
(25 KB) Pobierz
{1302}{1337}We're done waiting.
{1348}{1423}Only a river of blood can bring us|bacK together.
{1436}{1477}It's up to you.
{1487}{1552}It's always been up to you, Michael.
{1557}{1623}Hey, baby, you Know what?|It's after midnight.
{1629}{1680}So? I don't thinK my pussy is gonna|turn into a pumpKin.
{1692}{1738}It's technically Halloween, baby.
{1749}{1835}How'd you liKe to be fucKed|by the FranKenstein monster, huh?
{1891}{1955}You're my bride of FranKenstein.
{1966}{2011}Big, green, scary monster!
{2016}{2070}Oh, no. Oh, I'm so scared.
{2095}{2140}-Titties good.|-No.
{2145}{2171}Ass good.
{2214}{2248}I'm gonna give it to you good.
{2253}{2305}I'm gonna give you|my jolly green giant.
{2310}{2346}Jesus Christ!
{2400}{2476}What are you doing?|Get the fucK out of here.
{2483}{2539}Come on, get the fucK out of here,|motherfucKer.
{2567}{2596}You're gonna stare me down?
{2635}{2670}Stare this down, motherfucKer!
{2675}{2767}Come on now! I'll fucKing blow two|holes right through your fucKing masK.
{2771}{2844}I been to Nam. I'll taKe you out,|you hear me? I'll fucKing--
{3385}{3418}What are you doing?
{4060}{4099}Open the door! No!
{4116}{4156}No! Open the door!
{5656}{5730}Son of a bitch!
{5735}{5788}You fucKing did it!
{5920}{5982}FucK, what am I gonna do?
{6127}{6165}-Hello?|-Hey, princess.
{6170}{6202}Hey, Dad. What's up?
{6207}{6267}Listen, is Laurie around?
{6272}{6310}I'd like to talk to her.
{6315}{6371}No, she left before I got up.|Why, what's up?
{6375}{6420}Well, could you do me a favor?
{6425}{6494}Could you find her|and then call me when you do?
{6499}{6538}Why? What's going on?
{6543}{6590}Sweetie, I gotta tell you|about that later.
{6595}{6659}Could you just do me|that favor, please?
{6664}{6715}-Everything oKay?|-Everything is fine.
{6720}{6769}I just need to talK to her, sweetie.|OKay?
{8291}{8340}He's still out there.
{8347}{8436}Rich and famous.|All because of our pain.
{8480}{8524}I hope he's having fun.
{8529}{8606}Are you a real redhead? ThanK you.|Have a good one.
{8611}{8634}-Here you go.|-ThanKs.
{8639}{8671}It's going very well, indeed.|Well done.
{8675}{8747}Yes, looK at the crowd.|It's great. Great.
{8752}{8807}Right, well done.
{8811}{8875}-ThanK you.|-Can you maKe it out to--?
{8879}{8953}-I'm sorry, I'm a little nervous. Chett.|-Calm down, calm down.
{8958}{8988}-Big deep breath.|-ThanKs.
{8993}{9078}Chett Johns.|No, no, actually, you Know what?
{9083}{9164}-Chett, the bringer of death.|-OKay.
{9169}{9199}That's Chett with two T's.
{9204}{9276}-Chett, the bringer of....|-The bringer of...
{9281}{9356}...death. Oh, man,|that is so awesome.
{9361}{9410}-There.|-ThanKs. I wanted to let you Know...
{9415}{9475}...that Michael is so much|deeper than those other guys.
{9480}{9534}LiKe Dahmer and that bitch Bundy...
{9539}{9626}...because he eats at the core|of the victim's soul, you Know?
{9631}{9699}-How people ostracize those--|-All right. Well, thanKs so much.
{9704}{9747}-You're the man.|-You're the man!
{9751}{9787}-You're the man, dude.|-ThanK you.
{9792}{9862}-You're awesome. ThanK you.|-ThanK you.
{9884}{9959}Jesus. Well, we always have one,|don't we?
{10012}{10049}Hi. How are you?
{10120}{10163}Do you want me to sign this?|What?
{10168}{10203}You don't recognize her?
{10219}{10290}-Why? Should l?|-I'm not surprised.
{10312}{10350}TaKe a really good looK at her.
{10358}{10431}-Oh, she's beautiful.|-She was beautiful.
{10447}{10496}This is my daughter.
{10586}{10669}-Your monster Killed her.|-Whoa, whoa, wait.
{10683}{10745}-He butchered her.|-You have my deepest sympathy.
{10750}{10809}Do I have your deepest sympathy,|you fucKing pig?
{10814}{10847}-I'm truly sorry.|-You Killer.
{10852}{10894}-No, I didn't Kill anyone.|-You Killer!
{10899}{10950}All right, just calm down.|It's all right.
{10955}{10999}You butchered my baby. BacK up!
{11012}{11043}You butchered my baby!
{11048}{11103}-Can we get somebody--?|-I'm gonna get you, Loomis.
{11108}{11166}Get your hands off me.|Get your goddamn hands off me!
{11171}{11231}It's all right. Everyone,|just calm down. Calm down.
{11236}{11290}-All right, I'm fine.|-Everything's under control.
{11295}{11329}-Son of a bitch!|-He's got a gun!
{11334}{11373}-I'm gonna Kill you, Loomis!|-Jesus.
{11378}{11422}I'm gonna Kill you, goddamn it!
{11604}{11666}I mean, the police said|that it wasn't even loaded, so--
{11671}{11738}Oh, I feel so much better.
{11746}{11793}All part of the job, I suppose.
{11798}{11871}Spoon-feeding drivel|to the masses.
{11886}{11933}Comes with its own bloody price,|doesn't it?
{11938}{11973}If you say so.
{12045}{12090}Just what is that tone,|Miss McDonald?
{12095}{12146}Do you thinK I'm crossing the line|or something?
{12151}{12233}I mean, do please feel free|to voice your opinion.
{12270}{12308}Well, off the record, yes.
{12313}{12377}Yes, actually, I thinK this booK|crosses quite a few lines.
{12409}{12475}These are people's lives|you're toying with.
{12480}{12546}There's gonna be|serious repercussions.
{12795}{12843}FucK! FucK!
{12847}{12893}FucK you, motherfucKer!
{13779}{13841}Hey. Hey!
{13924}{13964}What is--?|Hey, where are you going?
{13969}{14010}I'm getting the fucK out of here.
{14015}{14083}Wait, hey! Listen, my dad called.|He was trying to find you.
{14087}{14117}Yeah, I bet he was.
{14122}{14162}Tell me you didn't Know, please!
{14167}{14206}-Tell me you didn't Know.|-Know what?
{14211}{14294}FucK it. I mean, daddy's|little princess Knows all, right?
{14299}{14331}What are you talKing about?
{14336}{14389}Hey, stop. Calm down. LooK at me.
{14394}{14422}What is going on?
{14427}{14495}Let me just call my dad, oKay?|We can talK to him.
{14500}{14550}You Know what?|I have a message for your dad.
{14555}{14643}Tell him that Angel says|"fucK you"!
{14651}{14700}Who is Angel? Laurie!
{14779}{14835}Hey, fucKing asshole!
{14840}{14872}FucK you!
{14877}{14911}Hey, sweetie, did you find her?
{14916}{15017}Yes. She ran in and she ran out|screaming some shit about:
{15022}{15075}"Tell your dad that Angel|says 'fucK you."'
{15079}{15119}Who the fuck is Angel?
{15141}{15195}FucK, fucK, fucK.
{15282}{15351}I want you to head to my house|and Keep an eye on Annie for me.
{15356}{15416}Oh, boss, last year she tried|to KicK me in the nuts.
{15421}{15455}You Know she's not gonna liKe this.
{15460}{15488}Don't care what she liKes.
{15493}{15551}Now head over to my place|and if she KicKs you out...
{15555}{15614}...you just sit outside with a shotgun|on your lap...
{15619}{15688}-...IiKe you did last year, all right?|-Yes.
{16054}{16124}LooK, can I crash here tonight,|please?
{16129}{16168}Yeah, oKay.
{16187}{16211}What's up?
{16233}{16306}LooK, I just found|something out that's Kind of...
{16311}{16367}...freaKing me the fucK out.
{16379}{16423}OKay. What is it?
{16446}{16496}I went into this booKstore...
{16501}{16548}...and I got this booK and...
{16553}{16645}-...inside there's a bunch of pictures--|-ChecK me out, man.
{16650}{16704}FucKing sicK, huh?
{16709}{16815}I'm a chicK dressing up as a dude|who wants to be a chicK.
{16825}{16885}-Shut up.|-What? Who died?
{16942}{16990}Shit, baby,|did somebody really die?
{17027}{17078}I'm not me.
{17102}{17204}I'm not me. Do you understand|what the fucK I'm saying?
{17215}{17257}Not really.
{17299}{17338}Who are you then?
{17378}{17432}I'm Angel Myers.
{17462}{17521}Michael Myers' sister.
{17549}{17604}All right, even I wouldn't|fucKing touch that joKe.
{17609}{17655}You can't Kid around about that shit.
{17660}{17740}-You're such a good little actress--|-I am not fucKing joKing!
{17750}{17812}All right, if you fucKing thinK I'm lying,|looK at this.
{17818}{17848}All right? LooK.
{17853}{17901}There's me, Angel Myers.
{17906}{17982}And here's my fucKed-up life.
{18084}{18115}Maybe it's a mistaKe.
{18207}{18258}Holy shit, dude.
{18264}{18299}This is fucKing insane.
{18304}{18371}Our next guest gained infamy|as a psychologist...
{18376}{18423}...for America's leading serial Killer.
{18427}{18481}"Leading serial Killer"?|The most notorious.
{18486}{18529}"Leading"?|He's number one in his field.
{18534}{18599}Anyway, his new booK is called|The Devil Walks Among Us...
{18604}{18664}...is available somewhere.|Welcome Dr. Samuel Loomis.
{18719}{18763}-Dr. Loomis.|-Hi, David. How are you?
{18768}{18807}-Have a seat.|-Hi, everyone.
{18812}{18872}ThanK you. ThanK you. Very nice.
{18878}{18929}-Mr. Weird, how are you?|-Al's good.
{18999}{19064}Now, you've been criticized|and in some circles...
{19069}{19149}...outright accused of profiteering|off the misery of others.
{19154}{19219}I mean, how do you even|respond to that criticism?
{19223}{19283}Well, you Know, I thinK that's|completely unfounded.
{19287}{19336}I always get permission|when I do the parody.
{19341}{19382}No, Al, I was talKing to Loomis.
{19387}{19419}Oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead.
{19424}{19486}No, no, no, please.|It was fascinating, your answer.
{19491}{19544}-Your turn. I'm done.|-lf you've got something....
{19591}{19659}Actually, I taKe great issue|with that statement.
{19663}{19781}Besides, I might say that I've endured|quite a lot of misery of my own...
{19786}{19844}...in order to tell this story.
{19849}{19903}Yeah, everyone feels|real bad for you except--
{19908}{19983}I have never ever been|so humiliated in all my life!
{19988}{20047}-You were fantastic. Trust me.|-Nonsense!
{20052}{20084}-Good night. ThanK you.|-ThanK you.
{20519}{20553}-TricK or treat.|-Here you go.
{20558}{20608}-ThanK you.|-ThanK you.
{20891}{20956}Are you a giant?
{20992}{21039}Can we be friends?
{21115}{21189}MarK, come on.|Don't talK to strangers.
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