Kopia The Prisoner Epsd 11 It's Your Funeral.txt

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{1}{75}movie info: DIVX  720x576 25.0fps 461.5 MB|/SubEdit b.4072 (http://subedit.com.pl)/
{3457}{3487}(Six ) ´Where am I?´
{3516}{3551}(Two ) ´In The Village.´
{3582}{3601}(Six ) ´What do you want?´
{3625}{3667}(Two ) ´Information.´
{3678}{3712}(Six ) ´Whose side are you on?´
{3730}{3764}(Two ) ´That would be telling.
{3786}{3860}´We want information...
{3995}{4026}(Six ) ´You won´t get it.´
{4106}{4180}By hook or by crook...we will.
{4240}{4267}(Six ) ´Who are you?´
{4288}{4335}´The new Number Two.´
{4337}{4405}(Six ) ´Who is Number One?´
{4406}{4466}´You are Number Six.´
{4508}{4610}(Six ) ´I am not a number,|I am a free man!´
{4612}{4671}(Number Two laughs )
{5767}{5810}At last.
{6663}{6741}- What are you doing here?|- I was going to wake you.
{6742}{6809}You have. Who are you?
{6838}{6910}I´m a number, Just like you.|Does it matter which?
{6966}{7028}- How did you get in?|- The door was open.
{7029}{7101}Always is, to them.
{7130}{7227}- I´m not one of them.|- No. What do you want?
{7265}{7399}The Citizens´ Council promises|help and advice to everyone!
{7400}{7538}- Their Citizens´ Council.|- What´s theirs is yours.
{7540}{7595}I´m NOT one of them!
{7596}{7683}No. No one is.
{7684}{7809}Go back, tell them I was not|interested, I wouldn´t even listen.
{7811}{7891}What´s the point? They know already.
{7892}{8037}I WON´T GO FOR IT, WHATEVER IT IS!|So you may as well stop trying.
{8112}{8161}We never stop, Number Six.
{8260}{8316}Now we´ll see|how accurately they´ve timed it.
{8413}{8538}Yesterday, she was given one of|the new moprobomate drugs.
{8539}{8592}She knows nothing about it.
{8639}{8722}It´s triggered by the nervous system.
{8723}{8827}It´s then released to the desired|quantities to produce
{8828}{8925}instant tranquillity|or temporary oblivion.
{8926}{8982}But why?
{8983}{9049}In anticipation|of Number Six throwing her out,
{9050}{9099}which he was about to do.
{9100}{9153}And will, when she revives.
{9154}{9263}No. She´s become a lady in distress.
{9264}{9358}He´s going to be all|good deeds and sympathy.
{9360}{9411}She´ll come to, soon.
{9413}{9478}I don´t recall my procedure agenda
{9479}{9586}authorising the door being|left open...at night.
{9587}{9687}An afterthought. To ensure that|once the girl decided to see him,
{9689}{9742}she´d have access.
{9744}{9801}Can´t she knock on a door?
{9834}{9940}He doesn´t always answer.|It seemed like a good idea.
{9941}{10078}It wasn´t, because now he´s|going to assume we sent her.
{10079}{10154}And we don´t want that, do we?
{10250}{10339}- Do we?|- No.
{10340}{10452}This plan is too important|for slapdash improvisations,
{10453}{10512}no matter how good the idea seems.
{10513}{10633}- Yes, Number Two.|- She´s coming out of it.
{10847}{10897}Exactly the time the chemist said.
{11075}{11136}- Exhaustion.|- No.
{11288}{11360}Your pupils are contracted.
{11362}{11412}I don´t take drugs.
{11413}{11466}Force-feeding, then.
{11513}{11609}- Why would they?|- You tell me.
{11611}{11679}You´ll condescend to listen?
{11680}{11814}As long as what you´re saying|isn´t too obviously phoney, yes.
{11903}{11999}- I´ll find help elsewhere.|- Did they tell you to find it here?
{12000}{12075}Think what you like.|It doesn´t matter any more.
{12137}{12236}No. No, it does matter.
{12237}{12320}This concerns the welfare|of everybody in this village.
{12321}{12399}Welfare´s our biggest consumer item!
{12400}{12499}Joke about this if you can:|assassination.
{12500}{12578}- Organisation or prevention?|- Prevention.
{12606}{12709}- Everyone would suffer reprisals.|- What can I do?
{12710}{12809}I told you -|help prevent an assassination.
{12810}{12935}They´ve HEARD, they are AWARE|and they don´t need anyone´s help!
{12936}{12997}They don´t believe me.
{12998}{13068}No comment.
{13070}{13168}So much caution in a man like you|seems wrong!
{13169}{13216}Many times bitten, forever shy.
{13217}{13290}But they´re not shy,|they love to listen.
{13291}{13427}You don´t understand.|My name, my number - on a list.
{13428}{13498}- Honours or deportation?|- Jamming.
{13500}{13556}Domestic science?
{13557}{13649}Jamming´s our most important way|of fighting back.
{13650}{13694}Enlighten me now.
{13695}{13783}No. I tell lies, remember?
{13825}{13903}I´m sorry I ever bothered you.
{13993}{14033}Call in any time.
{14153}{14220}If only I had a bit longer...
{14221}{14323}- We´re late as it is.|- I KNOW! Better than anybody.
{14324}{14369}(Phone bleep )
{14509}{14587}Yes, sir. At once.
{14759}{14806}Number Two here.
{14855}{14954}Yes, but what put us behind|was the girl´s hesitancy.
{14955}{15048}She took a long time|making up her mind to see him.
{15081}{15128}I had hoped to catch up,
{15129}{15194}but Number Six refused|to have anything to do with her,
{15195}{15247}which caused another delay.
{15318}{15423}If we could replace him|with someone less suspicious.
{15449}{15555}I realise that, sir.|The reason we selected Number Six -
{15556}{15661}a matter of credibility without|which the plan might backfire.
{15760}{15893}Indeed I will. As you say,|I must find a way to interest him.
{15975}{16122}Yeah... I want today´s|Activities Prognosis on Number Six -
{16123}{16183}quickly as possible.
{16260}{16350}Standby for priority.|Standby for priority.
{16451}{16566}Today´s Activities Prognosis on|Number Six - Number Two requires it.
{16650}{16788}´6:30 am, subJect exercises daily|with a walk round The Village.
{16789}{16886}´Daily, climbs the bell tower.|Reason unknown.
{16887}{16999}´SubJect certainly watching,|waiting. Constantly aggressive.
{17000}{17064}´Is possible subJect likes view.´
{17138}{17251}´7:30 am. Physical work-out|with subJect´s home-made apparatus.´
{17684}{17760}´8:15 am. The subJect cooling off.´
{17838}{17932}´9 o´clock am.|Coffee at café and buys newspaper.´
{18142}{18287}´9:20 am. SubJect proceeds to old|people´s home for game of chess,
{18288}{18375}´ending with an 11-move|checkmate win by subJect.´
{18594}{18695}´Humours eccentric resident|by sitting for portrait.
{18696}{18771}´Or perhaps has ulterior motive.´
{19437}{19566}Yeah... You´re satisfied with|your progress on Plan Division Q?
{19567}{19659}We´re on time.|You can quote me in your report.
{19660}{19748}Mmm, well, I shall.
{19749}{19834}Any sign of penetration|of your cover?
{19835}{19896}No. They still see me as a prisoner.
{19897}{19950}Getting along with your subJect?
{19952}{20073}We´re kindred spirits. Comrades.|There´ll be no trouble from him.
{20140}{20190}- You moved.|- Sorry.
{20192}{20309}What they do, these Jammers,|they talk about plots.
{20343}{20465}Escapes mostly,|but plans for all kinds of mischief.
{20467}{20535}They do it to confuse the observers.
{20536}{20609}- Still, please!|- So sorry.
{20610}{20714}The plots they talk about|are always make-believe.
{20715}{20810}Control can´t know|until they´ve checked them out.
{20811}{20896}Used to run around|investigating Jammers´ schemes.
{20897}{20930}Used to?
{20931}{21044}Now they Just keep a list|of all known Jammers.
{21045}{21138}Anything Control picks up|from them, they ignore.
{21139}{21189}I see.
{21274}{21344}- What do you think?|- Perfect likeness.
{21512}{21597}I brought the Activities Prognosis.
{21598}{21683}How accurate are they?
{21684}{21741}- We don´t know.|- Why not?
{21742}{21898}Twice, our machines refused to give|efficiency percental appraisals.
{21899}{21987}Refused? How?
{21989}{22058}By not returning the data to us.
{22060}{22142}They´ll want a trade union next.
{22143}{22211}Go ahead, read it out to me, please.
{22262}{22426}It is 10:19 exactly. The subJect|is strolling through The Village.
{22427}{22524}- Go on.|- At 10:20 he will go to the Kiosk.
{22679}{22748}He will buy a copy|of the newspaper...
{22802}{22861}a bar of soap...
{22918}{22968}and a bag of sweets.
{22969}{23068}Oh, no. He never eats candy.
{23069}{23162}- According to the prognosis...|- It doesn´t matter!
{23163}{23238}It´s wrong - it doesn´t work.
{23239}{23297}It´ll only take a moment to find out.
{23352}{23422}All right. Go ahead.
{23423}{23473}(Woman ) But I must have them!
{23474}{23582}You´ve used your week´s credit.|Come back tomorrow.
{23583}{23680}I can´t go through a day|without my sweets!
{23681}{23751}Sorry. Yes?
{23752}{23801}A bag of candy for the lady.
{23803}{23885}My apologies. How did you know?
{23887}{23971}Patient prognosis|includes a quantum permutation
{23972}{24039}of the effect of all elements.
{24040}{24120}In other words,|the computer calculated
{24122}{24244}the woman´s behaviour|would change that of Number Six.
{24301}{24381}The subJect will proceed|to the old people´s home.
{24382}{24485}At 10:45 he will undertake|a game of chess with Number 82,
{24486}{24625}the 15-minute game ending with an|11-move checkmate win by Number Six.
{24626}{24730}- A second chess match...|- Forget the chess matches. Go on.
{24778}{24927}Between 11:40 and 11:50, he arrives|at the gym for kosho practice.
{24928}{24983}- That´s it.|- There´s more - he´s very active.
{24984}{25046}No, I´ve found what I want.
{25071}{25122}Yes, Number Two.
{25231}{25294}You know what I have in mind.
{25317}{25367}(Gong clash)
{25446}{25499}(Oriental music)
{30403}{30453}(Chimes )
{30604}{30653}(Bell rings )
{30841}{30891}Good afternoon.
{30985}{31028}Good afternoon.
{31030}{31108}It´s, er, stopped.
{31255}{31308}Just be a moment.
{31739}{31804}(Clicks )
{32114}{32164}It´s all right now.
{32165}{32233}Intriguing. What´s it for?
{32234}{32302}It´s nothing. It´s Just a toy.
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