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paizo.com #1767538, Terry Cunningham <tpsped@comcast.net>, Aug 5, 2011
paizo.com #1767538, Terry Cunningham <tpsped@comcast.net>, Aug 5, 2011
Player’s Guide
paizo.com #1767538, Terry Cunningham <tpsped@comcast.net>, Aug 5, 2011
paizo.com #1767538, Terry Cunningham <tpsped@comcast.net>, Aug 5, 2011
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paizo.com #1767538, Terry Cunningham <tpsped@comcast.net>, Aug 5, 2011
paizo.com #1767538, Terry Cunningham <tpsped@comcast.net>, Aug 5, 2011
Player’s Guide
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Cover Artist • Christer Sveen
Interior Artists • Mariusz Gandzel, Andrew Hou, and
Christer Sveen
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Jade Regent Player’s Guide © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: James Jacobs and Patrick Renie.
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paizo.com #1767538, Terry Cunningham <tpsped@comcast.net>, Aug 5, 2011
paizo.com #1767538, Terry Cunningham <tpsped@comcast.net>, Aug 5, 2011
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paizo.com #1767538, Terry Cunningham <tpsped@comcast.net>, Aug 5, 2011
paizo.com #1767538, Terry Cunningham <tpsped@comcast.net>, Aug 5, 2011
T he distant lands of Tian Xia contain the promise
caravan guards for traders headed either south to Varisia
or across the snowy mountains of the north. This life of
traveling may inspire dwarves prone to wanderlust, and
the hardy members of this race are particularly suited to
the hardships of caravan travel.
of an unlimited number of mysterious and
captivating spectacles, but also within this
mystical realm is the ever-lurking fear of the unknown
and the untrustworthy. After all, not everything is as it
seems in Golarion, and this holds doubly true in this
part of the world, where the lands themselves seem to
constantly change, simultaneously enchanted by the
benevolent kami and plagued by the demonic oni. Wary
adventurers know to carefully scrutinize even the most
mundane creature, as it can just as easily change shape
into either something equally harmless or a monster of
devastating proportions. Regardless of the ever-shifting
nature of Tian Xia, one crucial rule remains constant:
keep your eyes open.
In the Jade Regent Adventure Path, PCs will travel
epic distances with a crew of lively NPCs, starting in the
familiar nation of Varisia and ending up on the other
side of the world. As a result, the primary element you
should keep in mind when creating your character is the
fact that while the Adventure Path begins in Sandpoint, it
won’t stay there—build your character as someone eager
to leave this quiet town to seek adventure elsewhere in
the world and you’ll be set! This guide’s purpose is to
help players create and equip their characters so they can
readily take on the challenges and trials they will face
along the journey to a different continent. In addition to
spoiler-free details pertaining to the types of areas PCs
are most likely to encounter on their legendary voyage,
this guide will provide campaign traits to f lesh out
characters’ backgrounds, advice on races and classes, and
rules regarding their relationships with important NPCs
and the caravan they’ll be traveling with.
To outlanders, elves may seem content to live their long
lives out in quiet contemplation and relaxation, but in fact
many elves grow tired of long stays in one region. This
truth, plus their innate attraction to the supernatural,
sometimes draws them to distant lands. Elves abound
in the Mierani Forest in Varisia, though many are
disheartened by their inability to reclaim the ancient
elven city of Celwynvian and may seek to escape the land
that reminds them of what they lost. Those unfortunate
Forlorn within Varisia may seek refuge from their own
lives of sadness by joining a caravan on its way to distant
lands and thus removing themselves from surroundings
that have grown too intimate and allowing a glimmer
of hope into their otherwise drab existences. With their
aff inity for nature and its sometimes mysterious inner
workings, elves are highly sought by traders and other
caravan leaders to keep an eye out for anything seemingly
unnatural or out of place on the often overgrown and
rugged trade routes north of Varisia.
With their love of the wondrous and their unceasing
desire to take in all that there is to be experienced,
gnomes have a great many reasons to join a caravan
on its way to distant lands. While many gnomes call
Varisia their home—whether speaking of the vivacious
and colorful woods of Sanos Forest or the comfortable
cottage homes of Whistledown—the comforts of a
fairly developed nation such as Varisia can begin to feel
stif ling to adventurous gnomes, and joining a caravan to
trek to colorful (and perhaps a tad treacherous) foreign
lands is an excellent way to relieve such tension. Varisia is
home to its own amazing sights, but the life of a caravan
member is truly unparalleled for wandering-prone
gnomes, whose appreciation for new experiences will aid
them well in a lengthy and perilous journey.
Considering the air of mystery surrounding much of Tian
Xia , it should be no surprise that individuals of all races
and ethnic backgrounds voyage from the comfortable
lands of Varisia to the Dragon Empires.
The Lands of the Linnorm Kings, sparsely inhabited as
they are, nonetheless stand as direct gateways between
Varisia and the Crown of the World. Because of this,
dwarves are no strangers to the idea of making perilous
journeys, familiar as they are with travelers making
their way through the unforgiving lands. Copper is one
of the most prevalent trade goods to come out of the
Lands of the Linnorm Kings, drawn out of the vast mine
in Kopparberget. The metal is often shipped south to
Varisia, where it is ref ined in the vast halls of Janderhoff
before being traded to traveling merchant caravans.
Dwarven mercenaries and warriors are often hired as
Half-elves are rare in the Inner Sea, and Varisia is no
exception. The close proximity of elven and human
settlements creates much intermingling between the
two races, but few trysts last long enough to foster a half-
elf child. Nonetheless, the few half-elves who do dwell
within Varisia tend to gravitate toward the larger cities
on the coasts, where they are more readily accepted and
can interact with numerous people while not getting too
paizo.com #1767538, Terry Cunningham <tpsped@comcast.net>, Aug 5, 2011
paizo.com #1767538, Terry Cunningham <tpsped@comcast.net>, Aug 5, 2011
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paizo.com #1767538, Terry Cunningham <tpsped@comcast.net>, Aug 5, 2011
paizo.com #1767538, Terry Cunningham <tpsped@comcast.net>, Aug 5, 2011
honest machinations of trade along the routes from Varisia
to other nations, bringing illicit goods with them to
peddle on the side; more honorable individuals, however,
may instead use their skills to ward off would-be swindlers
and bandits they might encounter on the road. Half lings
from communities such as Baslwief can make a tidy prof it
trading their mined ores to other parts of Varisia or lands
to the north. Caravans often f ind half lings particularly
useful in roles such as cooks, scouts and messengers, and
thus seek to hire such talented individuals.
The vast continent of Tian Xia is made up of many distinct
nations, each with its own cultural traditions and rich
history. With the collapse of the Imperial Lung Wa over a
century ago, much of the continent’s mainland has been
thrown into disorder and civil war, though the outlying
nations remain independent of these internal conflicts.
The Minkai Empire, one the largest nations in Tian Xia,
would have been the most powerful region left standing
after the collapse of Imperial Lung Wa had it not quickly
begun to see the demise of its own power structure as
well. The official ruler of Minkai, the unenthused Emperor
Shigure Higashiyama, has recently been removed from
the Jade Throne and taken into hiding by the Higashiyama
clan, supposedly for his own safety. The Higashiyama clan
installed a temporary ruler in his place to maintain order
as the nation began to fall apart, but the Jade Regent is
becoming an increasingly infamous public figure, and
none can tell how much longer the instable nation will
remain standing.
Making up the bulk of Varisian society, humans come
from all over the Inner Sea region to the wild frontier.
Whether they be honest artisans, mysterious fortune-
tellers, or stalwart adventurers, humans always have
a place within Varisia, and f lock to settlements both
large and small. Popular societies include the trade-
haven of Magnimar, as well as the quiet (though often
unfortunate) town of Sandpoint. The call to adventure
is always there, and many who thought they could settle
down f ind themselves once again on the road via caravan,
a mode of transportation that promises excitement as
well as prof it. It was humans who forged or rediscovered
many of the trade routes spanning Varisia and the other
nations of the north, and the human drive to explore
and expand across the continents of Golarion continues
to spur adventurers toward traveling. Ever-curious and
seeking to make their own way in the world, humans are
almost instinctually attracted to the grand adventure
of travel to foreign lands, tantalized and charmed as
they are by magnif icently crafted goods, mesmerizing
cultural traditions, and the unfamiliar mannerisms of
foreign peoples.
attached to any particular family. Half-elves are prone to
traveling in order to seek out a place where they can be
truly happy and f it in. With their sharp wits and love of
adventure, half-elves are often recruited for caravans to
act as scouts or to aid their traveling partners with their
keen insight.
Shunned and despised in most lands as monstrosities,
half-orcs f ind little refuge from this common hatred even
in distant lands. Their goblinoid visages are considered
disgusting and terrifying to communities around the
world. Nonetheless, half-orcs are always esteemed for
their brute strength and raw power, and are often sought
as caravan guards by traders venturing from the Inner
Sea. In Varisia, half-orcs are most commonly found in
the lawless city of Urglin, where they f ight daily to retain
some sense of control over their tormented existences.
The prospect of traveling away from their homeland—
which serves as a constant reminder of their unfortunate
origins—is often motive enough for half-orcs to join a
caravan headed toward foreign nations.
Characters of all classes can f ind reason to join a traveling
caravan headed out of Varisia, but those whose skills and
abilities are both viable and useful on a long and perilous
trek will be best suited for the journey.
Forever seeking oddities and rare materials to brew into
concoctions as eccentric as their own selves, alchemists
regard travel as a prime opportunity to obtain rare
chemicals and ingredients for their concoctions. North
of Varisia, however, the lands become more perilous
and less rewarding for dedicated herbalists, as the frosty
winds generally kill any plants that may have been useful
in brewing new potables.
Recommendations : Alchemists, being the varied and
versatile party members they are, will f ind themselves
useful most of the time during the journey in this
Half lings are prone to traveling, f inding comfort in
making their unique qualities useful to travelers and
forging their way as best they can in the human-run trade
settlements of Varisia. Half lings with f lexible moral
compasses can easily f ind a way to exploit the otherwise
paizo.com #1767538, Terry Cunningham <tpsped@comcast.net>, Aug 5, 2011
paizo.com #1767538, Terry Cunningham <tpsped@comcast.net>, Aug 5, 2011
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paizo.com #1767538, Terry Cunningham <tpsped@comcast.net>, Aug 5, 2011
paizo.com #1767538, Terry Cunningham <tpsped@comcast.net>, Aug 5, 2011
Adventure Path, but this class may prove to be a challenging
one to play for the f irst couple adventures. Suggested skills
for alchemists include Knowledge (nature), Spellcraft,
and Survival.
proves a boon in this formidable voyage. Particularly
brave (or simply bullheaded) cavaliers from other lands
visit Varisia in order to build their fame and win great
renown, only to realize their ambition would be better
received in even more distant lands. Cavaliers are always
looking for more followers for their cause, and recruiting
an entire caravan can be seen as only the beginning
to an entire journey teeming with potential converts.
More solitary individuals who don’t necessarily seek
the assistance of others may view the voyage to distant
nations as a personal challenge with no reward save for
the personal satisfaction of having accomplished such an
epic journey.
Recommendations : Cavaliers belonging to the Order
of the Dragon or the Order of the Shield would be the
most cohesive members of a tight-knit band traveling
northward, and their powers to aid allies in combat would
be a valuable asset in the frigid and dangerous regions
of the north. Suggested skills include Bluff, Diplomacy,
Ride, and Sense Motive.
Barbaric warriors are common throughout areas of the
Storval Plateau in eastern Varisia, and their brute strength
and iron resolve are often welcome traits among traveling
caravans. Shoanti and Kellid barbarians hailing from the
northern reaches of Avistan are not strangers to the roads
travelers and traders traverse, and such individuals can
earn a substantial wage by escorting trade caravans and
diplomats to faraway nations.
Recommendations : Barbarians of all makes might
have reason to travel many miles away from Varisia, but
those with the Mounted Fury archetype will have an
easier time making the long voyage over mountains by
horseback. Barbarians who make use of the Invulnerable
Rager archetype and select invulnerability to cold climate
effects for their Extreme Endurance ability will best
withstand the harsh chill of the north. Suggested skills
include Climb, Perception, and Survival.
Traveling clerics are already quite common among the
Inner Sea region, and their presence is often considered
a must by caravans who hope to live long enough to make
it to their destinations. Varisian clerics tend to worship
Desna, while natives of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings
gravitate toward Gorum. Clerics of these deities, as
well as those of other gods that seek to do good while
maintaining the inherent balance of nature, will f ind
their skills of utmost importance among a caravan. The
perils of foreign poisons and ailments prove a constant
threat to travelers, making clerics’ divine healing powers
a valuable asset.
Recommendations : Clerics of all domains will be useful
to the party, but certain specializations will likely be
more useful than others, particularly those with healing
and protective powers, or those who do combat against
evil forces such as outsiders. Strong domain choices
include the Good, Protective, and Travel domains, and
useful subdomains include Exploration and Revolution.
Suggested skills include Heal, Knowledge (nobility), and
Sense Motive.
Bards seeking to regale audiences and capture their hearts
(or purses) with tales of epic journeys need look no further
than a caravan voyage throughout and beyond the lands
of Varisia. While Varisian culture is rich, its familiarity
often gives rise to wanderlust in bards, who are welcome
among caravan parties for their ability to boost morale
and inspire courage during diff icult times. Cunning
Varisian bards who have overstayed their welcome in cities
such as Riddleport and Magnimar may seek refuge in the
distant lands to the north or even farther, and tribal bards
hailing from hillier regions such as the Kodar Mountains
and Storval Plateau are often privy to tales of the lands
to the north, stoking their curiosity. Many other bards
are motivated to take on long journeys by their desire to
enlarge their repertoires and win renown.
Recommendations : Bards’ skill sets will prove useful
in much of this Adventure Path, but certain abilities may
aid bards during their journey more than others. While
part of this Adventure Path involves a long overland
journey, bards will still have numerous opportunities to
interact with various and diverse elements of societies
and cultures. Suggested skills include Acrobatics, Bluff,
Linguistics, Stealth, and Use Magic Device.
Most druids take to traveling easily, as they already exist
on the outskirts of society. While the wilder areas of
Varisia may entertain appreciators of nature for a time,
the prospect of even stronger forces of nature often drives
druids to travel. Caravans are usually composed of those
with an aff inity for the more natural ways of life, and
druids tend to get along with these nomadic types who
have chosen to shun civilization for a variety of reasons.
Honorable and dedicated cavaliers might have any
number of reasons to join a caravan’s expedition, and
their dedication to their group of fellow adventurers
paizo.com #1767538, Terry Cunningham <tpsped@comcast.net>, Aug 5, 2011
paizo.com #1767538, Terry Cunningham <tpsped@comcast.net>, Aug 5, 2011
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