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Sexual Skills for the Superior Lover
"Quite simply, the best sex manual in print, for the enlightened,
the unenlightened, and everybody in between."
- KEN WILBER, author of Integral Spirituality
"In the area of sacred intimacy, David Deida is holding a
lightning bolt. He sheds an astonishing light."
MARIANNE WILLIAMSON Author of A Return to Love
"David Deida's work is on the forefront of 21st-century
conscious sexual love. I recommend this book with confidence."
The Art of Conscious
"What a treasure! I want to give this book to everyone I know!"
J ENNY WADE, PH.D. Author of Transcendent Sex
T he secret to enlightenment and great sex is revealed to
be one and the same in this groundbreaking manual for
adventurous lovers. David Deida was trained for decades in
the art of spiritual and sexual awakening. Now he presents
the ultimate collection of skills for opening to the physical,
emotional, and spiritual rewards of intimate embrace.
Provocative and direct, The Enlightened Sex Manual teaches
you how to transform simple "skin friction" into the
depths and embodiment of ecstasy; how to develop sexual
abilities as gifts of heart rapture and bodily surrender; how
to achieve the principal types of orgasm - and all their
varieties; and much more.
For men and women, singles and couples of every
sexual orientation, The Enlightened Sex Manual provides a
complete program for sustaining "whole-body recognition
of love's light" in the wild play of sexuality.
DAVID DEIDA is renowned for the trainings he offers around
the world on spiritual growth and sacred intimacy. He has taught
and conducted research at the University of California-San Diego
School of Medicine, the University of California-Santa Cruz,
Lexington Institute in Boston,
France. His books are published
and include The Way of the Sua
and Instant Enlightenment.
"David Deida explains the heart and soul of a woman to men. As a woman,
I've never felt so understood and validated. David's work is a key to help-
ing men and women take their relationships one step further. Finally, a
clear and brilliant guide to unraveling the mystery of relationships."
MARCI SHIMOFF Co-author of Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul
"David Deida's teachings on this central human concern, sexuality, emanate
from a deeply trustworthy source. He has undergone his own rigorous train-
ing and practice, which manifests in precise, gentle, and thorough teachings.
Many spiritual traditions, including Zen, have excluded or marginalized
the sexual experience. David's work fills this gap, and gives us a mature
approach for bringing the energetic, emotional, and physical experience of
sex into our life and practice. And like Zen, the fruition of David's work is
openness, compassion, and love."
GENPO ROSHI Author of The Eye Never Sleeps
"Every once in awhile, someone comes along whose work is clearly a next
step. Their ideas seem to answer some collective question hanging out in
the culture. Their books and seminars become an underground buzz, and
within a period of time their ideas become part of our cultural vernacular.
David Deida is such a person. In a time not too far off from now, his ideas
will have spread like wildfire."
MARIANNE WILLIAMSON Author of A Return to Love
"There are few categories I know of for an original like David; for his
teachings there is no pigeonhole. He is a bridge-builder between East and
West, between ancient and modern wisdom traditions regarding this least
understood of all spiritual teachings: the mystery of intimacy as a yoga
of transformation, transcendence, and self-realization. David Deida is
the one Western teacher of tantra whose books I read and whom I send
students to learn from. The results of true practice, in any tradition, are
unmistakable; David Deida demonstrates them."
LAMA SURYA DAS Author of Awakening the Buddha Within
'David Delia brings spirituality down from the clouds and back into our
bodies where it belongs. His no-nonsense approach to refining our spiritual
sensibilities comes as a welcome intervention to both New Age and conser-
vative trends in contemporary spirituality. Deida helps us to get REAL in a
world where reality is an increasingly rare commodity."
MARIANA CAPLAN Author of Halfway Up the Mountain:
The Error of Premature Claims to Enlightenment
'David Deida's work exposes us to the Truth of Tantra. Deida takes us far
deeper than the genital location, to the fearless state of vulnerability where
we are penetrated by God in every moment. We are led beyond the illusion
of doing self-improvement and Tantric techniques, to the surrendered, un-
limited, direct state of being the Ultimate Truth in every moment."
GABRIEL COUSENS, M.D. Author of Spiritual Nutrition and the Rainbow
Diet, Director of Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center
'Being able to teach and live integrated sex, relationship, and transcen-
dence is no easy task. It requires immense courage, wisdom, and above
all, fearless loving. In Deida, all this gets included in one radical teaching.
You'll learn how to open your heart and integrate the need to sleep with
every attractive woman you see, deal appropriately with a woman's emo-
tional chaos, give your gift to the world and lover, and finally transcend
the whole lot by including it all."
VIJAY RANA The Watkins Review
"Deida brilliantly lays bare the hidden psychology of feminine and mas-
culine and offers clear instructions for tapping into our deepest core and
achieving true harmony through sexual intimacy. I feel that Deida has
reached a new level of poetic genius in his writing, and his understanding
of feminine psychology astounds me."
MIRANDA SHAW, PH.D. Author of Passionate Enlightenment:
Women in Tantric Buddhism
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