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Neurosurg Clin N Am 19 (2008) 175–205
Imaging of Acoustic Neuromas
Hugh D. Curtin, MD a , * , William L. Hirsch, Jr, MD b
a Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
b Radiologic Physicians Associates, Fairmont, WV, USA
Imaging has become a sensitive method of
evaluating patients with possible acoustic neuromas
(ANs). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) con-
tinues to evolve but is already considered the pre-
ferred imaging study for the evaluation of a patient
with suspected AN [1–13] . A negative gadolinium-
enhancedMRI examination is considered a reliable
indicator that the patient does not have an AN.
Other imaging techniques remain as useful tools in
certain clinical settings, but many techniques, con-
sidered state of the art less than a decade ago,
have faded into almost complete obsolescence [3] .
Imaging of the eighth cranial nerve sheath
tumors has progressed from plain radiography
to today’s MRI [14] . In this evolution, the evalu-
ation has progressed from attempts to show subtle
findings that suggested the possibility of a lesion
to actual visualization of the smallest of tumors
deep within the internal auditory canal (IAC) it-
self. Because of the increasing acceptance of
MRI as the imaging procedure of choice, much
of the following discussion deals with MRI. Other
modalities, such as computed tomography (CT),
are discussed where appropriate. Imaging strate-
gies in various clinical situations are discussed.
It should be remembered that either gadoli-
nium-enhanced MRI or contrast-enhanced CT
can demonstrate almost any AN [2] . The usual
clinical situation, however, is that the clinician is
trying to ensure that the patient does not have
an AN, and so the most desirable test is the one
that is the most sensitive. CT may not visualize
the intracanalicular region well, and it is here
that MRI establishes its advantage.
Anatomy and imaging
The bony anatomy is demonstrated in excellent
detail by high-resolution CT when performed with
a bone algorithm. The cortical edges of the IAC
are sharply defined, and intricate internal anat-
omy of the labyrinth is routinely visualized. The
bone algorithm allows limited visualization of the
soft tissues, however, and the contents of the IAC
are not seen.
The soft tissue or standard algorithm gives an
improved visualization of the soft tissues, but the
contrast of the nerves versus the cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF) is still insucient to allow demonstration of
the fine soft tissue elements within the IAC. In
addition, there is still a problem of artifact streak-
ing obscuring the region of the porus acusticus
and the cerebello-pontine angle (CPA) cistern.
MRI, on the other hand, gives excellent soft
tissue visualization but does not show the bony
detail nearly as well as CT. Cortical bone gives
a lack of signal or signal void on MRI. Air also is
seen as a lack of signal on the MRI scan. In
a normal situation, therefore, the observer is not
able to differentiate the otic capsule from the air-
filled middle ear. Both appear black. The petrous
apex often contains fat, which is seen as bright
signal on the T 1 -weighted (short TR/TE) image.
Fluid does give some signal on the T 1 -weighted
image. Fluid is not nearly as bright as fat but still
can be seen quite easily, especially when con-
trasted against the signal void of the dense bone
of the inner ear. Thus the perilymph/endolymph
in the labyrinth and the CSF in the IAC can be
seen on the image (see Fig. 1 A).
The article of originally appeared in
Otolaryngologic Clinics of NA: Volume 25, issue 3,
June 1992; p. 553–608.
* Corresponding author. Hugh D. Curtin, MD, 230
Lothrop Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213.
1042-3680/08/$ - see front matter 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Fig. 1. (A)T 1 -weighted (TR 600/TE 20) magnetic resonance image of the temporal bones. There is enough signal from
the soft tissue of the facial nerve (VII) and the fluid in the internal auditory canal (IAC) as well as in the horizontal semi-
circular canal (arrow) to allow visualization contrasted against the mastoid and otic capsule. Note that the fluid and soft
tissue signal is not nearly as bright as the fat (large arrowhead) in the petrous apex. Small arrowheads indicate neural
elements. (B)T 2 -weighted image (TR 2500/TE 90) turns the cerebrospinal fluid and the fluid in the vestibule (V) bright
white. The intermediate signal from the cochlea (C) does not indicate that there is tissue within but rather that there is
partial volume effect. The bright fluid in the cochlea is averaged with the contiguous bone to give an intermediate signal
intensity. Nerve elements in the IAC (arrowheads) are extending from the root exit zone at the pontomedullary junction
(arrow). (C) Extreme T 2 -weighted image (TR 4000/TE 120) shows the bright signal in the cochlea, the vestibules, and
IAC. On the right side a nerve can be seen from the pontomedullary junction to the fundus of the IAC.
On the T 1 -weighted image, the soft tissue and
the CSF have different signal intensities. Soft tis-
sues such as the nerves (or brain) have somewhat
greater signal than the CSF. Often the nerves can
be seen crossing the CPA cistern and occasionally
can be followed into the IAC (see Fig. 1 A) [28,48] .
The differences in signal intensity are not great
enough on a T 1 -weighted image to see the actual
nerves consistently within the canal and to follow
the nerves to their exit points at the lateral aspect
of the canal [15] .
The T 2 -weighted (long TR/TE) image can be
used to increase the signal difference between the
nerves and the surrounding fluid ( Fig. 1 B, C). A
heavily T 2 -weighted image makes fluid bright rel-
ative to the soft tissues. Thus the nerves can be
seen more frequently if thin enough slices are ob-
tained. The relative signal intensity from the laby-
rinth also increases, and so the inner ear structure
may also be more conspicuous.
Acoustic neuroma
The appearance of an AN depends on the
internal architecture of the tumor, its site of origin
along the neural pathway, and the size of the
lesion as well as the specifics of the imaging
procedure being performed. The tumor can have
a somewhat variable internal architecture. The
tumor is made up of various concentrations of
Antoni A and Antoni B type histologic patterns.
Both types can often be identified within the same
tumor. This variability of histology along with the
presence of cystic areas and even small hemor-
rhages is thought to account for the wide spec-
trum of appearance of the AN.
An AN is a soft tissue tumor. Although the
lesion can certainly come into contact with the
brain, the role of imaging is usually to try to
contrast the lesion against the CSF. It may be
dicult to appreciate an AN on CT done without
contrast administration because the density dif-
ferences are insucient for consistent visualiza-
tion. On MRI without contrast administration,
the tumor has a different appearance than CSF
(Figs. 2 and 3 ). The tumor is brighter than CSF on
aT 1 -weighted image. The appearance on a
T 2 -weighted image is variable. The small intraca-
nalicular tumors have, in our experience, been
consistently darker than CSF on heavily T 2 -
weighted images ( Fig. 4 ).
On MRI without contrast enhancement, small
or even fairly large cystic areas can often be
appreciated within the tumor. These cysts
may be dark or bright on a T 1 -weighted image.
Bright signal may represent small areas of hemor-
rhage, [16] . but an elevated protein content within
a cyst could result in a similar phenomenon
( Fig. 5 ).
Virtually all ANs have an altered blood–
brain barrier [17] . Thus on either MRI or CT,
the tumors enhance after intravenous injection
of a contrast agent that crosses such an
abnormal blood–brain barrier. This phenome-
non is responsible for the now classic appear-
ance of the AN on both CT and MR [4,18]
(Figs. 6–9 ).
Fig. 2. T 1 -weighted magnetic resonance image without
contrast, acoustic neuroma left side. The tumor flattens
against the cerebellar peduncle (arrowheads). A small
area of lower signal intensity represents a cystic area
(arrow). The lesion can be followed into the internal
auditory canal.
The tumor shows as a bright white lesion
protruding from the IAC on CT (see Figs. 6 A
and 7 ). On the MR image, the bright white of
the high signal from the enhancing tumor is seen
on the T 1 -weighted image (see Figs. 8 and 9 ).
There have been scattered reports of nonenhanc-
ing ANs, but if they exist, they are exceedingly
rare. Some authors have recommended that, at
least with CT, the contrast agent be injected 10
to 15 minutes before imaging to allow the contrast
agent time to cross the blood–brain barrier into
the lesion [19] . This has not seemed to be a prob-
lem on MRI.
Frequently the entire tumor enhances uni-
formly. If there are cystic regions within the
lesion, they may not enhance, and the fluid
contained within the cystic areas will have the
same appearance after contrast administration as
before ( Fig. 10 ). These are avascular collections,
so the contrast agent cannot reach the material
within the cavity.
Calcifications are occasionally mentioned as
rarely being present in ANs. They are extremely
uncommon. In fact, if anything more than
minimal calcification is present, an alternative
diagnosis, such as meningioma, should be con-
sidered. Calcifications, when present, are expected
to be tiny, and they are unlikely to be seen on
Fig. 3. (A)T 1 -weighted magnetic resonance image (unenhanced); large acoustic neuroma is seen filling the internal au-
ditory canal (IAC) and cerebellopontine angle cistern. The pons and the cerebellar peduncle as well as the fourth ven-
tricle are pushed toward the contralateral side. There is a collection of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (arrowhead)
posterolateral to the acoustic neuroma. (B)T 2 -weighted image shows the acoustic neuroma in the cistern protruding
into the IAC. A small amount of CSF is trapped in the lateral aspect of the IAC (arrow), thus the tumor is not completely
filling the canal. The fluid collection posterolateral to the neuroma (arrowhead) shows the same brightening as the CSF.
MRI, where small calcifications are averaged
together with contiguous soft tissue and
become virtually invisible. CT is much more
likely to show small flecks of calcium if they are
The shape of an AN is determined by its point
of origin and its size. These lesions are thought to
arise at or near the glial–Schwann cell junction.
This junction point is usually found just inside the
IAC, but the actual site is variable enough that
Fig. 4. (A)T 1 -weighted magnetic resonance image (without gadolinium). There is a slight increase in signal on the side of
the acoustic neuroma (arrow). This would be dicult to call positive with certainty. (B)OnaT 2 -weighted image the
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is bright white. The tumor now shows as an area of low signal (arrow) contrasted against
the CSF. Compare with the CSF-filled internal auditory canal on the normal side.
Fig. 5. Hemorrhage into an acoustic neuroma. This patient had an acoustic neuroma diagnosed previously. The patient
had an acute hearing loss and underwent magnetic resonance imaging. At surgery the patient had a large hemorrhage
into the acoustic neuroma. (A)T 1 -weighted (TR 600/TE 20) image shows an acoustic neuroma on the right side with
apparent fluid/fluid level (arrow). (B)T 1 -weighted image slightly superior to that found in A, again shows fluid level rep-
resenting layering of hemorrhage. Also note the bright signal (arrowhead) in the fat of the petrous apex. (C)T 2 -weighted
image showing even greater contrast between the fluid components of the hemorrhage.
the AN can develop completely within, com-
pletely outside, or partly inside, partly outside
the canal. Most commonly, the lesion arises
just inside the meatus and then grows out into
the CPA cistern. Such a lesion is said to have both
an intracanalicular and an extracanalicular
Intracanalicular tumor
As a tumor enlarges, several things happen
that allow detection. First, the CSF, which usually
is found within the canal, is replaced with soft
tissue. This effect is dicult to see on CT but can
be detected on MRI in many cases. Before the
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