Fame 2009 EXTENDED DANCE EDiTiON BDRip XviD-NeDiVx CD1.txt

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[381][404]A one, two, three.
[482][504]"O, pardon me,|thou bleeding piece of earth,
[505][528]"that I am meek|and gentle... "
[560][577]Quiet! Quiet down, please!
[578][591]You got big dreams.
[593][624]You want fame?|Well, fame costs.
[625][666]And right here is where|you start paying, in sweat.
[678][704]Remember,|remember, remember
[705][854]Remember, remember,|remember, remember
[1188][1198]Excuse me!
[1240][1260]Oh! Excuse me.
[1280][1290]Excuse me.
[1330][1342]Hey,|good luck, Victor.
[1343][1355]Thanks, Papa.
[1402][1452]You'll see my face on|the cover of a magazine one day
[1453][1499]You'll hear my voice blaring|out your car radio
[1500][1526]I'ma, I'ma, I'ma,|I'ma do big things
[1526][1551]I'ma, I'ma do big things
[1551][1576]I'ma, I'ma, I'ma,|I'ma do big things
[1577][1601]I'ma, I'ma do big things
[1602][1627]I'ma, I'ma, I'ma,|I'ma do big things
[1628][1654]I'ma, I'ma do big things
[1655][1678]Big, big, big,|big, big things
[1852][1879]Hey! I'ma, I'ma, I'ma,|I'ma do big things
[1880][1904]I'ma, I'ma do big things
[1966][1981]Malik, is that you?
[2158][2182]I'ma do big things
[2217][2234]Group Six, you're up.
[2404][2415]Where do you train?
[2416][2431]Cedar Falls, Iowa.
[2432][2447]My mom has a studio there.
[2447][2461]You're a long way|from home.
[2462][2489]Well, I'm hoping to get into|a professional ballet company.
[2495][2526]We don't have a school like this|there, so my mom put me on a plane.
[2527][2547]Well, don't worry.
[2547][2570]You might be back in Iowa|sooner than you think.
[2573][2593]All right, thank you.|That's enough.
[2613][2637]I'ma, I'ma, I'ma,|I'ma do big things
[2638][2662]I'ma, I'ma do big things
[2802][2823]All right. Group|Eight, let's go. Right away.
[2945][2966]"You cataracts|and hurricanes,
[2967][3002]"spout till you have drench'd|our steeples, drown'd the cocks!"
[3076][3091]"Chickity China|the Chinese chicken
[3092][3108]"You have a drumstick|and your brain stops tickin'
[3110][3123]"Chickity China|the Chinese chicken
[3123][3142]"You have a drumstick|and your brain... "
[3173][3197]Okay. I'm sorry.|Actually, one more second.
[3198][3231]"Chickity China the Chinese chicken|Chickity China the... " Okay.
[3246][3262]You talking to me?
[3275][3292]You talking to me?
[3312][3336]There's nobody else here.|You talking to me?
[3337][3359]Who the hell do you think|you're talking to?
[3360][3392]Oh, yeah? Okay. Okay.|Uh-huh. Mmm-hmm.
[3405][3424]Boom! And cut real wide,
[3425][3453]like a, you know,|a Scorsese wide shot.
[3454][3485]I'm really, really angry.|Like, really angry.
[3501][3514]And scene.
[3521][3581]Well, Neil, I take it that|filmmaking is your number one passion.
[3586][3619]Now, you wanna tell me why|you want to study acting?
[3631][3666]Well, you know,|I'm a method director.
[3674][3712]And I believe that actors|are the heart of any film.
[3713][3748]And in order to speak|the language of an actor,
[3749][3791]I must become an actor.
[3799][3814]You'll do well.
[3981][4006]Next group of|musicians, please.
[4147][4163]That's enough.
[4175][4187]I can play better.|I just need to...
[4188][4216]I doubt it.|That was superb.
[4333][4353]Five, six, seven, eight!
[4753][4788]Okay, that was good. Group|Two on the floor, please.
[4812][4839]My God, I can't stand|any more of this!
[4846][4872]First, you spurned me|for Eddie.
[4876][4904]Then you throw him off like|an old overcoat for Rocky!
[4905][4931]You chew people up and then|you spit them out again!
[4932][4947]I loved you.
[4951][4980]Do you hear me? I loved|you! And what did it get me?
[4981][5002]Yeah, I'll tell you.|A big nothing!
[5003][5030]You're like a sponge.|You take, take, take!
[5032][5067]Come on, babe|why don't we paint the town
[5090][5106]And all that jazz
[5107][5148]I'm gonna rouge my knees|And roll my stockings down
[5170][5188]And all that jazz
[5191][5221]Start the car|I know a whoopee spot
[5222][5257]You've got to choose|between me or Rocky,
[5259][5284]so named because of|the rocks in his head!
[5289][5319]Where there's a nightly brawl And all
[5408][5431]That jazz
[5447][5482]Wow. You're fearless,|aren't you?
[5488][5506]Some say "annoying. "
[5511][5536]Well, you know,|it's possible to be both.
[5759][5796]And you composed|this track as well?
[5801][5837]Yep. I didn't get a chance to add the|guitar stuff yet, though. Let me show you...
[5837][5850]No. No.
[5853][5870]You've got talent.
[5884][5908]Let's see what|we can do with it.
[5939][5953]Do you know|where Room 310 is?
[5953][5965]If you have|already auditioned...
[5966][5982]Thanks.|... and have been cut,
[5983][6013]please leave immediately. We|have a lot of people to see today.
[6014][6033]You lost?|Thank you.
[6054][6100]Uh, yeah, actually. I'm looking for|Room 310. Mr. Dowd's class. Acting?
[6103][6122]Yeah. Actually, I|think they're that way.
[6123][6156]I saw somebody with a wig|and cape going down the hall.
[6156][6178]Okay. Thanks.
[6202][6215]Good luck!
[6221][6237]Hope you get in.
[6241][6267]Yeah. Thanks. You, too.
[6282][6299]My theory is...
[6339][6372]Parents are given a...
[6373][6398]Jenny, Jenny, it's okay.|It's okay.
[6399][6440]There are a lot of things in this|world to be nervous and afraid of.
[6441][6462]And this|isn't one of them.
[6473][6505]So just relax,|take a deep breath,
[6506][6548]and then when you're ready,|I want you to talk to us
[6559][6575]and not at us.
[6576][6592]Okay?|Yes, sir.
[6766][6784]My theory is that
[6798][6838]when parents get divorced, they're|given some kind of a handout.
[6850][6894]When my parents told me that they were|splitting, they told me three things.
[6895][6916]One, "It's not your fault. "
[6922][6941]Two, "It's not your fault. "
[6941][6972]And three,|"It's not your fault. "
[6999][7041]Problem is,|I don't buy it.
[7058][7072]No kid does.
[7098][7129]I've seen the pictures|of when you got married.
[7137][7188]When you were good-looking,|and you smiled at each other.
[7189][7220]Hell, when you even|just looked at each other.
[7229][7255]So what happened|between then and now?
[7313][7341]I... I came along,
[7342][7394]and I made you tired|and cranky and anxious
[7411][7459]and I made you lose your hair|and gain 20 extra pounds and...
[7476][7526]Somewhere in all of that, I...|You stopped loving each other.
[7565][7590]So I have my own idea|for a handout.
[7606][7655]Next time tell me,|"One, happiness is hard.
[7679][7721]"Two, don't make the|same mistakes we did.
[7741][7805]"And three, okay, so maybe|it is your fault a little. "
[7837][7857]You want me|to be honest?
[7878][7893]You go first.
[7919][7963]"... death, destruction|around every corner
[7977][8004]"Another dead body and|you wanna keep running"
[8005][8052]I know I misbehaved|And you made your mistakes
[8053][8088]And we both still|got room left to grow
[8096][8126]"And all you could do|is stay alert
[8127][8147]"and try to stay out|of the searchlight"
[8151][8171]And we'll make|this thing work
[8171][8209]But I think|we should take it slow
[8214][8242]"No prison,|nobody make bail"
[8255][8282]We don't know|which way to go
[8289][8302]"Everybody gotta go,|but see... "
[8303][8337]'Cause we're|ordinary people
[8339][8354]"... it ain't no jail
[8363][8414]"Think about death taking your last|breath Heart beating like a... "
[8415][8431]Whoa, whoa, whoa.|Hold it. Hold it.
[8440][8479]And this time|we'll take it slow
[8500][8521]This is|the theater, Malik.
[8531][8544]Not the street.
[8551][8566]The theater.
[8592][8614]This is not|a place of anger.
[8620][8649]Oh, yeah, you get to|play angry characters.
[8662][8687]But there are|no angry actors.
[8689][8720]And do you know the|difference between the two?
[8732][8750]All righty.
[8773][8790]Uh, where have you trained?
[8791][8820]Um, I sing at my dad's|restaurant every once in a while.
[8821][8836]That's pretty much|about it.
[8856][8870]Well, that's|pretty impressive.
[8871][8885]Thank you.
[8893][8909]So, did I get in?
[8973][9017]This year we received|over 10,000 applications
[9018][9054]for the 200 openings from|students all across New York City.
[9055][9071]And you got in.
[9171][9204]For the next four years, you|have the unique opportunity
[9205][9229]to immerse yourselves|in the arts.
[9234][9256]You can be spontaneous,
[9257][9288]original, maybe even|a little outrageous.
[9292][9311]You got it made, right?
[9333][9363]You're gonna have it twice|as hard as everybody else.
[9363][9396]In the mornings, you're gonna|have all your arts classes.
[9396][9441]After lunch, you will cram|in a full day of academics.
[9442][9476]Drop below a C average and|you're out. No exceptions.
[9481][9506]Now, let me|make this very clear.
[9521][9546]We don't care|about your headshot.
[9551][9568]Or your dress size.
[9569][9603]Or your dreams of being|in OK! Magazine,
[9604][9622]on talk shows,|on the red carpet.
[9630][9659]Here, you will learn|a discipline.
[9666][9682]Here, you will come|to understand
[9683][9713]what being a performing|artist really means.
[9724][9766]Here, you will dedicate|yourself to your craft.
[9778][9807]Now, if you're looking|for shortcuts,
[9818][9838]if you want fame,
[9839][9859]if you want easy rewards,
[9865][9900]I highly recommend that|you get up and leave now.
[9906][9927]There are many very|talented young people
[9928][9957]who would be thrilled|to take your place.
[9966][10000]So, have a great year.
[10037][10062]Five, six, seven,|eight, go!
[10072][10092]Extend that leg. Travel!
[10127][10151]Rosie, you're getting dizz...
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