Healthy at 100 POV Text.pdf

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Healthy at 100 POV Text
Healthy At 100 Point-of-View Text
Hello, this is AJ. Let’s get started with the POV, point of view mini story for “Healthy at
100.” Same story, different points of view.
* * * * *
Since he was 16 Joe has wanted to be a movie star.
Since when?
Since he was 16, since he was 16 Joe has wanted to be a movie star.
Who has wanted to be a movie star? Bill?
Not Bill, Joe. Joe has wanted to be a movie star.
Since when?
Since he was 16, since he was 16 Joe has wanted to be a movie star. Starting when he
was 16 and continuing.
What has he wanted since he was 16?
To be a movie star, he has wanted to be a movie star since he was 16.
Has he wanted to be a music rock star since he was 16?
No, he hasn’t wanted to be a rock star. He has wanted to be a movie star.
What kind of star has he wanted to be?
He has wanted to be a movie star.
Has he wanted to be a movie star a little or a lot?
Well, he has wanted to be a movie star a lot, really, really, really wanted to be a movie
star. He has wanted to be a movie star so much, a lot, since he was 16 years old. And
now he’s 38.
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So he’s wanted to be a movie star from 16 until age 38, during that whole time.
The whole time, every moment during that time, he has wanted to be a movie star.
Well, finally one day he just decided “I’m going to do it. I will be a movie star.”
He decided to get thin. So he stopped eating dairy products and he said “No
more consumption of sugar and fat.” Then he studied other stars. He studied
them very carefully. And he saw a correlation, a connection, between big teeth
and being a famous movie star. Now, unfortunately he has always had tiny teeth,
I mean since he was born. He has had tiny teeth since he was born.
Has Joe always had tiny little teeth?
Yeah, Joe has always had tiny little teeth.
Since when?
Well, since he was born, since he was a tiny baby. Starting when he was a tiny baby
until age 38, he has always had little tiny teeth.
But he decided to change that also. He got an operation from a dentist and the
dentist gave him huge whopping teeth.
What did the dentist give him?
The dentist gave him huge whopping teeth.
And so, one year later, Joe became the biggest, most famous movie star in the
* * * * *
Alright, that’s the end of our first point of view story. You notice that one changed a
couple times, right? I started with has wanted to be, since he was 16, has wanted to be.
And then we say he decided, boom, just happened. And then we went back again and
we said since he was a baby he has had tiny teeth, starting when he was a baby until
now, well until 38. And then we change back again. Got an operation, gave him big
teeth. Just notice the changes. That’s all you need to do. You don’t need to remember
the name of the grammar terms or rules. Don’t remember any of that, doesn’t matter.
Notice the changes. Notice when they change, how they change. That’s all you need
to do. Don’t analyze it. Don’t think about it. Just notice it. Hear it. Listen to it. That’s
all you need to do. Relax.
On to the next one, into the future. Now here’s my idea for a story and we’re going to
say for next year.
* * * * *
So next year there’ll be a guy. This guy will be named Joe. Joe will want to be a
massive huge movie star. He’ll want to be a big movie star. Well, first he’s going
to decide to get thin. He’ll stop eating dairy products. He’ll stop consuming
sugar and fat. He’ll say “I’m not gonna consume sugar or fat anymore, starting
today, into the future. I’m not gonna consume sugar or fat.” So he’ll do that.
Next he’s gonna study famous movie stars and he’ll see a correlation between big
teeth and being famous. He’s going to see, he’s going to realize, that there’s a
correlation between having big teeth and being a famous movie star. Now
unfortunately, Joe’s gonna have tiny teeth, I mean genetically, naturally,
genetically. His whole family is gonna have tiny little teeth. And Joe will have
tiny little teeth, too. So, he’ll decide to get an operation. He’ll go to a doctor first
then he’ll go to a dentist. And this dentist will give him huge shopping teeth. Big,
big teeth. And this is going to be successful. It’s gonna be hugely successful. In
fact, one year later, he’s gonna be the most famous, the biggest movie star in all
of the United States and in all of the world. He’ll be a huge big star because of his
huge big teeth.
* * * * *
And that is the end of our point of view stories. Hope you enjoyed them. Smile.
Breathe. Move your body. Big, big, big grin on your face, come on. You just finished
the point of view story. Rock on. You’re great. You’re fantastic. You’re an excellent
English learner. Thank you for being my student. I will see you next time. Bye.
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