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¨2003, Page 1
Instructions for Assembling the Pop-Up Valentine.
Copy of pop-up valentine printed or photocopied on 8 1/2Ñ x 11Ñ heavy white paper. 24 lb. works well.
Red construction paper, 9Ñ x 12Ñ size
Crayons or markers - Children can color the pictures and write names on the valentine.
Scissors with sharp points
Glue stick or paste
Ruler - Can be used as a straightedge to hold against the folding line when making folds.
After the children have colored the valentines, an adult or older
children will need to handle the cutting and folding. Sharp
pointed scissors are used to cut all of the heavy, solid lines
which are shown in blue on the card picture.
For pop-up pages, the folded lines are always of two kinds.
The first kind is folded up like an A. This is a ridge fold like
the ridge pole of a house. The second kind is folded down like
a V. This is a gutter fold like a drainage gutter. The key below
shows the A-Ridge fold as square red dots while the V-Gutter
fold is shown as green rectangular dots.
Cutting Lines
Ridge Fold - Fold up like an A.
Gutter Fold - Fold down like a V.
When all the folds have been made, fold the red construction
paper in half to be used as the backing for the pop-up. Put a
little paste on the back of the pop-up and press it firmly against
the backing. Carefully fold it all down flat and then open it to
watch it POP-UP.
Since adult help is required, this is a good project for small
groups or for older brothers and sisters in an after-school
daycare center.
You can also use the valentine as a sample to devise your own
pop-up projects.
¨2003, Page 2
Background Information for Teachers and Parents
St. ValentineÓs Day
Of the seven or so saints named Valentine, twoÏa
3 rd Century priest and a bishopÏhappened to die on
February 14th, a date which the Pope, a century later,
designated St. ValentineÓs Day. Despite romantic tales
that one Valentine had befriended his jailerÓs daughter
and the other had married couples despite orders not
to do so, neither had anything at all to do with the
romantic tradition of the holiday that bears their name.
chose their mates, gradually transformed St.
ValentineÓs Day into a time for the exchange of love
messages, and St. Valentine became the patron saint
of lovers.
Valentines grew increasingly elaborate during the
Victorian era and were often decorated with lace,
roses, and pictures of cupids. The tradition of
school children exchanging valentines in their
classrooms has continued to be popular during this
century, while adults have added flowers, candy,
and gifts to the items given to those they love or
In fact, February 14th was also the eve of the ancient
Roman Festival of Lupercalia, an occasion for young
men and women to draw each others names in a
lottery. That theme of young love, along with the
belief that the middle of February was when birds
¨2003, Page 3
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