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00:00:01:/SubEdit b.3945 (http://subedit.prv.pl)/
00:00:05:<font color="#ffff00" size=14>www.moviesubtitles.org</font>
00:01:10:Now how the hell|should I know?
00:01:12:You said|he was distraught.
00:01:13:I didn't say|I knew why.
00:01:15:I mean, you don't look|too happy, either.
00:01:18:Will you excuse me?
00:01:20:That's the fianc�e|of the deceased.|Miss Leonore Lemmon.
00:01:25:The one on the end|is a houseguest.|Robert Condon.
00:01:28:The other two are friends,|Carol Van Ronkel|and Bill Bliss.
00:01:32:Bliss found the body.
00:01:33:What time the party start?
00:01:34:Just after midnight.
00:01:36:He woke up, came downstairs,|20 minutes, half an hour,
00:01:39:said good night|and went back to bed.
00:01:41:The coroner's ruling it|indicated suicide.
00:02:05:The fianc�e said|he was depressed.
00:02:09:Also predicted|he would do it.
00:02:12:He went upstairs, she told|her pals he was going|to shoot himself.
00:02:17:So, why didn't she|stop him?
00:02:20:Maybe she believed|what she saw on TV.
00:02:24:On TV?
00:02:30:What, him?
00:02:32:Faster than|a speeding bullet.
00:03:46:Oh, hi.
00:03:50:I have new information.
00:04:00:I went to the office|on Rossmore.
00:04:03:The office is occupied|by an orthodontist.
00:04:07:You can imagine|my consternation.
00:04:10:We're setting up|in a better location.
00:04:14:It's right off Wilshire,|adding an operative.
00:04:17:But delays, phone lines.|So, the time being...
00:04:21:We have reason to believe|that my wife continues|to engage in illicit
00:04:26:carnal relations.
00:04:30:I'm gonna|take care of the mail.
00:04:39:Mr. Sinclair.
00:04:41:We did check into that|and there was nothing|we came up with.
00:04:46:Yes, well, in that regard,|I blame myself.
00:04:50:How's that?
00:04:55:My wife became aware of|a change in my demeanor
00:04:59:and curtailed her activities|accordingly.
00:05:06:She still at|Western Costume?
00:05:07:I drop her off there|every morning.
00:05:10:What transpires|after that...
00:05:11:All right, the fee is...|$50 a day.
00:05:14:Three-day minimum,|in advance.
00:05:23:We'll do everything we can.
00:05:37:It's not right,|you know.
00:05:39:His money.
00:05:41:He's nuts.
00:05:51:Don't give me grief, okay?|Nobody said you had to stay|in Van Nuys.
00:05:55:You're the one|that wanted a backyard.
00:06:01:What did I say?
00:06:13:He like it?
00:06:14:Russ took him on a canoe,|the Indian Village.
00:06:18:Seemed to go all right.
00:06:19:Russ... Russell.
00:06:26:Am I supposed to|ask your permission?
00:06:29:I just want to make sure|his intentions are honorable.
00:06:34:Keeping busy?
00:06:35:Yeah. May be|something big.
00:06:39:You don't believe me?
00:06:40:Oh, I always believed you.
00:06:43:Every time.
00:06:47:Where's Evan?
00:06:59:What's going on?
00:07:00:That actor who shot himself,|the one who plays Superman.
00:07:04:What about him?
00:07:06:It's made him|very upset.
00:07:10:He told you that?
00:07:12:Every kid on the block|is upset.
00:07:18:Scout. Come on.|Your old pops|is taking you to school.
00:07:24:What's on your mind,|Scout?
00:07:37:You know,|things you see on TV,
00:07:39:you know, someone's|a cowboy or a spaceman,
00:07:43:it's just pretend, right?
00:07:45:I know.
00:07:46:You remember|we talked about that?
00:07:48:I remember.
00:07:54:Hey, what's this?
00:07:56:I don't know.
00:07:57:Well, why don't you|find out?
00:08:06:Do you like that?
00:08:08:Kind of.
00:08:09:All right, come on,|turn the knobs.
00:09:11:...2:00 in the morning,|I'm thinking, maybe I ain't|the best PI in California,
00:09:15:but if I catch|a one-eyed Negro Jew
00:09:18:sneaking into a house|in Beverly Hills,|it's time to pack it in.
00:09:22:Davis is|a very talented performer.
00:09:24:What'd Rick do?
00:09:27:What's the matter, Ace?|Alpha Beta not hiring|any more parking lot guards?
00:09:30:Not with you moonlighting,|Chuck.
00:09:34:Study this gentleman.|Observe him closely.
00:09:37:The haircut, the getup.
00:09:39:Nobody told him the world|don't need two Ralph Meekers.
00:09:42:Listen to him, kid.
00:09:44:And don't start smoking,|either. Filthy habit.
00:09:47:This isn't|show business, pal.
00:09:49:It's just a job.|You punch in every day.
00:09:54:Let's get out of here.
00:09:55:I'm still eating,|Chuck.
00:09:58:Come on.
00:10:06:Sweetheart, check please.
00:10:12:Hey, Del.
00:10:16:Rick working you hard?
00:10:18:Payroll scam at Warners.
00:10:20:Well, that's|real detective work.
00:10:23:I'm a real detective.
00:10:27:Anything you guys|throwing away?
00:10:29:Jesus, Lou...
00:10:30:Look, I'm asking.
00:10:31:The shit you won't touch,|come on.
00:10:33:You will?
00:10:35:If it puts me in|a Fleetwood bigger than|Ricky Harris', yeah.
00:10:39:He drives a Lincoln.
00:10:40:Come on, Del,|feed me something.
00:10:42:Why should I?
00:10:43:'Cause you owe me, partner.
00:10:59:What, the guy who|used to play Superman?|He shot himself, what?
00:11:02:Someone thinks|he didn't.
00:11:04:Oh, yeah? Who?
00:11:08:His mother.
00:11:11:How do you know|what she thinks?
00:11:13:She tried to hire us|this morning.
00:11:16:What does she have|the cops don't?
00:11:18:Look, you like a headline,|there's a headline.
00:11:27:What did Rick say?
00:11:28:Maybe you forgot,|we're paid to keep things|out of the newspaper.
00:11:37:Helen Bessolo.|She's in from Illinois.
00:11:39:At the Ambassador.|And you don't work|for Rick Harris.
00:11:43:What?|When you pitch her,
00:11:45:you're not an associate,|you're not a stringer.
00:11:48:Who said I'm pitching her?
00:11:51:I'm done eating.
00:11:55:Oh, I forgot.
00:11:58:Have one.
00:12:01:Guess who's a daddy?
00:12:03:It's a boy.
00:12:23:Mrs. Bessolo?|I'm Louis Simo.
00:12:26:I called.
00:12:38:Our children, yes.
00:12:42:They'll always be our babies.
00:12:44:You work for Mr. Harris?
00:12:48:I was an operative|at the agency.|I branched out on my own.
00:12:53:May I?
00:12:56:Now, there are|certain situations
00:12:59:the agency|is not prepared to handle.
00:13:04:They come to me.
00:13:08:A house full of strangers.
00:13:10:How's that?
00:13:11:The ones there,|that night.
00:13:13:Van Ronkel, Bliss.|And that woman.
00:13:17:This is Lenore?|The fianc�e?
00:13:23:How could you trust|anything they say?
00:13:29:Did he give|any indication to you?
00:13:33:About what?
00:13:35:Being, you know, despondent?
00:13:40:Why would he be?
00:13:47:When was, if I may,|the last time|you spoke with your son?
00:13:58:Do you know|a Herbert Spirakis?
00:14:04:He's also|an investigator here.|Very professional.
00:14:09:He says I have a case.
00:14:11:Mrs. Bessolo,|I'm gonna level with you,|all right?
00:14:14:LAPD, Los Angeles|Police Department, they|don't like to be shown up.
00:14:20:Okay, they've already|closed the door on your son.
00:14:22:It's a suicide. End of story.
00:14:24:You want that door open again?
00:14:26:You want to make the cops|and the DA pay attention?
00:14:31:You need a headline this big,|only with the truth.
00:14:35:So that everybody knows.|Okay? You got to shove it|in their faces.
00:14:39:Did Herbert Spirakis|tell you that?
00:14:45:I have to pay by check.
00:14:48:Five minutes.|I didn't let you in.
00:14:55:Hey. The 20?
00:15:14:Say, you know who people|wanted to see?|Lana Turner's guy...
00:15:20:No kidding.
00:15:23:I tell you,|that kid of hers,
00:15:24:the knife was|practically sticking|out of his ass.
00:15:27:Think about how hard...|What are these?
00:15:33:These marks?
00:15:35:What'd he do,|beat himself up|before he shot himself?
00:15:39:I don't know.
00:15:47:Don't do that. Hey.
00:15:50:I didn't say|you could touch anything.
00:15:52:Don't worry about it.
00:15:53:Put it down,|the coroner's gonna be back.
00:15:56:You hear?|Okay, that's it, you gotta go.
00:16:03:So, pal, who's T.M.?
00:16:09:Come on, what do you say?|You help me, I'll help you.
00:16:14:{y:i}George. George.
00:16:19:Don't order any more drinks,|I can't afford it.
00:16:21:We couldn't afford|the cover, Nati. Drinks|are just gravy. Hello.
00:16:24:Billy Wilder.|Hire me, please.
00:16:26:We're two steps from|the men's room. Anyone sees|us, they'll think we're queer.
00:16:30:You do look fetching tonight.
00:16:33:Okay. I'm leaving.|No, you're not.
00:16:35:You're gonna stay right here|and wait for the casting guy|from Fox, right there.
00:16:39:You and I are going to|practice the fine art|of being noticed
00:16:42:without looking like|you're trying.|Fred Zinnemann.
00:16:46:Who?|He's a director. Pictures.
00:16:49:He hires people.
00:16:51:George, no one's going|to hire me, anyway.
00:16:59:That's Rita Hayworth.
00:17:06:That's Rita Hayworth.
00:17:10:You look|absolutely ravishing.
00:17:17:Miss Hayworth!|This way.
00:17:19:Thank you.
00:17:23:Just made it.
00:17:24:I beg your pardon?
00:17:26:Into the picture.
00:17:27:Was someone taking a picture?|I hadn't noticed.
00:17:34:You're awfully well trained.|Mr...?
00:17:36:George Reeves.
00:17:39:Was it the line|or the delivery?
00:17:41:I laugh when I'm happy.|I see.
00:17:43:Who is it that|I'm making so happy?
00:17:46:I'm Toni.
00:17:47:Just a poor girl|with no last name.
00:17:51:I had no idea|I could spread this much joy.
00:17:53:Well, who knows|what you might be spreading?
00:17:57:Your turn.
00:17:59:I'm afraid you got me.
00:18:01:This way, please.
00:18:02:Thank you.
00:18:08:For you, sir.
00:18:12:Oh, George, George, George...
00:18:17:That was|your first picture?
00:18:19:That was m...
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