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Test 5


1              Uzupełnij zdania, używając właściwej formy twierdzącej czasu Present Simple czasowników podanych w tabeli.

study       play       wake       open       close

0              Jack plays football every Sunday.

1              We ________________ up at seven o’clock every day.

2              In England the banks ________________ at 9:30 in the morning.

3              The National Museum ________________ at six o’clock on weekdays.

4              Mary is a student. She ________________ medicine.


2              Ułóż pytania do poniższych zdań w czasie Present Simple, zaczynając od podanych wyrazów..

0              Do your parents like music?
Your parents like music.

1              Where ___________________________________________?
We grow bananas in the West Indies.

2              Does ___________________________________________?
It rains a lot in England.

3              When ___________________________________________?
John washes his car every weekend.

4              Do ___________________________________________?
These shoes cost a lot of money.


3              Uzupełnij zdania, używając właściwej formy przeczącej czasu Present Simple czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

0              I don’t understand (understand) this book.

1              We ________________ (sell) newspapers in this shop.

2              Kasia ________________ (buy) expensive clothes.

3              It ________________ (rain) a lot in Cairo.

4              I ________________ (pay) my uncle to fix my car.


4              Uporządkuj poniższe słowa tak, aby powstały zdania.

0              The train / always / Frank / misses
Frank always misses the train.

1              my teeth / in the morning / always / I / brush

2              their relatives / never / abroad / visit / they

3              at home / usually / are / we / on Sunday mornings







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