
(1 KB) Pobierz
Checking Winsock information 
Version 1.1 
HighVersion 1.1 
Description: WinSock 2.0 
Max Sockets: 32767 
Max UDP Datagram Size: 65467 

General Network Settings 
GetSystemMetrics network returns 3
Local IP Address:  
Unable to detect IPX protocol
TCP Protocol Detected
Proxy disabled 
Player name: grzegorz 

General System Settings 
Memory usage 36 percent
1572080 Kb of memory in use
1002292 Kb available 
3514064 Kb (write) possible to swapfile
3034524 Kb (read) possible from swapfile
2097024 Kb total usermode virtual mem
1997744 Kb available usermode virtual mem

checking OS information 
Operating System: Win NT  
Os Version 5.1 
Additional Os Info: Dodatek Service Pack 3 

checking install drive information
checking drive D:
drive label: PROGRAMY
Total Disk Size: 2682876 Kb
FreeSpace Available on disk: 650416 Kb

checking cd drive information
checking drive .:
unable to get cd drive information
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