David Icke Talks About Swine Flu.doc

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David Icke Talks About Swine Flu

David Icke Talks About Swine Flu



David Icke talks about the swine flu vaccination. He says that if you only do one thing to protect your family, don’t take the swine flu vaccine.



David Icke – Flu is not the biggest danger, it’s the vaccine!


British author and speaker David Icke has gone on camera to talk about swine flu. He explains why the vaccination is the problem and NOT the virus. David Icke has been talking about Problem-Reaction-Solution for nearly 20 years. The swine flu virus is a lab created problem that provokes a reaction of fear from the public. The scared public will then accept the solution that the governments had planned all along. The swine flu vaccination! The swine flu virus is not a natural virus as it is made up of genes from humans, birds and pigs from several different continents. This could only have originated in a laboratory.


The laboratory origins of the swine flu virus certainly start to make a lot more sense when you consider the fact that pharmaceutical company Baxter International filed the patent for the vaccine 8 months before the virus was discovered! How did they manage to make a vaccine for a virus that didn’t exist, unless it had already been created in a lab.


The only reason that there is a any panic at all about the swine flu is due to the WHO (World Health Organisation) changing the definition of a pandemic in April 2009. How convenient! Under the old definition there would have been nothing to worry about as it would have gone almost unnoticed. All this fear has been generated by media hype, as so far the virus has very similar symptoms to the regular flu. In the UK all you have to do is phone up a helpline and tell them your symptoms and they tell you that you have swine flu. What a convenient way to fix the figures for the own benefit.


The governments, pharmaceutical companies and the WHO all want mandatory vaccinations in all countries starting this autumn. But they have no power to do so if people wake up and research what is really going on and share his information with other people.


David Icke – Flu is not the biggest danger, it’s the vaccine!


An Austrian journalist, Jane Burgermeister has written a 170 page dossier of criminal charges and filed it with the FBI. The dossier charges the WHO, Baxter International and many others with a plot to unleash a deadly vaccination to cull the population. What she describes on this document is virtually a summary of what David Icke has written about on his books for nearly two decades.


Baxter International is the same corporation that “accidentally” sent material contaminated with the bird flu virus to 16 laboratories in Europe in February 2009. The same Baxter International that killed 81 people with a contaminated blood-thinning product called, heparin. The same Baxter that caused the deaths of 50 dialysis patients due to supplying faulty equipment. The very same Baxter that was caught inflating the cost of intravenous drugs by as much as 1,300%. Do you think they can be trusted to be creating a vaccine for the wellbeing of yourself and your family? If so you are reading the wrong website.


The vaccine is bypassing the standard regulatory checks in order to make it available as quickly as possible. The safety trials will be lasting less than a week! The London Times reported:


“Regulators at the European Medicines Agency said the fast-tracked procedure has involved clinical trials of a “mock-up” vaccine similar to the one that will be used for the biggest mass vaccination programme in generations. It will be introduced into the general population while regulators continue to carry out simultaneous clinical trials.”


That was just a very brief summary of David Icke’s article. I recommend you read the full article and watch the short 6 minute video at the top of the page as well. Please forward this link to everybody you know as the more people who wake up to what is really going on the sooner all these corruption and lies will come to an end.


David Icke – Flu is not the biggest danger, it’s the vaccine!

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