
(4 KB) Pobierz
Version: SopCast 3.2.4
File:      Setup-SopCast-3.2.4-2009-7-9.exe
Advice:  Please Upgrade to this release

Change log:
1. Improve the data transfering performance
2. Enhance channel recording feature
3. H.264 support
4. Enable "ESC" key when the play in full screen mode
5. fix some minor bugs

1. ������ݴ���Ч��
2. ��ǿƵ��¼�ƹ���
3. H.264 ֧��
4. ��ȫ������ʱ��������ESC���˳�
5. �޸�����bug

Version: SopCast 3.0.3
File:      Setup-SopCast-3.0.3-2008-4-30.exe
Advice:  Please Upgrade to this release

Change log:
1. Improve the data transfering performance
2. Fixed a bug in data transfering layer
3. Fixed a bug in lauching external player
4. Add a FAQ tab in client
5. Fixed some other minor bugs

1. ������ݴ���Ч��
2. �޸����ݴ����е�bug
3. �޸����ⲿ��������bug
4. �ڿͻ���������FAQҳ
5. �޸�����bug

Version: SopCast 3.0.1
File:      Setup-SopCast-3.0.1-2008-3-28.exe
Advice:  Please Upgrade to this release

Change log:
1. Fixed a crashing bug in switching channels
2. Fixed a bug that will crash client
3. Fixed a bug that related with IE7
4. Fixed some other minor bugs

1. �޸��ڻ�Ƶ��ʱ��һ��bug
2. �޸�һ�����¿ͻ��˱�����bug
3. �޸�һ����IE7��ص�bug 
4. �޸�����bug

Version: SopCast 3.0.0
File:      Setup-SopCast-3.0.0-2007-3-7.exe
Advice:  Please Upgrade to this release

Change log:
1. Speed up the channel starting
2. Adapt to more different networks
3. Fix a bug in software updating
4. Fix a bug in vod channel viewing
5. Fix some minor bugs

1. ����Ƶ������ٶ�
2. ��Ӧ��������绷��
3. �޸��������bug
4. �޸�vod����bug
5. �޸�����bug

Version:		SopCast 2.0.4
File:		Setup-SopCast-2.0.4-2007-12-13.exe
Advice:		Please upgrade to this release

Change Log:
1. Fix bug in play external sop links
2. Fix bug in display channel list
3. Fix bug in display adv while playing vod
4. Update the Polish language for client(thanks to bodzio61 (
5. Update the Dutch language for client(thanks to Bob(

1. ���������ⲿsop���ӵ�bug
2. ������ʾ��Ŀ�б��bug
3. ������VoD����ʾadv��bug
4. ���¿ͻ��˵�Polish���ԣ���л bodzio61 (
5. ���¿ͻ���Dutch����(��л to Bob(

Version:		SopCast 2.0.2
File:		Setup-SopCast-2.0.2-2007-11-09.exe
Advice:		Please upgrade to this release

Change Log:
1. Add options to set own external player
2. Add Japanese language (thanks to Nardog)
3. Improve the performance of whole system
4. Fix minor bugs introduced in 2.0.1

1. ���������ⲿ��������ѡ��
2. ���������лNardog��
3. �Ľ�ϵͳ����������
4. �޸���2.0.1�������Bug

Version:		SopCast 2.0.1
File:		Setup-SopCast-2.0.1-2007-10-12.exe
Advice		Beta release, please have a try of new features

Change Log:
1. Refine the GUI, the usability improved 
2. Integrate the VoD module to the core ocx
3. Upgrade the update subsystem
4. Client support both live and VoD channels
5. Improve the performance of whole system
6. Add option to set own media player as external player
7. Fix some monir bugs

1. �Ľ�GUI����ǿ����Ŀɲ�����
2. ����OCX�м���VoDģ��
3. ������������ϵͳ
4. �ͻ���ͬʱ֧��ֱ����VoDƵ��
5. �Ľ�ϵͳ����������
6. ����һЩС����

Version:		SopCast 1.1.2
File:		Setup-SopCast-1.1.2-2007-04-20.exe

Change Log:
1.Support live messages
2.Refine the GUI, the usability improved 
3.Provide channel list both in English  and Chinese 
4.Add "Topmost" and "Resizable" feature
5.Fix firewall traversal bugs
6.Add the crash report
7.Fix the bug that will crash on Due Core PC


We recommend all users upgrade to this version
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