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                         Startup Manager Readme Notes

The latest version can always be found at
in the freeware section.  If you have questions, comments, and/or suggestions,
feel free to post them on the support forum at
in the Freeware group.

See the included StartupManager.hlp file for information on using the program.

Future Enhancements:
* Configurable location of "Startup (Disabled)" folder.

* Ability to save and load entire startup program lists.  This would be
  especially useful for backing up you current configuration, and for developers
  to use for testing.  Also, compare a saved list to the current environment.

* Ability to hide disabled items (filter them out of the display list).

* Update the help file...

Known Issues:
* If using large fonts in your display settings, you may notice a "gap" on the
  right side of the list the first time you run Startup Manager.  After you
  run it for the first time, you should no longer see this.

* C:\WINDOWS\WinInit.ini is a location that Startup Manager does not currently
  check.  I've nosed around on Microsoft's site and on, but can't find
  any kind of documentation on this thing.  Best I can tell, it's just for
  copying/deleting/moving files around at startup, mostly to handle DLL
  replacement and the like.  If this is its only purpose, I will not add support
  for this item as that's really not what SM is all about.  If anyone knows of
  any formal documenation on WinInit.ini, please let me know at

* Items in startup folders that are not shortcuts (.lnk files) can not be
  edited.  This would be a real pain for me to do, and I don't think it's worth
  the trouble at this point.  I recommend you move non-shortcut files out of the
  startup folder and make shortcuts to them.

* Editing an item that is marked as new will cause it to lose it's new status.

Version History:
  * All Users Startup folder support.  This was available for NT users, but is
    now there for Win9x as well.
  * Added Run command.
  * Added indicator to status column to show new items; that is, items that
    have been added since the last time SM was used.  The first time you use
    this new version, everything will be marked new, even if you have used a
    previous version.
  * Added comment field.  Comment fields can be changed in the edit dialog.
  * Added print command.  The widths of the printed columns are based on the
    width of the columns in main display.  For example, if the Status column
    uses 10% of the total width in the main display, the width of the printed
    Status column will use 10% of the printable area of the page.
    Also, printing defaults to Arial font, size 10.  If you would like a
    different font, you can use two registry values to control it.  Both are
    located in the HKCU\Software\CreativeGaffers\Startup Manager\Preferences
    key (you'll probably have to create the 'Preferences' subkey).  Both are
    string values:
      Printer.Font.Name  --  Identifies the font face name
      Printer.Font.Size  --  Identifies the font size
    At some point, I'll add a preferences dialog, but I didn't think this
    alone was cause enough for one.  Oh, and don't forget you can print in
    landscape mode if you are having trouble getting everything to display on
    the hard-copy.
  * Editing a shortcut command that included comma characters could cause them
    to be lost.  Fixed.
  * Some people were having a problem with the tool I used to compress the exe.
    This version is uncompressed.
  * Status column looked silly with only the image in it.  Now has status image
    and text, too.
  * 16-color mode problem should be fixed.  That means you can run it in safe
    mode now.
  * Fixed problem with running on systems using large fonts.  There's still a
    very small problem with it, but very minor.  See Known Issues above.
  * Added more items to the "Future Enhancements" (wish list) section above. I
    still have more items in my mail to be added to that, so if you've already
    sent me something that's not on the list above, I just haven't added it yet.
  * There was a problem with the Check For Update command not finding an update
    when there was one.  I've changed the minor version number (the second one)
    in order to fix this problem.  I generally use the numbers this way:  1st
    number changes indicates a major change in the program. 2nd indicates new
    functionality, but nothing major.  3rd indicates bug fixes only.  4th is
    for my internal use.  In this case despite the version going to 1.1.x.x from
    1.0.x.x, the changes were bug fixes only not new functionality.  I had to
    change the 2nd version number in order to get old versions to recognize a
    new version was available.
  * I inadvertently removed the enabled/disabled images from the list.

  * Added a Status column to the list.  This allows you to sort based on the
    enabled/disabled status of items.

  * Sorting on Location column changed a bit.  All items in the same location
    are now sorted as well.
  * Disabling items in the startup folder other than shortcuts (.LNK files)
    would incorrectly rename them to .LNK files in the disabled folder.
    Thereafter, you were stuck with them as .LNK files until you renamed them.

  * Startup Manager now does its best to remember the item you are working with.
    For example, if you have an item selected and disable it, it should still
    be highlighted after the change.
  * Column sizes were not saved if you double clicked on the header dividers to
    auto size them.
  * Initial (non-beta) release.

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