Spirits, Ghosts and Guides.txt

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Form is Emptiness, and Emptiness is Form. This famous Buddhist saying means many things. However I would like to interpret it this way: when any material form is reduced to its atomic proportions and then is further reduced to sub-atomic particles and so on, it will finally be transformed into energy. This energy is not visible to the naked eye, and hence it literally has become empty to us. Conversely, the space between the forms is not really empty. The forms that we see and feel are only 10% of 'things' that we can perceive. The other 90% are not discernible to our naked eye. The purpose of this article is therefore to acquaint you with the forms in this emptiness.
There is copious evidence collected to prove life after death. These are:
(1) Communication through mediums
(2) Apparitions of the dead
(3) Out-of-Body experiences
(4) Near-Death-Experiences
(5) Reincarnation memories
(6) Spirit photographs and spirit voice recordings
(7) Possession cases
(8) Deathbed observations
Many volumes of books have been written on them; and therefore there is no necessity to elaborate on them here.

The Dying Process
Just before death, the etheric body begins to loosen itself from the physical body. This process starts from the legs upward. Then the person experiences intermittent loss of consciousness until the loss is permanent. At this point of death, whatever pain or agony the person is suffering ceases, and a total sense of peace and tranquillity descends on to the person. He or she registers this transition with a calm and peaceful look on the face instead of the agonising grimace just before death. The body is now limp and flaccid. As these physical changes are occurring, the etheric body slowly disentangles itself from the physical body. The point of entrance through the Gates of Death coincides with the severance of the silver cord, which joins the physical forehead to the back of the head of the etheric body. From here onwards, no healer in the world can resuscitate the dead person.
After the severance of the silver cord, the etheric body slowly emanates through the crown chakra as a cloud. When it is completely out of the body, it reforms into an etheric body that looks exactly like the corpse left behind on the bed. At this point, he may not know that he is dead. This knowledge will determine the future fate of his spirit. If he knows that he is dead, than he will either go straight to the astral world or he will linger on to say good-bye to his loved ones, after which he will depart to the astral. Friends, relatives or guides from the astral world will accompany him there. However, the ones who do not know that they are dead will remain earth-bound. The time spent saying good-bye varies between days and months. When they finally leave for the astral, they will shed their etheric forms, and enter the astral in their astral bodies. These are different from the etheric bodies, which are the exact replica of the physical. The astral body may appear in one of three forms. They can appear just as they are at the time of death; or they more likely appear as in their prime (e.g. 30-35 years old). It takes time to come to one's prime: it is not an immediate affair. The third form is entirely different from the above 2 astral or etheric forms, but the percipients can still easily recognise this 3rd form. This 3rd form frequently occurs in our dreams, and yet we can easily recognise the individuals. They can fly with ease, and may squeeze themselves through keyholes. If a person died with an arm or leg missing, the astral form will be whole again. However, if the spirit is earth-bound, then he will look just as old as when he died, and if an arm is missing, he will still be without an arm.

After working on one's vibrations to improve them in the astral, one may then upgrade to the mental realm. This transition necessitates the shedding of the astral (emotional) body. This is a very painful process, and it is also called the second death, because all emotions of love, anger, joy, sadness and happiness have to be left behind. In the mental realm, one may assume a form as a 'ball of light�; this ball of light will still be recognised by friends and relatives. After much more effort and practice, one may further upgrade to higher spiritual realms and so on. These gradations upwards are interspersed by many earthly incarnations.

Now where are all these realms? They are not anywhere faraway. These realms are all around us. We promote ourselves to higher realms through a heightening of our vibrations. We can move from one realm to another whilst remaining in the same spot. It is like increasing the speed of an electric fan: when the speed is slow the fan blades are discernible, but they become less and less discernible as the speed increases until the blades cannot be seen at all. That means if you are of the middle astral, you may not be able to see another spirit in the higher astral, even though both of you are on the same spot. As in the analogy of the fan, as one moves up in the spiritual realm, it becomes more difficult to communicate directly with one's loved ones on earth. This is because the faster vibrating spirit (higher speed fan) will destroy or burn the slower vibrating individual on earth. The higher spirit must do it through a medium on earth or through some spirits whose function is to transmit messages to the living. That is why people who claim that Jesus or Buddha came to visit them are totally mistaken. They are more likely to be the person�s own guides.
Another point about communicating with the dead is that one must not repeatedly call back the dead. This is because if the recently departed has just arrived at the middle astral, and a loved one on earth repeatedly calls him back, he is behoved to stay earth-bound by these numerous calls. If need be, the deceased can be called back just to make sure that he is all right, or if some information is urgently required, but this practice should not be repeated at all. To summarise, the following classification may help:

Souls of the Departed
(A) Souls of the Living Dead (those who will finally reincarnate and with whom spiritualists can communicate):
(1) Earth-bound Spirits: Souls who do not know that they are dead and are earth-bound. There are quite a number in this category.
(2) Spirits: Souls who know that they are dead and are in the lower, mid-astral and higher astral. Most of our guides are in this category. The proper definition of a spirit is the entire individual without the physical body. He is composed of all the subtle bodies (7 or more), chakras, soul, core star, Hara and higher self, which is connected to the Godhead. As our spirit improves and ascend to higher realms, we will peel off the subtle bodies one at a time. Spirits also include all categories of liberated souls as mentioned below, and all types and varieties of spirits in between.
(B) Liberated Souls: these are the souls who have outgrown earth life (enlightened) and have gone to another realm for further development. They are not contactable by humans.
(C) Enlightened Liberated Souls (Bodhisattvas): These are the souls that are enlightened and have gone on, but have vowed to come back to the earth-sphere to help the living souls. They may be in spirit or maybe in the flesh. These are the souls that the occultists get in touch with if they are in spirit.
Let us discuss the category of the earth-bound, which is the most troublesome and most perceived.

Earth-Bound Spirits
Many categories fall into this class. All of them do not know that they are dead:
(1) Suicide victims
(2) Murder victims
(3) War casualties
(4) Violent accidental deaths
(5) Deluded ghosts haunting buildings
(6) Obsession: Recently deceased spirits closely attached to living loved ones
(7) Possession: permanent and intermittent
(8) Poltergeists
(9) Recently deceased spirits who have unfinished business still on earth
(10) Others.
All the above are deluded and do not realise that they have died. Suicides, murder victims and violent deaths belong to the same category in the swiftness of their deaths. One moment they are alive, and in another they are dead. They are not prepared for this suddenness. They are violently angry and probably full of fear. They do not know how to go to the white light, and if deceased relatives or guides are there to bring them across, they cannot see them. Therefore, they remain in that location for years, until they realise that they are dead and are brought across by spirit guides. There are numerous ignorant spirits still fighting each other in the battlefields of Europe today. These are the dead victims of the Second World War. In some cases, these souls have already gone else where, but the energy of that violence remains. The incident will be repeated over and over again at the same spot and exactly the same time of the day. It is only an energy enactment of the thought forms. The whole scene will be totally mechanical and the thought forms will not respond to any human presence. If, however, they are actual earth-bound spirits and not thought forms, then when a human comes along there will be some reaction to the human presence. In these cases of violence, they do not know that they are dead because of the fear and suddenness of the incidents. Some of them persist in talking to their loved ones, who do not respond. One can see drones of these ignorant depressed spirits hovering and following their loved ones. There is extreme frustration, but they will continue until they finally realise that their efforts are totally futile. At this point, they may believe that the living are ghosts, and they are the living. The opposite situation is when the living relative continually bemoans the deceased, and wishes that the deceased were still with him or her, then the deceased will very likely remain earth-bound.

Ghosts who haunt bui...
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