
(4098 KB) Pobierz
& Research
Copyright 2002 - 2005
PO BOX 557 New Albany, IN. 47151 USA
Copyright 2005
Thank you for buying these plans, we hope you
enjoy them.
Copyright 2005 Creative Science
The Fuelless Engine is our trade mark and is a spin
off of Nikola Tesla technology as well as our own.
This motor is like no other electric motor in the world.
You can run this motor on 300 to 2,000 volts dc,
(using a special coil design as well as the designs
included in these plans, see our high HP plans as well,
they have even more info that you may need. )
Please Keep all of this information to yourself!
When Free Energy Electric Motors are allowed
to be manufactured here in the USA Then we maybe
able to offer more information, more designs etc..
Even more than what we are offering here.... Keep
your eyes and ears open to world wide news as well
as to our websites. This device does produce free
energy and can be used to run a dc or ac low rpm
generator. We suggest you build and use our Sp500
low rpm generator. $70 for the plans.
Our Smallest Low hp motor, uses our spiral coil technology,
These motors or engines are very compact and high efficient.
Copyright 2005 Creative Science
You can make the outer case out of just about
anything you want, just keep to the basic design.
Keep in mind these motors were designed as simple
homemade devices. We have tried our best to keep
it as simple as possible for everyone. The outer
motor casing can be a square wooden box or large
steel or aluminum cylinder piping, or as you see in
the photo to the right 2 round motor ends with long
bolts. The higher the horsepower the more sturdy the
motor casing structure should be. Some of our
customers have used 14” blue/green sewer piping.
Many people do not know this but an Engine can also be
called a motor and an electric motor can also be called an
engine. These terms have been debated since the early
1900’s and to this date.
Our RC Nano Flux High Hp Fuelless Engine #362-RC
For High Voltage Power Supply see page 32
The Fue lles s
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T he F ue l ss
T he F ue l ss
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T he F ue less
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The Fuelless Engine
Copyright 2002 - 2005 Creative Science & Research
PO BOX 557 New Albany, IN. 47151 USA
Knowledge is Power!
What is Free Energy?
There are many examples of free energy, one example is the sun. The
sun gives off free energy and we collect that energy in the form of heat
and electricity everyday. We use solar cell technology to collect the
suns electrical energy and turn it into usable electricity. But is the sun
perpetual? No, but some people when they think of free energy they
tend to think of perpetual motion , but they are not always the same.
When the DC electric motor was invented it was found that it gave off
free energy in the form of back emf. This new type of free energy
reversed the incoming polarity of the motors copper coils ( incoming dc
pulses ), causing the soft iron cores ( electro magnets ) of the top of
the motor coils to change poles, from north to south. This changing of
polarity and poles caused by the free energy from the back emf,
caused the motors to work against themselves and this is still going on
in many DC motors that are manufactured to this day. So now we see
that all common DC electric motors used today produce free energy in
the from of back emf and is not being used or designed in a way to
take full advantage of this free energy output in which earlier design
engineers seen as a disadvantage rather than a high efficiency
Free Energy
Solar Panel
DC Motor
What is back emf? Back emf is free energy caused by a collapsing
magnetic field generated in a coil of copper coated wire wrapped
around a soft iron core. For example if you take a common isolation
transformer or a High Voltage Microwave oven transformer and pulse it
with 12 to 24 vdc very quickly into it’s primary , the transformer will
produce free energy in the form of back emf from the primary and the
secondary coils. Both primary and secondary coils now become AC
because of the free electrical energy produced by the back emf. As an
example to help simplify it a bit more lets do a test. For this test you
will need a DC volt meter, a one way diode and a electrolytic capacitor
rated at 50 v x 4700 uf ( you can buy these on line at any electronics
supply company or Radio Shack store ). Now connect the diode to the
+ positive end of the capacitor, if the diode is pointing in the correct
position you can connect a small 9 volt battery and it will be able to
charge the capacitor, if it does not then the diode is pointing the wrong
HV MicrowaveTransformer
Fig 1
Se condary
12 vdc battery
one way
DC Volt Meter
Introduction 1
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The Fuelless Engine
Copyright 2002 - 2005 Creative Science & Research
PO BOX 557 New Albany, IN. 47151 USA
If you are using an isolation transformer it really does not matter
which side you use as the primary. Now connect your DC volt
meter to the capacitor, + to + and negative to negative. Now
connect the negative black wire lead to the negative of the
battery and to the positive lead wire of the capacitor before the
diode, after the diode would be a direct connection to the plus
side of the cap, you do not want to do that, because when the +
polarity reverses the diode will direct it to the positive side of the
cap. Now connect the other end of the black negative wire to the
negative terminal of the 12 vdc or 24 dc battery. Now connect
the positive red wire to the primary leads of the transformer and
to an ( SW ) on and off switch as shown in Figure 1. Now tape a
penny to the top of the soft iron core of the transformer and then
tape a 4” long x 1/8” thick x 1” wide piece of steel on top of the
penny. When DC voltage is applied to the primary coil the metal
will be pulled down to the soft iron core or to the top of the HV
Transformer indicating a strong magnetic flux.
Wall Transformer
Wall transformers can be taken apart and the
transformers used as electromagnets or for the test
described in introduction page 1. Old wall transformers
are also a good source for copper coated wire.
To operate: Turn the ( SW ) switch on for 3 seconds, while the
SW is on, notice your volt meter is at zero, showing no energy
coming into the capacitor. ( You will notice that the steel bar you
taped on top of the penny is now attracted to the transformer).
So in just 3 seconds you have made a powerful electromagnet
from the center iron core of the transformer, north is on top and
south is on bottom or depending on which side of the coil you
place the + side of the battery on.
Amperage Meter
Now after 3 seconds turn off the 24 vdc power, the positive flow
of electrons will now reverse because the electromagnet was
turned off. this is similar as the effects of a permanent magnet
generator.. When the magnet passes into the coil area and to it’s
center a voltage is produced in the wire, when the magnet is
then moved out from the center of the coil and leaves the coil
area this reverses the polarity and produces another flow of
electrical energy ( back emf ) the same amount of energy as
before. You will notice the volt meter needle move when you
turn off the power. This is free energy from a collapsing
magnetic field. Capacitors also store and collect free energy
between it’s plates in the form of r...? energy. Electrons are then
stored and collected on the metal plates.
RPM Meter ( laser type )
You can buy at
An example of a
HV Electrolytic
Capacitor, good for HV power supplies.
Introduction 2
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The Fuelless Engine
Copyright 2002 - 2005 Creative Science & Research
PO BOX 557 New Albany, IN. 47151 USA
Question: What is a Capacitor?
Capacitor’s come in all shapes and sizes, for example, 2 pieces of
aluminum or copper sheeting spaced 1/16” apart is considered a
Capacitor. Both sheets of metal must be the same size. A wire lead
is connected to each as shown in Figure 2. A DC voltage is then
applied to the air capacitor and energy is stored in between the
metal plates. Much like a battery but is different in that the electrical
energy can be discharged all at once. This is why it is dangerous to
handle a capacitor that is charged without thick rubber gloves, if the
charge is of a high voltage and of a high micro farad rating (
amperage ) the discharge can kill you. The Fuelless Engine uses
capacitance to it’s advantage that is why this motor works so well.
It will be to your advantage to build your own homemade HV
Capacitor(s). See our plans # HVC1 for only $9.95
DC/ac Volt Meter
There are 2 types of Capacitors , The dry type and the wet type.
An electrolytic capacitor is a wet type and is good for many things
such as HV step up power supplies. Electrolytic Photo caps are
the best, they are very high efficient. An electrolytic type capacitor
will always have a + plus side and a negative side marked on them.
A dry type or AC oil filled type capacitor is not electrolytic, AC or DC
can be applied to them. You can place the + positive charge lead
on either side of the capacitor and it will not harm the capacitor.
A HV Electrolytic Capacitor
450 vdc x 350 uf
Always wear rubber gloves, long sleeve jacket and
rubber shoes when working with HV charged capacitors. Always
discharge them when you are done and keep them away from
children and adults who are not educated in HV capacitors. It is
always best to put up High Voltage signs in your lab. You can buy
these signs on the internet at:
or at most
hardware stores. ( Our motors use both types....)
The bigger the plates the more amperage can be stored, or the more plates you add and stack one
on top of the other the more amperage will be stored, this increases the ( uf ) micro farads. The air
space in figure 2 can be considered the die electric, as it is called. You can build a large HV capacitor
using aluminum or copper sheeting and 3mil mylar as the die electric. Again see our HVC1 HV
Capacitor plans for $9.95 USD.
Figure 2
- 24 vdc or higher
HV Oil filled Capacitors
( For line poles etc..)
- Electrons stored here
1/16” air space stored here......
+ 24 vdc or higher
+ Electrons stored here
Introduction 3
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The Fuelless Engine
Copyright 2002 - 2005 Creative Science & Research
PO BOX 557 New Albany, IN. 47151 USA
Free Energy & High Efficiency
Free energy and high efficiency work hand in hand, you can not
have one with out the other. Nikola Tesla discovered what he called
radiant energy in the early 1900’s, It seems electrons can not work
without this so called radiant energy. radiant energy and electrons
work together as one, but are also separate from each other. It is
my theory that radiant energy travels faster than electrons and as it
travels pulls the electrons with it. It seems the electrons are always
following behind the ( so called ) radiant energy. When this energy
is charged into a high voltage capacitor the electrons collect
themselves on the 2 metal plates. Electromagnetic coils store
energy just like a capacitor. If the copper or aluminum wire is
wound side by side as perfect as one can get to form a coil, then
the efficiency of that coil ( or motor ) will go way up storing and
releasing free energy and reusing it within itself. This is why we like
to use spiral electro magnetic air coils for our motors.
N i k o l a T e s l a
Inventor of AC
and many high
Voltage products
such as ac motors
and generators as
well as HV Tesla
Coils. Wireless
Electricity etc...
Brush Commutator Sw’s
Photo 1 is just an example of one of our
many experiments in testing and building
a small free energy low hp motor.
Here you see us using a 2 stack air core
spiral coil. #37 copper wire test model.
Notice that the spiral coil is at a great
distance from the neodymium magnet.
Even at this distance the motor ran very
well. Of course the closer the magnet is to
the electromagnetic spiral coil the higher
the efficiency and the rpms as well as
horse Power.
Spiral Coil
Photo 1 of small test model of a Fuelless Engine
or you can also call it a motor as well as an engine.
300 vdc input pulses at about .05 milliamps.
No spaces between wires
Our special spiral coils can be any shape or size.
Introduction 4
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