[art ebook] - Utagawa Hiroshige - Hundred Famous Views Of Edo.pdf

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Hundred Famous Views of Edo
One Hundred
Famous Views of Edo
Utagawa Hiroshige
created by Ole Pinguin
pics from www....
Hiroshige (1797-1858) was the most popular
landscape artist of Tokugawa Japan. He is one of the
most important Japanese artists ever; his work
influenced not only future generations of Japanese
artists, but also many great Western artists, including
Van Gogh, Monet, Gauguin, Degas and Whistler.
Hiroshige was born under the name of Ando
Tokutaro. He was born in Edo (Tokyo) as the son of
a samurai and fire warden. At the age of twelve, both
his parents died. Two years later, in 1811, the young
Hiroshige received a chance to join the famous
Utagawa painting school. At that time, the ukiyo-e
master Toyohiro Utagawa was the head of the studio.
In 1812 he was formally allowed to take the name
Utagawa. From then on he called himself Utagawa
Hiroshige. In the ukiyo-e literature he is usually
referenced as Hiroshige Ando.
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