1984 Leos Carax - Boy Meets Girl.txt

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{1}{75}movie info: DIVX 576x320 25.0fps 697.2 MB
{1250}{1327}we are...
{1558}{1692}It is all...
{1693}{1793}so slow...
{1822}{1949}so heavy...
{1951}{2023}so sad...
{2303}{2407}will be...
{2724}{2855}it will...
{2856}{2949}at last...
{2974}{3039}be over...
{3890}{3991}I came to say I'm leaving you
{4030}{4117}Your tears won't change my mind
{4451}{4550}You remember happy days gone by
{4700}{4786}Hello, Henri.
{4787}{4830}Don't say that.
{4832}{4935}You told me to clear out,|so I did.
{5012}{5080}I have Pimpernel with me.
{5106}{5182}We're driving to the mountains.
{5215}{5259}Don't say that.
{5504}{5572}Hello, Henri.
{5607}{5655}It's Mait?.
{5656}{5739}You told me to clear out,|so I did.
{5740}{5809}I took Pimpernel and the car.
{5810}{5880}We're going to the mountains.|One more thing:
{5882}{5982}I've got all your poems|and crappy paintings.
{5983}{6074}You know where|I'm going to dump them all?
{6075}{6173}In the water, Henri.|In the river.
{6222}{6298}Don't hang up.|Listen to this.
{6395}{6510}Look, Pimpernel!|All the lights went out.
{8070}{8120}What's the date?
{8121}{8194}May 24, 1983.
{8195}{8250}It's 10:20.
{10473}{10519}Terrible heat.
{10565}{10615}I like it here.
{10616}{10668}The river, the highway...
{11016}{11068}She's a great girl.
{11173}{11245}Of course,|you know how it happened.
{11246}{11308}You know the story.
{11309}{11433}She's deaf in one ear...|the left one.
{11434}{11493}She was sleeping|on her good ear.
{11494}{11555}I said to her, "You're a love."
{11556}{11626}Startled, she turned to me...
{11627}{11682}and asked me how I knew.
{11683}{11739}I played along...
{11741}{11815}That's how I found out.
{11840}{11886}I would have anyway.
{11888}{11987}Florence is a lousy liar.|She thought I'd said...
{11988}{12046}"You've got a lover."
{12047}{12097}I figured it out fast.
{12098}{12159}I was relieved that I knew him.
{12160}{12265}Even if he was my best|and only friend.
{12266}{12328}And now she's gone.
{12330}{12433}Shit, I never thought|it'd get to that.
{12434}{12495}It's not like me at all.
{13896}{13939}That's crazy.
{14146}{14236}Florence's favorite colors.
{14237}{14337}She took everything, the bitch.
{16268}{16329}Where are you going?
{17169}{17228}Why won't you talk to me?
{17273}{17368}Sorry, but I can't talk|about it here and now.
{17792}{17858}So go talk about it elsewhere.
{20947}{21054}I forgot my keys. Leave them|in the box if you go out.
{21054}{21107}I'm not going out.
{21595}{21676}You don't love me anymore.
{21676}{21725}What did you say?
{21756}{21827}You heard me, Bernard.
{21828}{21889}Yes.|But don't say that, Mireille.
{21890}{21968}Why do you say that?|I know it's not easy.
{21969}{22050}I'm indifferent to you, but|that's not indifferent to me.
{22051}{22137}I love loving you,|but my head's a mess.
{22138}{22205}It took us a while|to love each other equally.
{22206}{22359}I watched your love catch up|with mine. And when it did...
{22361}{22440}a tune started going round|in my head.
{22441}{22501}You know I love it when we kiss.
{22502}{22568}But then the tune went...
{22568}{22635}"What's she doing here?|Who's that monster?
{22635}{22712}"How dare she touch me|with her mouth?
{22713}{22769}"She must think I like it!
{22770}{22865}"Her breath stinks."|I know you smell good...
{22866}{22954}but I've convinced myself|that you stink.
{23275}{23383}When I look at you,|it's not your beauty I see...
{23384}{23514}but the space you take up:|standing, sitting, lying down.
{23515}{23586}As I watch you, the tune goes...
{23587}{23639}"I don't want|this girl anymore."
{23640}{23706}I don't want anyone else|to have you...
{23707}{23764}yet I don't want to be loved.
{23765}{23849}The few times we talk now,|I don't take you seriously.
{23851}{23924}I talk and listen,|but I'm watching you.
{23925}{24035}I see your shell and insult you|silently, to hurt myself.
{24036}{24116}Then I feel pity for you...
{24117}{24156}and myself.
{24158}{24220}So I hate us.
{24221}{24310}Lonelier together than apart,|who could ever love us?
{24311}{24381}We're gluey together.
{24382}{24474}I want it to be like before...
{24520}{24585}To stop all the spying...
{24586}{24681}to stop all the sabotage...
{24682}{24771}Bye, angel.|I won't be home late.
{25961}{26035}My name is Bouriana.
{26079}{26194}The problem with loners|is that they're never alone.
{26225}{26254}What'll it be?
{26255}{26292}A small lemonade.
{26293}{26365}No small drinks after 10 p.m.
{26366}{26412}How about a large?
{26612}{26659}A glass of milk.
{26891}{26978}Bouriana...Yes, I'll hold on.
{26979}{27032}Give me a beer.
{27207}{27235}How much?
{27236}{27306}That'll be seven francs.
{27436}{27479}I'm holding on.
{27803}{27853}Excuse me.
{27855}{27944}Can I buy you a coffee?
{27945}{27987}Thank you.
{28090}{28153}That's right. I'm Bouriana.
{28317}{28397}This gentleman's paying|for my coffee.
{28582}{28663}Bouriana.|"B" as in Bouriana...
{28664}{28736}"O" as in Ouriana,|"U" as in Uriana...
{28737}{28783}"R" as in Riana,|"l" as in lana...
{28784}{28829}"A" as in Ana, "N" as in Na...
{28831}{28912}and "A" as in Alfred.|Alfred Bouriana!
{29378}{29466}We're having a real heat wave...
{29572}{29688}Your emotional blackmail...
{29689}{29765}it's like making love|in the shit house...
{31261}{31343}You can't fool me!|It's too late for your love!
{31344}{31408}I won't fall for that!
{32171}{32236}1970-1976: High school.
{32287}{32377}F cheats on me. 3/26/83.
{32378}{32478}1st shoplifting: 1968.
{32540}{32652}1st lie to F: 3/13/81.
{32692}{32755}My bank.
{32801}{32869}Luxembourg Park - Readings:|1977-1979.
{32901}{32998}Born: Cochin Hospital - 1960.
{32999}{33087}1st night with F:|7, rue Pascal, 1/2/81.
{33088}{33179}Hospital - April '80 - Hernia.
{33180}{33258}1st kiss F - 12/22/80.
{33316}{33387}I meet F: 6/2/80.
{33515}{33632}1st murder attempt: 5/25/83.
{34514}{34587}The air is so still.
{34588}{34661}Let's put on a fresh shirt!
{35277}{35331}Now you're mad!
{35332}{35409}How can you want to make love...
{35450}{35505}when the world's such a mess?!
{35506}{35581}Are you blind?
{35754}{35809}You act so cute...
{35810}{35889}but you're just an animal!
{35914}{35987}You feed on rotten meat...
{35988}{36060}laced with tenderness.
{36061}{36110}You like it?
{36111}{36144}Not me.
{36145}{36218}Can't you smell it?
{36219}{36271}You must have a cold!
{36272}{36370}Or else you'd puke!
{36467}{36538}You ask me|what's come between us?
{36539}{36640}Life, that's what!
{36641}{36700}Isn't that enough for you?
{36954}{37007}I'm gonna hit!
{37008}{37078}Watch out! Here it comes!
{37079}{37200}You gotta hit! Hit!
{37201}{37313}I'm gonna hit!
{37338}{37369}I'm hitting!
{38041}{38140}You can't leave, Anna.|We live together.
{41440}{41515}One, two, three, and four.
{47456}{47521}Alex? It's your father.
{47522}{47567}Hi. How are you?
{47597}{47639}What time is it?
{47713}{47778}The telephone startled me...
{47779}{47851}It was a sort of d?j? vu...
{47852}{47914}like a memory of the present...
{47915}{47982}That's why...l'm in a daze.
{48025}{48088}-Tomorrow, I'm...|-I know. That's why...
{48089}{48161}-Let's drop it.|-All right.
{48190}{48253}-You heard about Aunt V.?|-No.
{48254}{48307}She didn't die.
{48308}{48360}Why should she?
{48362}{48436}They're keeping her alive|on a drip-feeder.
{48436}{48519}A plumber's nightmare!
{48520}{48556}It's dreadful!
{48558}{48615}That's not new.
{48616}{48676}I'm counting on you.
{48677}{48740}If I get senile - Bang!
{48740}{48862}Who wants to be|a bedridden vegetable?!
{48863}{48913}Remember our contract:
{48914}{48984}You put a bullet in my brain!|Promise!
{48985}{49068}I'm not kidding, Alex!|Swear it!
{49070}{49133}I already did.
{49134}{49208}Unless I die first, of course.
{49208}{49309}Cut that out, you asshole! Shit!
{50511}{50550}Bernard dear...
{50551}{50614}I'm giving a party|at my place Friday...
{50614}{50717}to celebrate the tenth|anniversary of Stan's death.
{50717}{50804}Bring Mireille with you.
{54070}{54137}Your turn now.
{54354}{54439}Your turn.|Play with me a little.
{54440}{54506}Then we'll turn over and begin.
{54507}{54566}Then what?
{54567}{54655}What is it?
{54656}{54707}I'm lost.
{54733}{54780}Wasn't it good?
{54781}{54878}Not really. Something's wrong...
{54922}{54963}I don't know.
{54964}{55013}What's wrong?
{55014}{55063}I don't like it so wet.
{55063}{55156}You salivate too much.|I feel like...
{55157}{55279}You're like Alex. You like it|dry so it almost hurts.
{55325}{55373}It doesn't hurt.
{55374}{55488}I prefer touching|when it's not so wet.
{55489}{55575}It's nicer with saliva.
{55576}{55632}For you.
{55633}{55739}Don't disappoint me yet...|So soon...
{55740}{55824}I thought you liked it that way.
{55825}{55879}But I was wrong.
{55880}{55991}Tell me when you don't like what|I do so I don't waste my time.
{55992}{56034}What don't I like?
{56035}{56107}When I take you in my mouth|and salivate.
{56186}{56241}I meant when I do it to you.
{56242}{56293}But I like it when it's wet.
{56294}{56395}I assumed you'd like|what I like. I was wrong.
{56425}{56466}Like putting a finger in...
{56468}{56541}I didn't like that|with Alex at first...
{56542}{56641}Now I do. But you clench up|before I can get it in....
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