemic components of the disease. An important rationale for
improving local therapy is the observation that the longer a patient
has a viable malignant tumor, the more likely that a metastatic “break
out” of that cancer will occur – which generally badly compromises
the outcome of treatment. Thus “local control” of tumors is necessary
for achieving long-term survival.
Overly aggressive surgery or very high doses of radiation and/or
chemotherapy can eradicate a cancer with high probability – but, at
the cost of causing unacceptable morbidity. Thus, the art of cancer
treatment is in finding the right balance between tumor cure and
injury to normal tissues . Much of the motivation for improving the
technology of radiation therapy stems from the desire to reduce the
probability of morbidity – which in turn may allow higher doses to be
delivered to the tumor with an associated increase in tumor control
Research in physics has contributed directly and indirectly to cancer
therapy over the past century. Only months after their discovery by
Röntgen in 1895, X-rays were employed to treat a patient with breast
cancer. At present, the most commonly employed radiotherapy
treatment employs a beam of high-energy X-rays (often described as a
photon beam ) generated external to the patient and directed toward
the tumor. Machines containing radioactive 60 Co sources are also still
in active use in many parts of the world.
Other forms of radiation which have been used in radiation therapy
are: electron beams; implanted or inserted radioactive sources (
emitters are used); neutrons; pi-mesons; protons; and
heavier charged ions such as 12 C and 20 Ne. The bulk of the material
in this book relates to the use of external beam therapy using photons.
External beam therapy with protons is discussed in Chapters
10 and 11.
and even
Why Does Radiation Work?
Radiation can cause lethal damage to cells, mainly by forming highly
reactive radicals in the intracellular material that can chemically break
bonds in DNA, causing a cell to lose its ability to reproduce. The
higher the dose, the greater the probability of sterilizing cells. Such
damage is experienced both by the malignant cells one is trying to
eradicate, and by the cells in the healthy tissues that receive radiation
even though one would wish to spare them. There are two elements
to the strategy for maintaining the functional competence of the
irradiated normal tissues and organs.
First, there appears to be a small and favorable difference between
the radiation response of normal and malignant cells that allows
preservation of the normal cells that permeate the tumor, and of the
for this difference are complex, not fully understood, and even
controversial. The difference is probably due less to differences in
intrinsic cellular radiosensitivity than to differences in the genetic
machinery activated by radiation, in DNA repair kinetics, and in the
mechanisms of cell repopulation – and is counterbalanced by tumor-
protective factors such as the substantially greater resistance to
radiation of cells in regions of low oxygen tension such as are often
found in tumors. To further the differential effect, the dose is usually
delivered in small daily increments, termed fractions. This strategy is
generally thought to improve substantially the therapeutic advantage
as compared with radiation delivered in a single application. Con-
sequently, in conventional radiotherapy, about 30 to 40 daily
fractions of approximately 2 Gy each are used. 2 These fractions are
typically delivered once a day, with a weekend break, so that a course
of radiotherapy will typically last from 5 to 8 weeks. Treatment may
also be accelerated, for example, by delivering two fractions per day,
or by delivering higher doses per fraction with fewer fractions.
1 One generally defines as the target a volume that includes demonstrable
disease, possible subclinical extension of that disease (delineating this is
one of the radiation oncologist’s arts), and a safety margin for organ and
patient motion and technical uncertainties. This is termed the planning
target volume (PTV) as more fully described in Chapter 3.
2 There are particular clinical situations, usually involving relatively small
target volumes, in which far fewer fractions, sometimes only one, are
nearby tissues that are included in the target volume. The reasons
1. Radiation in the Treatment of Cancer
The second element of the strategy for minimizing the probability of
normal tissue injury involves the reduction of the dose delivered
to normal tissues that are spatially separated from the tumor. This
involves manipulating various properties of the therapy beams, as will
now be discussed.
Figure 1.1 shows a modern radiation therapy machine. X-rays are
produced when electrons, accelerated in a linear accelerator, strike a
thick high atomic number target, with the X-rays being then shaped
by a contoured flattening filter that makes uniform the otherwise
forward-peaked X-ray flux. The accelerator, beam transport system,
and beam-shaping devices (inset) are all mounted on a gantry which
can rotate a full 360
Figure 1.1. A typical modern linear accelerator. Images courtesy of Varian
Medical Systems. All rights reserved.
around the patient. The patient lies on a couch
that can move in all three translational directions and can rotate about
a vertical axis passing through the gantry’s isocenter. The shaped
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