Microsoft Excel Vba Examples.pdf

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Microsoft Excel VBA Examples
Microsoft Excel VBA Examples
The intent of this page is to show some useful Excel VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)
examples that I have picked up in the process of creating my own applications. It is not
intended that this page be "state of the art" VBA programming (for that I recommend
microsoft.public.excel.programming) but just fairly simple subroutines that illustrate formats
and how to use the syntax. Most of these routines I wrote myself, but some were "cloned"
from other sources.
Note: I have tried to make these subroutines as "vanilla " as possible, however some of the
subs were copied directly from my applications. In those cases, you will need to substitute
your own sheet names, range names, cell addresses, etc.
Send Outlook Mail Message: This sub sends an Outlook mail message from Excel.
Show Index No. & Name of Shapes: To show the index number (ZOrderPosition) and
name of all shapes on a worksheet.
Create a Word Document: To create, open and put some text on a MS Word
document from Excel.
Find: This is a sub that uses the Find method to find a series of dates and copy them to
another worksheet.
Arrays: An example of building an array. You will need to substitute meaningful
information for the elements.
Replace Information: This sub will find and replace information in all of the
worksheets of the workbook.
Move Minus Sign: If you download mainframe files that have the nasty habit of
putting the negative sign (-) on the right-hand side, this sub will put it where it
belongs. I have seen much more elaborate routines to do this, but this has worked for
me every time.
Counting: Several subs that count various things and show the results in a Message
Selecting: Some handy subs for doing different types of selecting.
Listing: Various listing subs.
Delete Range Names: This sub deletes all of the range names in the current
workbook. This is especially handy for converted Lotus 123 files.
Type of Sheet: Sub returns in a Message Box the type of the active sheet.
Add New Sheet: This sub adds a new worksheet, names it based on a string in cell A1
of Sheet 1, checks to see if sheet name already exists (if so it quits) and places it as the
last worksheet in the workbook. A couple of variations of this follow. The first one
creates a new sheet and then copies "some" information from Sheet1 to the new sheet.
The next one creates a new sheet which is a clone of Sheet1 with a new name.
Check Values: Various different approaches that reset values. All of the sheet names,
range names and cell addresses are for illustration purposes. You will have to
substitute your own.
Input Boxes and Message Boxes: A few simple examples of using input boxes to collect
information and messages boxes to report the results.
Printing: Various examples of different print situations.
OnEntry: A simple example of using the OnEntry property.
Enter the Value of a Formula: To place the value (result) of a formula into a cell rather
than the formula itself.
Adding Range Names: Various ways of adding a range name.
For-Next For-Each Loops: Some basic (no pun intended) examples of for-next loops.
Hide/UnHide: Some examples of how to hide and unhide sheets.
Just for Fun: A sub that inserts random stars into a worksheet and then removes
Unlock Cells: This sub unlocks all cells that do NOT contain a formula, a date or text
and makes the font blue. It then protects the worksheet.
Tests the values in each cell of a range and the values that are greater than a given
amount are placed in another column.
Determine the "real" UsedRange on a worksheet. (The UsedRange property works
only if you have kept the worksheet "pure".
Events: Illustrates some simple event procedures.
Dates: This sub selects a series of dates (using InputBoxes to set the start/stop dates)
from a table of consecutive dates, but only lists/copies the workday dates (Monday-
Passing Arguments: An example of passing an argument to another sub.
Microsoft Excel VBA Examples
' You should create a reference to the Outlook Object Library in the VBEditor
Sub Send_Msg()
Dim objOL As New Outlook.Application
Dim objMail As MailItem
Set objOL = New Outlook.Application
Set objMail = objOL.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With objMail
.To = ""
.Subject = "Automated Mail Response"
.Body = "This is an automated message from Excel. " & _
"The cost of the item that you inquired about is: " & _
Format(Range("A1").Value, "$ #,###.#0") & "."
End With
Set objMail = Nothing
Set objOL = Nothing
End Sub
Sub Shape_Index_Name()
Dim myVar As Shapes
Dim shp As Shape
Set myVar = Sheets(1).Shapes
For Each shp In myVar
MsgBox "Index = " & shp.ZOrderPosition & vbCrLf & "Name = " _
& shp.Name
End Sub
' You should create a reference to the Word Object Library in the VBEditor
Sub Open_MSWord()
On Error GoTo errorHandler
Dim wdApp As Word.Application
Dim myDoc As Word.Document
Dim mywdRange As Word.Range
Set wdApp = New Word.Application
With wdApp
.Visible = True
.WindowState = wdWindowStateMaximize
End With
Set myDoc = wdApp.Documents.Add
Set mywdRange = myDoc.Words(1)
With mywdRange
.Text = Range("F6") & " This text is being used to test subroutine." & _
" More meaningful text to follow."
.Font.Name = "Comic Sans MS"
.Font.Size = 12
.Font.ColorIndex = wdGreen
.Bold = True
End With
Set wdApp = Nothing
Set myDoc = Nothing
Set mywdRange = Nothing
End Sub
Sub ShowStars()
StarWidth = 25
StarHeight = 25
For i = 1 To 10
TopPos = Rnd() * (ActiveWindow.UsableHeight - StarHeight)
LeftPos = Rnd() * (ActiveWindow.UsableWidth - StarWidth)
Set NewStar = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape _
(msoShape4pointStar, LeftPos, TopPos, StarWidth, StarHeight)
NewStar.Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = Int(Rnd() * 56)
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:01")
Next i
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02")
Set myShapes = Worksheets(1).Shapes
For Each shp In myShapes
If Left(shp.Name, 9) = "AutoShape" Then
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:01")
End If
Worksheets(1).Shapes("Message").Visible = True
End Sub
' This sub looks at every cell on the worksheet and
' if the cell DOES NOT have a formula, a date or text
' and the cell IS numeric, it unlocks the cell and
' makes the font blue. For everything else, it locks
' the cell and makes the font black. It then protects
' the worksheet.
' This has the effect of allowing someone to edit the
' numbers but they cannot change the text, dates or
' formulas.
Sub Set_Protection()
On Error GoTo errorHandler
Dim myDoc As Worksheet
Dim cel As Range
Set myDoc = ActiveSheet
For Each cel In myDoc.UsedRange
If Not cel.HasFormula And _
Not TypeName(cel.Value) = "Date" And _
Application.IsNumber(cel) Then
cel.Locked = False
cel.Font.ColorIndex = 5
cel.Locked = True
cel.Font.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Error
End Sub
' Tests the value in each cell of a column and if it is greater
' than a given number, places it in another column. This is just
' an example so the source range, target range and test value may
' be adjusted to fit different requirements.
Sub Test_Values()
Dim topCel As Range, bottomCel As Range, _
sourceRange As Range, targetRange As Range
Dim x As Integer, i As Integer, numofRows As Integer
Set topCel = Range("A2")
Set bottomCel = Range("A65536").End(xlUp)
If topCel.Row > bottomCel.Row Then End ' test if source range is empty
Set sourceRange = Range(topCel, bottomCel)
Set targetRange = Range("D2")
numofRows = sourceRange.Rows.Count
x = 1
For i = 1 To numofRows
If Application.IsNumber(sourceRange(i)) Then
If sourceRange(i) > 1300000 Then
targetRange(x) = sourceRange(i)
x = x + 1
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub CountNonBlankCells() 'Returns a count of non-blank cells in a selection
Dim myCount As Integer 'using the CountA ws function (all non-blanks)
myCount = Application.CountA(Selection)
MsgBox "The number of non-blank cell(s) in this selection is : "_
& myCount, vbInformation, "Count Cells"
End Sub
Sub CountNonBlankCells2() 'Returns a count of non-blank cells in a selection
Dim myCount As Integer 'using the Count ws function (only counts numbers, no text)
myCount = Application.Count(Selection)
MsgBox "The number of non-blank cell(s) containing numbers is : "_
& myCount, vbInformation, "Count Cells"
End Sub
Sub CountAllCells 'Returns a count of all cells in a selection
Dim myCount As Integer 'using the Selection and Count properties
myCount = Selection.Count
MsgBox "The total number of cell(s) in this selection is : "_
& myCount, vbInformation, "Count Cells"
End Sub
Sub CountRows() 'Returns a count of the number of rows in a selection
Dim myCount As Integer 'using the Selection & Count properties & the Rows method
myCount = Selection.Rows.Count
MsgBox "This selection contains " & myCount & " row(s)", vbInformation, "Count Rows"
End Sub
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