Archerloan - Demonic Confidence - Workbook.doc

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Demonic Confidence

FIRST READ this workbook BEFORE you start listening to the CDs.

Welcome to Demonic Confidence! I am very happy with this product because it addresses the main concern most guys have when it comes to dating, seducing, and befriending women. In short, most guys feel like they need more confidence when it comes to women.

Like many other guys, I have personally tried and tested many products out there that promise such confidence. Some of these have worked better than others.   But I have found that NONE of them give me the levels of confidence I imagine for myself. Worse yet, whatever increase in confidence they convey, the effect is NEVER permanent. Inevitably I end up a slave to countless exercises that I must perform forever. I just don't have time for it. I want to be out there with the girls, not at home rehearsing and visualizing heroic moves that I'll never get to make.

So I have done what I always do when I need help in this area. I called my good friend Lucas West and asked him about it. Once again, he imparted on me the wisdom of his teacher Abbas Ali. I set out to test his teachings. Soon after I was astounded at the results.

To call what I gained "confidence" is too much of an understatement. I really have no word for the state I was in. I came up with the name DEMONIC CONFIDENCE in the hopes that it would convey the power I felt flowing through me.

Being the smart businessman that I am, I begged Lucas to record and explain these techniques so I could share them with my clients. And he did more than that! He condensed them into a 21 day program and somehow got Abbas to clarify some of the key concepts in it. All you need is 21 days to gain Demonic levels of Confidence. Going through the program more than once may be too much. It may turn you into living gods. So I encourage you to listen to it more than once and break new ground.

As you do so, keep these things on mind. You MUST DO THE EXERCISES. Otherwise you will still get a lot out of the set but not necessarily the Demonic levels of Confidence you crave.

You must DO THE EXERCISES IN SEQUENCE. If you skip ahead, you may ruin the whole process. This system deals with progressive conditioning. Such conditioning works better when you don't know what comes next. So do the exercises in order BEFORE listening for the next exercise. If you do not follow this simple rule, you have only yourself to blame for not getting any.

You must DO THE EXERCISES EVERY DAY. If you skip a day, start all over again. Progressive conditioning of this sort works best when you follow this rule. Your mind learns fast. So you must give it something to learn every day. It's the way Lucas designed this system and it's the way that it will work for you.

Keep in mind also that on days 19 and 20, you will need to go through an exercise each day for which you will need to free up 8 hours each day. So if you need time off work, make sure you get it in advanced BEFORE you start the program. If you do not get the days off, and you have already started the exercises, you will have to start all over again from day one. So make sure you can free up days 19 and 20 in advance.

Also, most exercises require 30 minutes to 2 hours of practice. If you cannot free up 30 minutes for 21 days (remember that two of those days you need completely free) then you cannot use this system to gain Demonic Confidence. If you need to, skip lunch and practice instead. Or don't go to the gym and practice instead. Or get home half an hour later. Or go to bed half an hour later. Or wake up half an hour earlier Or don't watch a TV show. Do whatever you need to do to free up at least 30 minutes each day. Follow these simple rules and in 21 days you will be enjoying superhuman levels of confidence.

Please note too that exercise 6 has NOT been included in the CDs. One reason is that I want to make sure that you are using your workbook and you have followed instructions and read this first. Another reason is that this exercise, as Abbas explained it to Lucas, was a bit too strong to keep as they recorded it. I don't mean that it

was too powerful, because 1 would never keep something so good from you.   In fact, I have described the exercise in the workbook in detail so you are not missing out on its awesome effectiveness. What I mean by too strong is that Abbas explained it to Lucas who has been studying with him for years. He therefore did not bother to talk about the safeguards in the exercise that could have an adverse effect on your psyche as opposed to the wonderful results you will get by following my instructions in the workbook.

As always, let me know how you are doing. Archer Sloan

Day One. State Your Goal - Lucas goes into detail in the CD as to what you need to  do here.

Imagine Yourself Achieving Your Goal- Make A List Of Any Objections- Again Lucas explains this on the CD

Take Your Objections and Explain How You Know The Objections Are Valid- Listen to Lucas' explanation-You can start listening to the CDs and do the workbook exercises as you are told to in the audio.

List Specifically Your Beliefs About Women- I always encourage students to be specific in what they want. Most students working with Demonic Confidence want to have more confidence with women. If for some reason you are not one of them and you want confidence in some other area. I still want you to do the exercise and list your beliefs about women. Even if you are a woman yourself. I want you to list your beliefs about women. This is one of the most important steps in Demonic Confidence. Be honest with yourself as you do this.


Make A List Of How You Would Like To Replace Or Remove The Objections You Listed Before. Make sure you replace every something else. If you want to keep your

objections then you should evaluate your need for Demonic Confidence. Remember, no one will force you to be confident if you don't want to.


Make A List That Explains Why The Objections You Had Are Really Not Valid. This is important. Make sure you come up with reasons vou actually believe as to why vour objections were invalid and why the replacements you have found for those beliefs are much more valid. You cannot proceed until you figure this out.

After Exercise Five. Stop the CD and Read About: Exercise Six-I will explain a bit of the theory behind it and then let you go out and do this exercise. Before you do this, you need to have done exercises one through five as described in the CDs.

Abbas has explained many times that the feelings we call "Fear." "Desire." Excitement." and "Numinosity." have such similar physiological effects that we might as well consider them the same feelings. The difference is the context in which we perceive this feeling. For example, if we expect the worst outcome in some situation, the feeling will be called fear and perceived as such. If we expect a positive sexual outcome, we call the feeling desire. Take sky-diving. As you stand ready to jump out the plane you will feel a distinct feeling. If you expect to die, the feeling will be fear. If you expect to have fun, the feeling will be excitement. Either way it is the same physiological process.

The following exercises deal with fear, desire, and excitement. I have left out numinousity because, if you could feel the numinous when approaching women, you would not need Demonic Confidence.

Exercise six consists of going back to the "post office" exercise. This time around, you will make the approach while imagining the worst possible outcome. It is up to you to imagine something bad. Like imagining her spitting on your face as

soon as you open your mouth. Or slapping you. Or shooting you. Or insulting you. Whatever you feel could actually happen if you approached an angry and neurotic and psychotic woman.

Now here, more than ever, follow Abbas' rule and do NOT do this exercise for more than two hours. Afterwards make sure you go back to your affirmations and affirm that "you can make yourself ridiculously afraid any time you want." Afterwards let go of the exercise for good and stop thinking about it.

Take Notes On Your Fear Experience-But once you are done, let it go. This exercise can be dangerous if you don't follow instruction on it. Now resume listening to the CDs.

Take Notes On Your Desire Exercise- follow Lucas' instructions on noticing pictures, sounds, and feelings.

Take Notes On Your Excitement Exercise.

Chart Progress- List what you find has changed in you-be,as detailed as you can and as specific as you can. Make sure you complete this exercise.

List Any Changes In Your Original Goal-You may do this anytime right after exercise six hut before exercise ten.


List Any Changes In Your Objections Or Notice any New Objections that You May Have. If you have no new objections, good. If you do, go back and redo the second and third exercise in the workbook.
Chart Any Changes In Your Beliefs About Women. Once again be honest about them. Do this before exercise ten.

Write Down Your Affirmation For Exercise Ten. Fill up the page.


Make one up if you need to.

Write Down An Affirmation For Exercise Eleven. Fill up the page.

Fill Up The Page With An Affirmation For Exercise Twelve.

Write Out An Affirmation For Exercise Thirteen- Make sure you


come up with a positive affirmation that has some relevance to your original goals. Write down the elements of your own style as you develop it.

Take Notes On Exercises Fourteen To Twenty One And Notice Changes In The Way You Feel As You Approach Women. Compare To When You First Started Out And List Everything That Feels Different And Has Changed.













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