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London attractions

London famous places:


1.       London Eye


One with the largest wheels of the world. One full of leaves in the memory unforgettable views and scenery. If you want to see the immensity of London, this place is mandatory! The whole rotation takes about 30 minutes, and a ticket costs about £ 10.

Address: Belvedere Road – at the London aquarium

Metro : Waterloo


2.       London Aquarium


London Aquarium is a great adventure in the world of marine mammals and the oceans. We can find numerous specimens of underwater little world, an artificial but very beautiful coral reefs and many other points of interest that are worth to survive.

Address: Belvedere Road

Metro: Waterloo







3.       Chinatown and Soho


Chinatown, which will taste best oriental cuisine in London and what's more, in a very affordable premises. In addition, there are many shops with herbs and medicines, and every Sunday is organized food market.

Metro: Leicester Square / Tottenham Court Road.



4.       Covent Garden



This used to be the biggest market - fruit and vegetable, but in the early 80's, has been transformed into a shopping mall with shops and numerous stalls. We can also find restaurants, flower shops and galleries. Something to throw in the environment and creates a distinctive and unique atmosphere of the street performers who evoke the admiration of tourists.


Metro: Covent Garden


5.       ParliamentWestminister



It is in this area is the main symbol of London - Big Ben. His sound has become a national signal. Parliament is the political heart of the UK. The building was designed in the Gothic style, as evidenced by rectangular buildings topped with gilded spiers towers, wielodzielne windows and rich carvings and statues.

Address: Parliament Street / Margaret Street

Metro: Westminister


6.       Tower of London and Tower Bridge.



These are the oldest buildings in central London. The walls of the Tower of London are extremely robust and are a testament to the immense power of this country. One of the major attractions are organized guided tours, a very interesting story of this place. In addition, visitors have the opportunity to see such crown jewels and armory.

Address: Tower Hill / Tower Bridge Road

Metro: Tower Hill


7.       St. Paul’s Cathedral



It is the largest Protestant church, and also the greatest work of its author - Christopher Wren. Here, too, is his grave, which bears a plaque with the inscription: Lector, si monumentum requiris, circumspice (Guest, if you are looking for his monument, look around).


Address: St. Paul’s Church Yard

Metro: St. Paul’s


8.       Westminister Abbey



Very important religious monument of the UK, also known as a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. His large part dates back to the thirteenth century, when Henry III reconstructed into its certain elements. The abbey's coronation throne made ​​in 1300.


Address: Broad Sanctuary Street

Metro: Westminister


9.       Old Royal Observatory


This object is the work of Christopher Wren and was here in 1884 set Greenwich Mean Time, which is an example for the whole world. The building of tourists waiting interesting exhibition on the measurement of time. But the biggest attraction is the line that divides the eastern hemisphere and western. It allows you to stand on both hemispheres!

Address: Greenwich

Metro: Bank station to get on the Docklands Light Railway






Museums and galleries:


1.       British Museum



Is the largest UK national treasure, as evidenced by the more than 6.5 million collected exhibits. They date back to the Neolithic period through the Victorian era, to the manuscripts of the twentieth century. The museum was opened ...

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