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Presentation No 7:
- PPAP –
P roduction P art A pproval P rocess
Silvia Rapp
VU 7
P roduction P arts A pproval P rocess
1. PPAP........................................................................................................ 3
1.1 What is PPAP? .................................................................................... 3
1.2 Who introduced PPAP? ....................................................................... 3
1.3 The general idea of PPAP ................................................................... 4
1.4 Development of PPAP ......................................................................... 4
2. PPAP Process......................................................................................... 5
2.1 When is PPAP required? ..................................................................... 5
2.2 PPAP Process Requirements ............................................................. 5
2.3 Design records .................................................................................. 10
2.4 The 5 Submission Levels .................................................................. 16
3. PART SUBMISSION STATUS .............................................................. 18
3.1 Full Approval ..................................................................................... 18
3.2 Interim Approval ................................................................................ 18
3.3 Rejected ............................................................................................ 18
4. RECORD RETENTION .......................................................................... 19
5. PPAP – PROCESS at the example of Siemens VDO Automotive .... 20
6. LITERATURE / SOURCES .................................................................... 21
Quality management
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Silvia Rapp
VU 7
WS 2003/2004
P roduction P art A pproval P rocess
1.1 What is PPAP?
P roduction P a rt A pproval P r ocess ( PPAP ) defines generic requirements for production
part approval, including production and bulk materials ( bulk material is a substance, e.g.
non-dimensional, solid, liquid or gas, such as adhesive, sealants, chemicals, coatings,
fabrics, etc. A bulk material may become production material if issued a customer
production part number ). The purpose of PPAP is to determine if the supplier
understood all customer engineering design record and specification requirements
properly and that the process has the potential to procedure product consistently
meeting these requirements during an actual production run at the quoted production
PPAP has to apply to internal and external supplier sites of bulk materials, production
materials, production or service parts. Unless requested by the customer, PPAP is not
required for bulk materials.
Unless formally waived by the customer, a supplier of standard catalogue production or
service parts must comply with PPAP. As long as the items are offered or stated as
being available, tooling has to be maintained for standard catalogue items.
1.2 Who introduced PPAP?
This Procedure was developed by the Quality and Part Approval staffs at Chrysler, Ford
and General Motors, working under the auspices of the Automotive Division of the
American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) and the Automotive Industry Action Group
PPAP manual is a required document for the U.S. automotive industry and is being used
throughout the supplier base at all levels. With the formation of DaimlerChrysler, U.S.
Quality management
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Silvia Rapp
VU 7
WS 2003/2004
P roduction P art A pproval P rocess
OEMs started looking at the international scene and, with the International Organization
for Standardization (ISO), began working on an international automotive sector-specific
quality management system (QMS). This standard became known as ISO/TS 16949,
and the U.S. group replacing the SQRTF for the new effort is the International
Automotive Task Force (IATF).
1.3 The general idea of PPAP
1. For every component or component assembly print a documented PPAP
approval at the product’s revision level per the released drawing is required.
PPAP requirements are defined and communicated to the supplier by the
Purchasing department. A component review or a PPAP Approval Requirements
form is used to document the PPAP requirements, depending on the complexity
of the part and/ or the change of the part covered by the PPAP.
2. A supplier cannot ship without Full or Interim PPAP Approval unless a deviation
is in place.
3. Interim PPAP Approval permits the supplier to ship material for production on a
limited time or quantity basis.
1.4 Development of PPAP
Historically, the automotive industry has asked suppliers to plan for the design,
development and manufacture of products to be used in producing cars and trucks and,
at the same time, to meet any number of quality-related issues. Between 1964 and
1994, each of the four U.S. OEMs--American Motors, Chrysler, Ford and General
Motors-required unique processes for suppliers to plan production and submit samples
of future parts prior to the start of a new assembly process.
By the early 1990s, the burden imposed by what then had become the Big Three was
continuously growing. At an American Society for Quality (ASQ) Automotive Division
meeting in the early 1990s, executives from a number of suppliers challenged the OEMs
to devise a method to reduce the paperwork burden on the supply base. The executives
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Silvia Rapp
VU 7
WS 2003/2004
P roduction P art A pproval P rocess
of the OEMs opened the floor to a brainstorming session and devised a plan for a set of
common quality-related standards that laid the initial groundwork for QS-9000. This, in
turn, gave importance to PPAP.
2. PPAP Process
2.1 When is PPAP required?
Full approval from the customer product approval activity must be obtained by the
supplier for:
A new part or product (i.e., a specific part, material, or color not previously
supplied to the specific customer).
Correction of a discrepancy on a previously submitted part.
Product modified by an engineering change to design records, specifications, or
Any situations required by customer.
2.2 PPAP Process Requirements
The product for PPAP for production parts must be taken from a significant production
run. This production run has to be from one hour to eight hours of production, and with
the specific production quantity to total a minimum of 300 consecutive parts, unless
otherwise specified by the authorized customer quality representative.
This run must be manufactured at the production site using the tooling, process
materials, gaging and operators from the production environment. Parts from each
unique production process, e.g. duplicate assembly line and/ or work cell, each position
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Silvia Rapp
VU 7
WS 2003/2004
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