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Chasing Alex
Chasing Alex
Chasing Alex | Rley Shane | 2
“I F YOU want me, you know where to find me.”
Chase Larkspur sighed and rested his forehead on the
steering wheel of his truck, Alex‟s final words to him playing
over and over in his mind. The cool tone he‟d delivered that
parting message with had been a sharp contrast to the
shouting that had preceded it.
What the hell was he doing here? He didn‟t race off half-
cocked like this. He thought things through, made sure he
knew what he was doing before he did it. Except when it
came to Alex. Alex knocked him off his balance faster than
an ornery bull. He‟d pushed for more than Chase was
comfortable giving, pure and simple. Then he had walked out
the door before Chase had a moment to wrap his damn brain
around the demands and accusations Alex had thrown.
He should let it go. Indeed, he‟d been so damn pissed
when Alex left that he had been determined to put the other
man out of his mind. A few nights with some buckle bunnies
would do the trick, he‟d been sure of it. But he couldn‟t do it.
Couldn‟t forget Alex, and he sure as hell couldn‟t work up
any interest in the pretty young things that wanted to go for
a ride on a rodeo cowboy. They weren‟t Alex.
So here he was, just outside of Bandera, Texas, tired
and hungry with a career he was willingly flushing down the
shitter. It was Cowboy Christmas right now. If he had any
sense, he would be driving his RV to the various rodeos, not
taking his damn truck down to Bandera. Then again, if he
had any sense, he‟d be chasing eight on the back of a bull,
not chasing that stubborn asshole Alex Dawson.
Chasing Alex | Rley Shane | 3
“If you want me, you know where to find me.”
Yeah, he knew. What he didn‟t know was how long that
offer was good for. He hadn‟t seen or spoken to Alex since
the Chicago Invitational. That had been in March. Bastard
hadn‟t called once, and to Chase‟s surprise, the abruptly
severed ties were killing him.
You didn’t call him, either .
Chase ignored the voice in his head, focusing on the
now. The now being his ass parked in a truck that was
rapidly turning into an oven in the summer heat. He could
choose to roast in here all damn day, or he could stop being
so chickenshit and face Alex.
“If you want me, you know where to find me.”
He turned the engine back on and looked at the
entrance to Dawson Ranch. He‟d found Alex, all right. And
damn if he wasn‟t going to tie that cowboy up with his own
rope and fuck him until neither of them could see straight.
You’re forgetting what he wants in return , that irritating
voice reminded him. As if he‟d ever forget. Alex had
frequently pushed his limits further than Chase had ever
thought he‟d be willing to go. But if he wanted Alex back in
his life, Chase would have to be willing to give Alex two
things he‟d never given another man. The two things he‟d
flat-out refused while they‟d shared a bed: an out-in-the-
open relationship andhe could feel his ass clench just
thinking about ithe‟d have to let Alex fuck him.
A LEX smiled and nodded politely as the last guest thanked
him and headed toward the guest café. It was only noon, but
Chasing Alex | Rley Shane | 4
he had the rest of the day and tomorrow off. He hated having
nothing to do, but his brother had insisted he needed the
“thinking time.” Alex rolled his eyes at that, no matter that
Braden couldn‟t see him. His brother was likely somewhere
with the stock, far away from the tourist part of the ranch,
just the way he liked it.
Dawson Ranch had been in the family for four
generations, and Braden was smart enough to know that to
keep the place running like he wanted, he needed the funds
guests provided. The weddings, corporate events, and
cowboy-curious tourist part of Dawson Ranch had
flourished. Which was why, when a number of their staff
members had been injured during a storm a few months
back, Braden had called Alex, begging him (or as close as his
brother ever got to that) to come home and help out. Alex
had a way with guests that Braden just didn‟t. Plus there
was the fact that he was a rodeo cowboy. Even living close to
the “Cowboy Capital of the World” didn‟t seem to dim his
appeal to the female guests when it came to that.
He could make it work here. He had a guaranteed job on
a ranch he had both familial and financial ties to, he enjoyed
the job, he got to work with people he‟d known and cared for
most of his life, and he even had his own small house on the
property. The only thing he had to decide was if he wanted to
give this up to go back to bull riding.
Bull riding was, in many ways, a young man‟s sport.
You had to be young, crazy, and in love with the adrenaline
rush those eight seconds could bring, because it was
dangerous as hell and injuries were pretty much guaranteed.
Alex was thirty-one, well past the high point in his bull-
riding career. And to be frank, he knew he was starting to
Chasing Alex | Rley Shane | 5
get to the stage where the injuries didn‟t quite shake off as
swiftly or painlessly as they had when he was twenty-one.
He loved the sport, but the thrill of working like a
motherfucker to stay on and look good doing it for eight
seconds had dimmed in the past two years. The appeal of
constant travelling had been lost some time before that.
What Braden didn‟t know was that Alex had been
considering quitting the rodeo scene a little over a year
before he actually did.
Right after a particularly bad set of rides, he realized he
had lost the passion for the sport. It hadn‟t helped that his
travelling partner, Jake, had gotten stomped on good and
hard that night before the bull fighters were able to get the
bull away from him. Jake had healed, but that night Alex
knew Jake was out for the rest of the year. Since the RV they
were using belonged to Jake, Alex was out of a ride. The
worst part of it was he didn‟t really care about leaving; he
had been ready to pack it in. That told him more than
anything that he shouldn‟t be on the back of a bull.
Then came Chase Larkspur. Blond, chiseled, and
beautiful in a rough, angular way, Chase was the reason
Alex frequently had to battle getting a woody in the middle of
a raucous, testosterone-filled arena. They knew each other
well enough from hitting the same rodeos, and Chase had
had similar bad luck with his two travelling companions.
One had also gotten on the wrong side of a bull and was
temporarily out, and the other had run off to Vegas with
some buckle bunny and had yet to return. When Chase
asked him if he wanted to partner up, the word “yes” had
tumbled out of Alex‟s mouth faster than he could blink. And
as he mentally cursed himself for being an idiot, Chase‟s
slow smile threatened to make him harder than a post.
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