living for 100 years.doc

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Have you ever considered living for one hundred years? To live so long – it sounds quite nice.

      On the one hand, you have much more time to do what you want after your retirement, for instance fishing, gardering or knitting. You also have enough time to to meet your family and friends (if they are still alive, of course). Perhaps it would be pleasant and interesting to live so long, but the problem is the elderly people are often unable to do all these things that they like because of different diseases, an ill-health etc. The result is they are usually dependent on their relatives, what is not nice thing. First of all, their families often are discontented with such situation and can neglect them. What is more, the olds feel bad because they do not want to make troubles. Therefore, the long life seems to be more interesting and attractive when you keep fit and healthy. However, even if you feel good, your friends can be serious ill. In my point of view, it is not pretty situation when you have to look at your relatives’ and friends’ illness or death knowing that you can do nothing. Life without family and friends is very sad so when your husband or wife died there is no sense to live.

       According to me, there are more disadvantages than advantages in that situation so I would not like to live so long.

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