Quadriceps Femoris KT method.pdf

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Screening Test
Functional Anatomy Testing Tape Specification KT Method Confirmation Testing
KT Method
Quadriceps Femoris
Movie for broad-band (300kbps)
Patient position: supine
Apply the base of the Kinesio Tex to
the anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS)
While stabilizing the base of the tape,
apply pressure superiorly to increase
tissue tension.
Peel the Kinesio Tex from the paper
liner to the base of the “y” tails and
place the tape temporarily on the skin.
Do not activate the glue by rubbing.
Apply the base of the Kinesio Tex to
the anterior thigh with the “y” cut
junction just proximal to the superior
border of the patella.
Maximally flex the hip and knee.
Peel the Kinesio Tex from the paper
liner and place the tape temporarily
on the skin. Do not activate the glue
by rubbing.
With your hand over the start of the
“y” tails and the superior border of the
patella, pull the skin superiorly and
laterally to increase tissue tension.
Apply the lateral tail to the tibial
tuberosity, following the lateral
patellar border.
With your hand over the start of the
“y” tails and the superior border of the
patella, pull the skin superiorly and
medially to increase tissue tension.
Apply the medial tail to the tibial
tuberosity, following the lateral
patellar border.
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Completed Kinesio Tex application:
quadriceps femoris
0055-KN-HI Quadriceps Femoris
Copyright © 2005-2007 Kinesio Taping Association. All Rights Reserved
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