Chemical Process & Design Handbook (Speight).pdf

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James G. Speight
New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Speight, J. G.
Chemical and process design handbook / James Speight.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-07-137433-7 (acid-free paper)
1. Chemical processes. I. Title.
TP155.7 .S63
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James G. Speight is the author/editor/compiler of more than 20 books and bibliographies
related to fossil fuel processing and environmental issues. As a result of his work, Dr. Speight
was awarded the Diploma of Honor, National Petroleum Engineering Society, for Out-
standing Contributions in the Petroleum Industry in 1995 and the Gold Medal of Russian
Academy of Natural Sciences for Outstanding Work. He was also awarded the Degree of
Doctor of Science from the Russian Petroleum Research Institute in St. Petersburg.
Preface xiii
Part 1 Reaction Types
Alkylation / 1.3
Amination / 1.6
Condensation and Addition / 1.12
Dehydration / 1.13
Dehydrogenation / 1.14
Esterfication / 1.16
Ethynylation / 1.17
Fermentation / 1.18
Friedel-Crafts Reactions / 1.19
Halogenation / 1.21
Hydration and Hydrolysis / 1.24
Hydroformylation / 1.27
Hydrogenation / 1.29
Nitration / 1.32
Oxidation / 1.36
Oxo Reaction / 1.40
Polymerization / 1.41
Sulfonation / 1.43
Vinylation / 1.46
Part 2 Manufacture of Chemicals
Acetaldehyde / 2.3
Acetal Resins / 2.7
Acetaminophen / 2.10
Acetic Acid / 2.11
Acetic Anhydride / 2.14
Acetone / 2.16
Acetone Cyanohydrin / 2.18
Acetophenetidine / 2.19
Acetylene / 2.20
Acrolein / 2.23
Acrylic Acid / 2.25
Acrylic Resins / 2.27
Acrylonitrile / 2.28
Adipic Acid / 2.30
Adiponitrile / 2.32
Alcohols, Linear Ethoxylated / 2.33
Alkanolamines / 2.34
Alkyd Resins / 2.36
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Alkylbenzenes, Linear / 2.38
Allyl Alcohol / 2.39
Alumina / 2.42
Aluminum / 2.44
Aluminum Chloride / 2.45
Aluminum Sulfate / 2.46
Amitriptyline / 2.47
Ammonia / 2.49
Ammonium Chloride / 2.52
Ammonium Nitrate / 2.53
Ammonium Phosphate / 2.56
Ammonium Picrate / 2.58
Ammonium Sulfate / 2.59
Aniline / 2.60
Anisaldehyde / 2.61
Antibiotics / 2.62
Antihistamines / 2.63
Argon / 2.65
Aspirin / 2.66
Barbital / 2.67
Barbiturates / 2.68
Barium Carbonate / 2.69
Barium Salts / 2.70
Barium Sulfate / 2.71
Barium Sulfide / 2.72
Bauxite / 2.73
Benzaldehyde / 2.74
Benzene / 2.75
Benzine / 2.80
Benzodiazepines / 2.81
Benzoic Acid / 2.83
Benzyl Acetate / 2.84
Benzyl Alcohol / 2.85
Bisphenol A / 2.86
Borax / 2.87
Boron Compounds / 2.88
Bromal / 2.89
Bromine / 2.90
Bromoacetaldehyde / 2.92
BTX Aromatics / 2.93
Butadiene / 2.95
Butane / 2.98
Butanediol / 2.99
Iso-butane / 2.102
Butene-1 / 2.103
Butenediol / 2.104
Iso-butene / 2.106
n -Butene / 2.107
Butyl Acrylate / 2.108
Iso-butyl Alcohol / 2.109
n -Butyl Alcohol / 2.110
t -Butyl Alcohol / 2.111
Butyl Vinyl Ether / 2.112
Butynediol / 2.113
Iso-butyraldehyde / 2.115
n -Butryaldehyde / 2.116
Butyrolactone / 2.118
Caffeine, Theobromine, and Theophylline / 2.119
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